Saturday, November 12, 2011

Facts about Sharia

Non-Believers Under Muslim Law have no rights other than the right to be tortured and killed.
Here is the truth about Sharia Law...the same law that Dalton McGinty wants to allow the islamic community to govern themselves under. This is liberal appeasement at it's pathetic epitome. If one has ever wondered where the term "dimwit" came from well here's the explanation...not that the Great Sage is arrogantly boasting but I have been familiar with the true meaning for over a decade now only because I chose to seek out the truth. I knew there was something amiss with respect to the information delivered by CBC and CNN. The political correctness that infected society was visibly forthcoming. Left wing lunacy had plagued the propaganda machines to the point where people were mind numbed sheep...fleeced and then slaughtered. Live with and love those who hate and want to kill you. The Canadian government had turned on it's own people. This is what the liberal fascists have done to the greatest country, they opened the flood gates to a deluge of terrorists all in the name of expanding their votary. The liberal party had to be we have the problem of a twisted ideological sect and this article explains what the FREE WORLD is up against. The fun is about to begin and the beheading on the Greyhound bus outside of Winnipeg 3years ago was only a test. The media wouldn't even publish this sick nipper's religious background. As a point of interest...the sick twisted killer was an immigrant from Indonesia...Indonesia has the largest muslim population of any country in the world .
Muslims should not be permitted to construct a mosque anywhere in Canada. Christians are prohibited to construct churches in islamic states...we don't have the fucking guts in the WEST nor does anybody have the BALLS. The "New Castroty" men without balls. Watch how the muslims do it...women are beat into submission and the children are raped at the age of 7.
Just look around . Compare the number of blacks and asians to the number of True White Westerner's. The next time you grab a bag of chips at a Mac's Milk or fill your tank at a Husky take a look at who's taking your money.

The final Jihad will be right in our back yard. Thanks liberals, you phony fascists.

The Great Sage


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