Thursday, January 05, 2012

A reward awaits

Remember Comrades the collective depends on you....and you.......and you and so-on. We must all strive for the common good. Karl Marx, the hero of Pierre Elliot Trudeau and Fidel Castro had a phrase, among many in his communist manifesto, From each according his abilities to each according his needs. As a reward from the Mother Land for one's "collective contribution" One will be publicly recognized as "Beet of the Week". Work hard comrades for the collective depends on you........and you.......and you. Only through hard work can one become "Beet of the Week".

The Great Sage.......reminds you that you have been are number 897,546.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave , Dave , Dave , you're starting to ramble - Castro , Trudeau , Marx - they're all gone now - they can't hurt you anymore , put your gun down & try to stay calm - you're so worried about the sheep that you can't see that you've become one - you're a sheep for the bankers & Wall Street lawyers that are happy to see us fighting each other so that they can sneak off & leave us in a barren land that they've already raped & pillaged - & you helped them Dave - you want to be just like them - but they won't take you with them - they'll leave you behind - waiting for the phone to ring

9:42 PM, January 05, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a "pecking order" to the mechanics of life. Oh "WAll Street" is capable of acquiring much much more than I and you but the difference is I don't want it all! I'll take what remains...after all "a rich man's hell is a poor man's heaven." I'm willing to work for the amount of wealth I WANT not what I need..."need" is a self imposed limit on wealth. And working for wealth IS NOT GREED. People should focus on obtaining only what they have worked for...not what they THINK THEY SHOULD BE GIVEN without working...enter the Protestor. Pathetically The Times (liberal rag) portrays the protestor as somekind of a hero. Hero's who want their wealth up front. Hero's that scream "life isn't fair". Fair to the protestor cult means "I want half of what you have without working for it".Let's chisel out an understanding here...I'll print this only once...I don't care how wealthy any corporation or anybody is or thinks they are, somewhere, someday, somebody requires my service and it could be in a life threatening situation too and it has. Every segment of society needs my service. I found an opening and jumped in and the opportunity is there for everybody who is willing to work. There's plenty more to pillage yet...for everybody. Don't hate those with money, join in. Just ensure that you never forget how to smile for success is measured by the size of one's smile.Do you want to be "beet of the week" or do you want to be the "Individual" who profits from "Beet of the Week"? I am ETC.

5:55 PM, January 06, 2012  

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