Friday, October 21, 2011

Just a little something to corroborate my perspective

TheStar DiManno: Alleged murder plot targeted ‘treacherous’ daughters, court told and still there will be those that doubt. The ignorant appeasers who have sold out our country,heritage and traditional way of life will continue to insist that tolerance is still the best course of action because anything but could lead to civil unrest...we must come to terms with this misunderstood culture and compromise as to ensure that their religious beliefs aren't violated, even if it means relinquishing our cultural fundamentals. Pardon me while expel my stomach contents. Radical Islam has rooted into our soil. This is the price we pay for Pierre Elliot Trudeau's Multicultural Socio-communist collective. Some of you liberals might argue that punishing someone because of their adherence to their cultural beliefs is aprogressive, even somewhat dark-ages and that society must see beyond the acute cold bloodiness and ostensible horrors of infanticide. Deep (really fucking deep) inside the Muslim family (tribal clans) there lies a tender loving nurturing soul overflowing with understanding and compassion. "Model Citizens" molding a "Model Society", our society.

Time's up delusional.

Political Correctness has interfered with reality long enough....get rid of it.....time to get back to basics, it's time to silence the pathetic dreamers. If any of these Islamic tribal members are delinquent in any of their obligations as an immigrant or refugee in this country then deport them and all of their relations too...and have them take that manuscript comprised of toilet paper (Koran) with them back from whence they came. Other than a directive to kill and immiserate the Koran means nothing to the civilized West, nothing at all.

Look around you people, take notice as to what is happening outside your date there have been 17,892 MUSLIM terror attacks world wide since 9/11. Out of 18 conflicts world wide 15 are Muslim against Muslim. The "Blood Diamond" conflict in all of Africa is influenced by radical Islam as are the "crimes against humanity" by genocide all throughout Africa. Canada needs more of this trash like it needs another liberal government. Just as a point of interest women, as young as 11years of age, are stoned to death for dishonouring their family which means if Mustafa finds his old lady boinking Ahmed then, in the spirit of multiculturalism and to be consistent with Muslim tradition he can stone her to death. Sharia demands strict adherence. Sharia is Islam...and Islam is Sharia. Sharia supersedes the laws of any country. Compassion and humanity, the lowering of civil ethics and moral standards is all in vain. A cold-blooded sub species devoted to the tenets of Sharia will never adhere to the laws of the "infidel". So what the West must do is learn to TOLERATE incivility????which brings us right back to the obvious...DEPORT THEM ALL . And the door to this nation should slam shut to all persons originating from a country that refuses to commit to Canada's (and America's)First World Standards of Civility.

The Great Sage


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