Friday, August 31, 2012

Neil Armstrong

43 years ago I sat with my family in front of a big box cabinet Zenith television and watched in amazement, as an 11 year old kid would, as Apollo 11 landed on the surface of the moon. 8 years earlier a President, whose fate was sealed in the back seat of a motorcade cadilac, belted out an electrifying speach to not only the people of the United States of America but to the world, as to why America chooses to do the things that are hard, how ignorance generates fear and the path to overcomming that fear is paved with inspiring speach that even today is unparralled.
Thus the die was cast and America was on it's way to the outer limits of the unknown...our unknown. The moon was now a target for mankind as a whole and who to lead humanity to that celestial frontier would be a graduate from Purdue University born Aug. 5th 1930 in Wapakoneta Ohio, an aerospace engineer familiar with jet aircraft and helicopters, a man named Neil Armstrong.
Mr. Armstrong was a fighter pilot with 78 combat missions in the Korean War who managed to escape with his life after being shot at and hit over the Chinese border. He was one of the first men to fly right near the atmosphere's edge (207,500ft) at 4,000mph. in the experimental X-15 rocket.
Now some 40+ years later we say good-bye to one of the first men to feel the presence of God in the vast emptiness of space. Man has made many leaps and bounds since then but no step was ever so large as the one taken by a humble man who took the first step on the fixture that suspends itself in the nightime sky...a fixture that has been the subject of folklore and fable...the fixture that lured us into making "one small step for a man, one large step for mankind".
Today Aug 31st is the first day of a Blue Moon. A Blue Moon is a phenomenon that occurs every 3years and how coincidental that this Blue Moon comes on the day that Neil Armstrong is layed to rest.
God Speed Mr. Armstrong my hat goes off to you. You leave a legacy that will never be matched. The world you leave is one of struggle and strife and I apologize for our deliquency. I only wish that your accomplishments could have been used for the betterment of humanity rather than it's destruction.

The Great Sage

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Saved by the bell

Thank God "Taliban" Jack Layton didn't possess the means to carry through a destructive ideology. This guy was a threat to the country and here he is being praised by the useless/irrelevant media press and an even more useless/irrelevant mass. The only good country is a bankrupt socialist country eh Jack???
Now let's get rid of the other socialist slugs.

The Great Sage

Stupidest Person Alive - YouTube

Michael Savage vs. Stupidest Person Alive - YouTube This is the typical liberal and Canada is full of them too.

The Great Sage

Sturgis 2012 – Photos from Main Street and Lazelle Street

Sturgis 2012 – Photos from Main Street and Lazelle Street The past few weeks have been quite congested, in fact the entire summer has been quite congested given the Elliot Lake roof collapse. The Great Sage will be back in action very soon. Some propitiatory issues are paramount at this point in time and as such full attention is vital.

However, there is one matter that needs serious contemplation and that is the failure of the excessively regulated "nanny state". Gullible masses succumbed to propaganda supporting a "big brother government"...L I B E R A L I S M    IS      A    MENTAL   DISORDER and the patients were running the asylum throughout the "liberal trudeau erra". According to an admitted failure with respect to economics Canada could become a multicultural, bi-sexual or bi-lingual country totally void of legal firearm owners and all controlled by an excessive police force supported by a complex regulatory system . The only difference between the "National Workers Socialist Party" and trudeau's convoluted expectations was that nobody was summarily executed...but it was getting close....look at what happened to Pierre Laporte and almost to James Cross. The Quebec crisis, Canada's first modern day experience with domestic terrorism (not even the U.S.A. experienced such a protracted period of violence) was trudeau's idea of a gimmick, that went to far. Liberals are regulation freaks and their intentions to disarm all TRUE Canadians by implementing C68 and firearms registration was proof. It was also their demise. Proof that a voice can change the direction and arrogant intentions of an oppressive faction of government.
Elliot Lake is only the first in a series of what's to come. For how many years has useless regulation handcuffed good promising business'? How much disposable income was the economy deprived of because of senseless regulation? The law states that a building must be inspected by a certified structural engineer as well as a government inspector (ministry of labor) and a "municipal building inspector" and for what???just to watch it inevitably fail anyways? If a volcano erupts throw more regulation at it and it just might stop.!!!!!!!!!!! This is how stupid people really are...the people that need big government.

The Great Sage  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

New Black Panther: We Must Create Military To Murder Babies And Skin White People

Six teens attacked man because 'they were just bored,' police say | |

Six teens attacked man because 'they were just bored,' police say | |
And this is the future of the Free World? Must we defend ourselves from our own children? This is what happens when society allows political correctness to run amuck. It's time to return to the "constructive beatings" and only then will discipline return to a culture gone mad. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
The Great Sage has been extremely involved in the maintenance of our economy and as such time has been scarce...but...I shall return to the elevated station of which I am acustomed only to share the wisdom of my status.
Stand firm my loyal subjects for the Great Sage is close at hand.

The Great Sage