Saturday, February 04, 2012

Bears slaughter by Chi-Comms

Bears held to harvest their bile are going on 'hunger strikes' as their only way to escape captivity Mail OnlineThis is the world in which we live. Proof that all cultures are not equal. Soon it will over run the civilized West because we allowed it. To treat an animal this way when it is completely innocent of any vile behaviour, unlike that of man, is proof that Eastern culture is inferior to Western. From somebody who has a very close relationship with bears I find this miserably insensitive and is is absolutely sickening. The East is a world plagued with a cruel sickness yet we embrace the sickness that comes to this country and encourage it to flourish under the destructive tenets of multiculturalism.
This is the world that aborts a female fetus and imposes a strict one child code. This is the world that puts a bullet into the head of convicted felons and then sends a bill for services rendered to the survivors. Has anyone witnessed the manner in which they manage the slaughtering of animals? The Middle East is no anyone familiar with the evil perspective of "halal"? This segment of Eastern Culture is very proficient at slitting throats because they are well practiced. This is the cult that stones it's women ... for anything. This part of the world has more people, women and children included, well prepared for martyrdom...without hesitation they would strap a bomb onto their body and kill innocent people in the name of ALAH or the PROPHET. This the world that trains dogs to wander into an area with a remote bomb attached to it. This is the world that permits the "HONOUR KILLING" of it's family...and their religious leaders will lie and purger themselves in defence of their twisted faith by claiming that Islam does not permit honour killings; all to preserve their image.
I do not believe a word they say. Only actions speak louder than words could ever be yelled. All we hear is of the loving nature and well intention's of these misunderstood nomads. But nobody wants to hear the truth. TRUST BUT VERIFY and be wary of anybody claiming to be communist or nazi/islamist.
There is no sanctity of life with Eastern culture, the murderous disregard for innocence is evident in their every day existence.
Man's relationship with wildlife and domesticated animals is an indicator as to his relationship with his fellow man...and Eastern civilization doesn't score all that high...does it?

The Great Sage


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