Thursday, November 03, 2011

Strong support for Shariah in Canada | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

Strong support for Shariah in Canada Canada News Toronto Sun
This is precisely the situation the Great Sage has warned about. To preserve decency and respect for the human emotion I must caution the readers that the context of this entry WILL NOT BE POLITICALLY CORRECT and will contain culturally blunt overtones totally devoid of any sense of other words...the FUCKING TRUTH.
If you are an opposing anomaly (I won't even relate to you as a human being...but rather a FUCKING DOG) who supports any convoluted form or contaminated portion of sharia then get the FUCK OUT of C A N A D A. The True Traditional Canadian is in the process of being run over and over run. This country, with no immediate intervention... starting now, will bear the burden of creating (with the proud peoples help) it's own horrific legacy. Canada will be the first Civilized Country that permits the subjugation of it's own people by a foreign cultural sect that is primitive to the core and condones the mass slaughter of family members or INFIDELs. The perplexing irony here is that the people are so sucked in by/with the liberal illusion of socialism and multiculturalism that they're ignorantly and pathetically digging their own graves with their support of it. The Canadian Human Rights Commission will go the distance for the volatile sensitive muslim community, and they have.(persecution of Marc Styne) Special interest status granted by the legal system and all of the entitlements that go with it including financial legal aid that will launch every fucking "magic carpet" pilot into the UNTOUCHABLE CATEGORY.

3-4 years ago the same study was performed and it found that 2000 in every 100,000 support "suicide bombing" and the use of terrorism as a form of expression with respect to their politically religious extremism. WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY STILL DOING HERE?What STUPID FUCKING LIBERAL motioned for a legislation that permits a knife to be held to the throat of the people every day. How did this happen in "OUR HOME AND NATIVE LAND". Simply put...30 gruelling years of trudeau multiculturalism. Political Correctness begins in the school. After school it's television, our future (our young) is being contaminated. There's no more education only MISGUIDED MYTH...the system programmes our youth to know more about a key-pad rather than about June 6th 1944. A system that is more concerned about TWO FUCKING QUEERS getting married rather than a genuine concern for the future of the "TRUE NORTH STRONG AND FREE". "WITH GLOWING HEARTS" CANADIAN'S, even while we bled, persevered to liberate the oppressed, thousands of miles from our family's and the comfort of our own bed.
AND NOW!!!!!????The GREATEST GENERATION that ever lived sees the setting of the sun not only on their honorable existence but on the existence of the country that they gave every thing thay had for...

This is what socialism has wrought. Those of us who "STAND ON GUARD FOR THEE" are now he enemy...WE are an "I N F I D E L" in our own land. Sharia is a life of EXTREMISM and MISERY for everybody, nobody wins with socialism. At one time the wars were always fought "over there" well now war is..."over here"Ostensibly trudeau's multicultural Utopia demanded that we tolerate and painfully placate different cultures even to the point where WE assimilate to them, we could have a world model society that every STUPID FUCKING LEFT WING LUNATIC CAN BE PROUD OF...SO FUCKING PROUD THAT IT WOULD JUST MAKE ONE SHIT. "The TRUE NORTH STRONG AND FREE ", a chunk of frozen rock devoid of any sympathy or compassion for life during the dark nights of winter was home to a brave few who wanted that foundation of civility so they attempted to govern itself based on 10 simple rules that are at the crux of Christianity. Those ten simple rules, which are now 3books thick have generated so much hate,anguish and resentment towards the White Western Christian Race that somewhere the political officials that WE elected into orifice turned on us, the votary, the people of this land are now faced with the undeniable fact that, since the earlier bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 the enemy was establishing it's beach head...and not even questioned about it because RACIAL PROFILING IS DISCRIMINATION...can't even question as to what they were doing with arms and explosives and high tec information. TO MAINTAIN PEACE WE GAVE UP HONOR and diminished our FUCKING DIGNITY FOR PEACE by placating the implacable and tolerating the intolerant only to find that war will come regardless. trudeau left us a failed ideological nightmare based on the illusion that everybody in the" TRUE NORTH STRONG AND FREE" save and except the 1/3 that wants the FUCKING LEGAL RIGHT TO STONE THEIR WOMEN, CAN COHABIT IN PEACE...ENJOY THE WAR PEOPLE PEACE WILL BE EVEN MORE FRIGHTFUL.

The Great Sage.


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