Monday, November 21, 2011

Iran has a drug problem...blames the West.

Chasing the Dragon in Tehran - By Roland Elliott Brown Foreign Policy...a "Foreign Policy" implemented by the Persian regimes. There's nobody to blame here but the despots ruling Iran with a hundred lb. maul. It's just like achmadimijad to refer to "their" drug problem by blaming it on the West calling it our form of "predation". Persia has kept it's wandering Bedouin tribes stoned for thousands of years as they were much easier to control and probably too, beheading would be less difficult. One only need to research the word "Hashish"...the word is Arabic for "Assassin". Those cultures have an inherent relationship with "euphoric" elements. Yes Iran has a serious problem but even more important to the West is...Iran "IS" a serious problem. What the world doesn't need is a million stoned people willing to die for Allah...really Achmadimijad and the Ayatollahs. In one of Sage's "great" entries approx. a year ago, it was written that war with Iran was getting close and that Israel would be the one's to enforce and exercise their right sanctioned by United Nation's Security Council, to initiate "Anticipatory Retaliation" whereas any state, entity, legitimately recognized tribe, country etc.(limited) has the legal right to preempt an inevitable forthcoming attack. Hit them before they hit you and hit very very hard...who cares what the media says and who in the end really cares about what the left wing media reports anyways. But before we get too far from home here I am restating my claim: Iran is going to get hit very soon. Iran which is Persian, Farsi or Iranian for NAZI should never have been permitted to toy with atomic material. For "peaceful measures only" is what achmadimijad would continuously blab out of his big trap. Ya right Iran doesn't know the first thing about peace. But that's what happens when we placate the implacable and appease the left wing whiners. Iran should have been sent a message a long time ago as, without their interference, it would've put an end to hostility in Iraq. They are the viper's nest of the Middle East. Cutting the head off the snake is great but killing the nest is the ultimate remedy. That explosion at their "friendly" nuke facility is a warning that their getting close...does the world really want to see what the next explosion may entail? Sanctions my ass, even Russia and China are condemning the caliphate. Now is the time for Israel to do it while every body's perspective is meshing.

This is only one individuals perspective mind you...but... take into consideration the advanced status of this individual.
"Hey Mustaffa"
"Yah Said"
"After I shoot this last half dozen syringes of heroin let's go to the ammo dump"
"Just give me time to burn these opium tar balls and I'll be all set to BE an ammo dump....YAHAHAHAH ALUAH AKBAR, death to Amerika, DEATH TO AMERIKA...death to the infidels...death to the Apostates...death to the queers, the women, the dishonorable children, the dogs the crocs and every other fucking thing that we hate".

Get a grip on reality people, when you wake up!!!!tomorrow could be a very different day here on Planet Earth.
The Great Sage


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