Tuesday, November 08, 2011

A Pakistani Love Story

A Pakistani Love Story is a literary composition that stirs the emotions and causes the strong to weep. But there's a deeper message here also...one of conflicting envy. As Westerners we view our system as oppressively restrictive and somewhat primitive compared to the liberty and progressive ideals espoused by advanced "Middle East and Asian" society. For example...does anyone know why it's illegal to have sex with a 15year old girl here in this backwards Western culture???because everybody wants to. And why are men, REAL MEN, forbidden to beat and rape their women in this country whereas our brethren in Jilahaha Bad and Fudge-packingstan are permitted by law to not just marry a 5year old but also have a little fun with her prior to the rape...beatings and whippings etc. Also it's evident that they're that much more advanced with respect to emergency preparedness...Western men can't think that far in advance as to the need to have in their possession ACID. As someone who has been deprived of my "RITE'S" and "RIGHTS" long enough I decided that enough is enough; I want to live like a muslim immigrant with all of the entitlements afforded to me by law. And while we're at it we may as well tie the courts up with some more bull shit like the implementation of a separate set of rules other than the backwards and ineffective rules contained in the criminal code of Canada.
What a love story.

The GReat Sage


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