Monday, August 23, 2010

It's time to reign in Islam

It's time to reign in Islam but foremost it's time to put the clamps on "Allah".Western civilization is just that...CIVILIZED. Radical Islam has become the scourge of humanity and from what I'm witnessing I've yet to see a rational compassionate Islam. Every Muslim I've encountered with the exception of ONE (so far) was dark hearted and politically provocative. With Allah as their guide and spiritual keeper they express their vitriolic disdain for Western Civilization but their hatred for Israel is what fuels their infinite rage."He who fights that Islam should be superior fights in Allah's cause" how's that for "Koranic"?The rule of law, Sharia Law, is as backwards as the belief in this convoluted threat to peace. Sharia is total domination of women, mutilation of women, taking "GIRLS" as young as 7years of age for a sex toy wife upon puberty they're publicly stoned to death or their sexually mutilated and then set free (and unappealing). Women are 3rd class specimen's...a mule is 2nd.Sharia Law is the governing element to a sect of people who are consumed by a twisted ideology. A twisted sect who'll strap bombs on their children for $25,000.00 U.S. dollars, they sell their kids to Al Qaida, Hammas, Hezbollah, Taliban and the P.L.O. AND THEIR RELIGIOUS LEADERS, THE IMAMS, THE CALIPHS, THE MULLAHS and CLERICS WANT TO BUILD A MOSQUE AT GROUND Z E R O!!!!!??How insulting but what is really pathetic and grotesque is the fact that an insignificant minority of our own ***fucking people are stupid enough to side with the evils of Islam. And what in God's name is wrong with Bloomberg? People like him are misfits...they are very dangerous to the history of Western Humanity.But for the most part the majority of people have their wits and logic about them, all they have to do is realize the power they hold. The time is now to not only straighten this country out but send a message across the border; it's time to kill socialism and get back to our traditional christian roots and without Islam. Our constitution grants a freedom of religion not a conversion to a foreign religion.People who want to worship their "foreign Gods" can do so behind their own closed doors and nothing other than Christianity will be entitled to exemptions afforded to them under federal, provincial and municipal statutes.As for Imam Feisal Abdul Rouf's comfortable struggle to have a Mosque constructed at the site of Ground Zero...What the ***FUCK has this world come to, what has Western Civilization deteriorated into??? I cannot believe the arrogance but then again it only makes sense that this is all part of the war of which Ground Zero is a major battle. The Dhimmi Muslims have labeled this pit of vomit "The CORDOBA project". Just a brief history lesson when the Moors (Muslim terrorists) flooded into Europe at the end of the first millennium at the straights of Gibraltar they went into the Spanish city of Cordoba and completely overthrow it, subjugated and/or slaughtered the population and used it as an Islamic example for history.For a backwards bunch of throatslitters to go as far as to want to construct this symbol of hatred and destruction at such a sacred sight, the twin tower location, shows that they are beyond any form of caring and compassion. The terrorists that flew those planes into the Twin Towers grew up in Mosque's. These Mosques and the instructors posing as prophets inside of these pig holes are a threat to Western security and obviously Western life.
All I needed to know about Islam, it's prophets and Allah I learned on 9/11. I want nothing else to do with them. I don`t want to learn anything more than I already know about them and I do not want our kids to be polluted with the doctrine of Islam via the educational system. There is nothing in that cult that is of any benefit to Western Civilization.
And to Dalton McGinty and Tony Martin who supports McGinty, Sharia Law will not be brought into the Ontario courtroom.
If anybody ever wondered if Liberals and NDP Nuts were absolutely retarded they can quit wondering...they are F----ng lunatics and they are killing everything from our economy to our freedom.
Wake up Canada.

***Term used when there is no substitute for extreme emotions.

The Great Sage.