Monday, December 12, 2011

Canada Pulls Out Of Kyoto Protocol On Climate Change | Fox News

Canada Pulls Out Of Kyoto Protocol On Climate Change Fox News Finally this country, Canada, is looking like the formidable stalwart the world is in need of. Not to diminish the status of the United States of America but as reality would have it America is going through some tough times right now. America's problems of course are voter orchestrated...what were people thinking when they voted for "change and hope"?with change and hope you get chope. And now this brain dead commie says he won't pass the "Keystone Pipeline" project because it's not environmentally friendly...a project that America desperately needs to survive, we're talking jobs and energy...what the f%$k is this dead head thinking of. Anyhow this entry isn't about a failed post-Bush administration it's about our country liberating itself from the phony eco-chains imposed by a whacked out liberal cabinet. And isn't it ironic how the country that hosted this "BULL SHIT" enviro-deal, Japan, is also pulling out. A bullshit deal wiped on oversize toilet paper that was supposed to save the planet from evil capitalist nations originated in Kyoto in 1997 served only one purpose...make losers appear as if they are actually worth financing with government handout's, i.e. can't become an entrepreneur and compete the old fashion way so have the government steal money from the tax payer and finance your losing venture ostensibly in the form of an "eco-friendly" idea. Another victory for pragmatic Conservatives. This is a very good day for innovative minds looking to progress, it's also a very good day for the future of our country.
Mr. Harper the trudeau era mentality that plagued and infected this country practically ruined much that I never thought we would recover from the destructive downward spiral . Now only if you could mandate an end to the existence of blood-sucking unions maybe we'll get some jobs back in the manufacturing sector. In addition to that we desperately need to overhaul the education system where kids are actually going to soak up the vital elements of learning, math, science, reading and history all combined with a rigorous physical ed. program.

We can do it...yes we can. All together now...YES to C A P I T A L I S I M.


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