Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Globe and Mail Muslim child murderers

Allegedly abused Alberta girl dies after bid to keep her on life support rejected - The Globe and Mail I am absolutely sick and tired of the muslim swine that permeates our culture. Cut the refugee payments and cut off welfare to these barbarians. The only thing the Canadian tax payer should be paying for is the boat ride back to pakistan, iran, syria or any other stan country. And the now deceased "Taliban" Jack Layton was pushing for sharia law for muslims in Canada. It was bad enough that some idiot at the cbc, in maintaining the spirit of multiculuralism, superimposed the program " a little musk" on the prairie, onto  television screens all across the country...puke.
Please, would all queers and muslims report to the dock in Nova Scotia, and after the slaughter load yourselves onto the first life raft heading for Africa.

The Great Sage


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