Monday, December 12, 2011

Climate conference approves landmark deal that will KILL business

My Way News - Climate conference approves landmark deal that will bring about profound changes as to how business does business. How did we ever get to this point? How does a country maintain it's economic standing with people this stupid in it's midst? Crimes against "mother earth"????????!!!!!!!!!!! The emaciated countries of this planet owe their meaningless existence to the VERY FEW of us who, brutally exhausted, persevere to chisel out a living for ourselves. Not only do we slug away everyday to survive but we are also obligated through excessive taxes to support the dead beats on welfare (welfare includes 90% of government jobs) and to honour our moral/ethical duties in bringing relief to the down trodden...helping our fellow man. Nobody can dispute the fact that Capitalism is the crutch of the planet. Socialist/Communist nations care only about military might and control of the people, these nations are not interested in providing assistance to the starving masses world wide which is approx. 25% of the world population. These rogue nations are the enemy of the Free Western World of which Canada, United States and Great Britain (Australia) are the key component. These rogue nations ARE the United Nations.

Mr. Stephan Harper your next challenge is to get Canada out of the United Nations. How many people are aware of the fact that the "rogues" want leader's of the Free World to impose an "International" tax... .7 -1.7% of the Gross Domestic Product onto it's people to finance the needy world over, and I guarantee everybody that all those T.V. scam commercials looking to make everyone feel guilty about their bank account not being emptied in the name of charity will still be aired...why???because the money will never go to the poor. As an example U.N.I.C.E.F. is controlled by a country who has THE worst human rights record in history, Iran. And what is their priority? a nuclear weapon to annihilate Israel.
Climate Change and Global Warming IS NOT CAUSED BY MAN. Yes we can clean up the dirt we create but man cannot compete with volcanoes or natural crude oil seepage at the oceans bottom or the banks of rivers such as the pristine McKenzie River etc.
All of this global whining shit is nothing other than a "new age" religion for complete idiots devoid of common sense and the ability to survive on their own. Every day the Great Sage strives to bring the message home to his people. In the West, common sense has been obstructed by progressive liberal lunacy for too long. Emanating from the minds of professors who preach the esoteric ideas that were inculcated into their own pea size cranium for the past 30years courtesy of the liberal elite i.e. the Rothchild's, the Michael Moores of our time, the Jimmy Carter's and Trudeau/Cretian's and even a few liberal/ndp LOSERS from our own city, our culture is one of complete ignorance. It's pathetically embarrassing. As to how these people made it this far without forgetting to breath is beyond the grasp even of Great Sage.
Every day is a battle with ignorance and the left wing media is proof of that ignorance.
The disseminating of this fraud is criminal and it's time to silence it because those unable to think for themselves are influenced with untruths and misinformation which leads to the collapse of can a society endure if everyone is "fucking stupid". Thank you colleges and universities for contributing to the potential collapse of our great society.
Soon there will be an entry informing the readers of the dangers of the doctrine as per David Suzuki, one of the greatest liars of our time along with Gwynne Dyer.

The Great looking out for you so you don't have to.


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