Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Just a few things

H&R Glock...our sight is on your oversight.Pierre Elliot Trudeau was a failed Icon of the past...or was he an inferior  "Iconoclast"?In the name of Al Gore, Green Peace and David Suzuki...Save the planet, starve the children. Again..."Save the Planet" kill domestic oil...when in actuallity,the Arabs don't give a flying pigs ass about "OUR" planet. We've caved in to the Left so far that our economy has imploded not expanded. The only thing that's expanded here is unemployment. The ubiquitous Green dogma spewing from the sceptic holes of the Left is a plague in our society. Our economy has decayed into a compost heap. Our GDP, and our status as a 1st World country has decayed into that heap. Bad for our children, and the elderly, soon to be us...and bad for the rest of the world. Canada and the U.S. as well as Great Britain have done more to pull the world out of poverty than the impoverished nations could or would do for themselves. Africa is still poor because of an inherently genetic corruption trait in the gene pool...gene pool needs a lot of chlorene. The Western economy was built on oil, steel and mining. And the left wing fruit flies are doing everything possible to kill it unaware of the fact that they're killing the entire social system also. The Left would shoot the horse that pulls their plow because they didn't like the way it walked. Remember...anything green decays into mush or dust and then into nothing: the same can be said for an economy...a green economy eventually gives you no economy.  Liberal and NDP cabinet members team up with U.S. Democrats and Communists to discuss crisis in Middle East...they come to the conclusion that it's George Bush's fault. Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff agrees with Joe Biden that Israel's B.B. Netanyahu was "un-pharaoh" in cutting the supply of bandages to repair Egypt's mummies. Joe"foot-in-mouth"Biden and Tony"studder monster"Martin agree that crisis is nothing more than a Jewish "Pyramid scheme"Al-Qaida establishes an "Off with their heads" scholarship for British students....students will also be given basic training on "vest mending" and pouch augmentation. Obama warns Sweden not to jump to conclusions "not all suicide bombers are terrorists". "Taliban Jack" Layton says he's sick of stereotyping, demands that all Canadians purchase stereos without keyboard; Liberal's endorse motion saying that it's time for the Industrial West to also consider more payed holidays for over worked politicians.Barack Obama chimes in claiming that all pre-schoolers and "early graders" up to 10years of age, be given a breathalyzer after being breast fed...in all "57states"...OK Barrack go back to your basketball game. Hey Barack...if a White Man had your intelligence he never would've made it into the primary."Taliban Jack" Layton also says he's disgusted with the manner in which many Right Wing Capitalists automatically assume that person's wearing a burka are muslim. Michael Moore, Bruce Springstein and George Clooney produce a charity event to raise funds to help young muslim jihadi's further their education with a course in programming cell phones to detonate errr, excuse the typo, activate upon manipulation. This is an extensive 3hour course that, according to Clooney, helps to not only educate these young "Anti-Semites" in modifying a cell phone but also gives them an appreciation for population control.
This just in by "Rotter's" news agency in Carthage yes you read correctly, Carthage, Momar Gaddafy has fled Libya and is now in control of Tunisia thus avenging his long lost cousin Hannibal and resurecting the city of Carthage previously Tunis. He's waiting for a phone call from Scipio Africanus.
After King Ptolemy delivered his Sermon at Our Lady of Mount Shrapnel the entire clan ignited into a violent sit in. Mimes brought in to keep the peace. When asked about his perception of current events one mime was speachless while the other one could do nothing else but sit there with a stupid smile on his face. When confronted by one of the protesters as to what was so funny the mime, being totaly dumb founded, could only reply by waving his hands in every direction...but one motion in particular was quite disturbing, the mime was drawing his hand from left to right under his chin and then from the back of his crack to the front of his groin. A mime interpreter informed us that apparently this mime was threatened by a "Mime Haters" wing of Al-Qaida; they told him that they were going to slit his throat. When we asked about the crack motion we were informed that the mime had shit himself which is why he couldn't go undercover as a sit-in protester. That must have been quite the spectacle...a violent sit in.

As always The Great Sage...Liberate Free Enterprise...Kill Socialism.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 'right' hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. You Sage are the Right hand.
The Crayfish and The Mullosk

10:52 AM, March 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody can figure out what the Left will do...not even those on the Left

The Great Sage

7:38 PM, March 11, 2011  

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