Saturday, February 26, 2011

Iranium is what the Sage has been saying all along

Watch Iranium the movie Free!For those of you who doubt the evidence contained herein, dismissing it as delusional rhetoric, or prejudice insight, the Great Sage is pleased to present to not only his loyal subjects, but also his skeptic wanderer's, more "cut and paste" evidence to corroborate the Sage's prophetic perspective on Radical Islam and their barbarity and crude manner in which they wish to exist...throughout the world. Now let's make things crystal clear; the Sage believes in man's inalienable right to exist without persecution in relation to religion, race, culture, social status or gender. The Sage will not condemn any culture for the manner in which they rule themselves so long as that culture does not condemn or threaten Western Culture. I am not concerned about any one's skin colour and I am a strong believer in the fact that everybody, including the White Race, should be proud of their colour. There is nothing wrong with a White Man saying he/she's proud to be White. However the Sage does have a problem with people coming here as immigrants and forcing the twisted ideals and philosophy that they fled from upon us. Case in point is the implementation of Sharia Law here in Canada. Now it must be mentioned that not all Muslim immigrants are radical terrorists and not all are pushing for this convoluted regression back to the stone age. The number of Islamic whack jobs in both Canada and the U.S. was somewhere around 5% of the islamic population. "But" that 5% translates into a couple hundred thousand of jihadi whack jobs willing to do anything to get their message out and it won't be hard because of our own sympathetic and politically correct whack jobs that are right there to assist them. Right now to this day the number of Islamic terrorist attacks around the world since 9/11 is 16,864. Every day it grows. 5% terrorist population gives North America a suicide bombing every day for a very long time, a muslim minority will terrify the Western majority. The scary part is that in Canada, until we get a Conservative majority, the minority will always get it's way because of their "special interest" status. Eventually Sharia Law will be implemented and "Fanatical Islam will have it's foot in the door.
This is where the firearm's act comes in. Because of their radical background it would be suicidal to allow muslims to own firearms. Rather than discriminate and say that "NON TRADITIONAL" IMIGRANTS PARTICULARILY WITH ISLAMIC ROOTS can not own firearms the despotic liberals introduce a bill (C-68) in an attempt to take firearms from everyone. Now the government discriminates and imcriminates those of us who were born here and contributed to the growth of this country.

The Great Sage


Blogger Hawwkstar said...

Please, Great Sage share all of your 'conspiracy theories'- should make for great humour and much comment.
Tell us what's really going on without your guidance we don't know what to do? Another Molecule

9:11 AM, February 27, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

Who kneeds uranium just give the Sage a wide platform. He could ignite a religious war of nuclear proportions. A large turkey wearing a breastplate of sage and bibles on his battleflag.

9:18 AM, February 27, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey uhh...I hate to inform you but, a flashlight is generally used at night or when going into dark areas void of light. Now look what you've done. You've burned your batteries during the daylight hours and now that night has fallen you're lost. I think there's a conflict in your molecular structure. Does your coat of arms consist of a garbage can lid and a fly swatter? Oh just go right ahead and disregard everything that's been written here because, yes you are correct, it's all a conspiracy courtesy of the Great Sage. In fact, why don't you take a trip over there in support of "gay rights" I'm sure they'll be waiting to greet you with open arms seeing how they aren't as barbaric as the Sage claims...maybe you can hold hands with Jim Loney.The GREAT SAGE

3:35 PM, February 27, 2011  

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