Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Indians have stolen enough from the White Man

Understanding Attawapiskat : Prime time : SunNews Video GalleryEzra Ezra Ezra, finally, I thought I was the only one with any common sense. This insanity must stop. There isn't a reservation indian in this country that is capable of fiscal responsibility or honesty. They're as corrupt as a Caribbean politician...and we all know what race they belong to.
I do not want my tax dollars going to this loss cause anymore...they want, they want all they fucking do is want. Hey Charlie Angus you dumb stupid ndp socialist are you paying attention? And what's really rubbing salt into the wound is now the parasites file a major land claim expressing ownership of all land from Sault to Wawa while at the same time demanding help; they've stolen enough from us...why don't they try earning a living for once?why should they when keep enabling them. A child will never learn to use a spoon if he's constantly fed...a person will never work as long as they're stealing and not getting caught.
It's time the working man protested against the system. We could fix this unemployment problem as well as put a major dent in using our military...WARFARE not WELFARE.

The Great Sage God Bless Ezra


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