Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Quantum Theories

This is true on a "quantum level". The Uncertainty Principle says that the more you know of a particles position, the less you know about it's energy and vise-verse. The mere act of observing a particle affects it because you have to interact with the particle to observe it. On a simple level consider a microscope. In order to see something under the microscope you have to shine a light on it to be reflected back to your eye. The photon of light must strike the object which in turn affects it's energy levels.
Einstein and Niels Bohr used to engage in "thought experiments" one of which Einstein thought he had devised a way to measure both a particles location and energy simultaneously. Bohr was troubled by this to the point where he could not sleep, but then came to the answer that left Einstein defeated by his own "Theory of Relativity".

The theory works like this: A clock is placed in a box full of light...connected to a shutter so it is pre-programed to open at a known time and release a single photon of light. The box can be weighed before and after, and so the energy of the photon can be determined from the relation E=MC^2. We now know both the energy of the photon
and the time it was emitted, it only makes sense given the fact that the shutter is hooked to the same mechanism that is timed by the alarm clock. But...according to the "Uncertainty Principle" this is impossible. I know, I know what you're thinking; is light faster than time? The answer is NO. Light and time are Simutaneous Energy unless we segment our time to measure the rate at which unrefracted light will travel.
Niels Bohr, the principal architect of **CHI, demonstrated the flaw in this argument by examining how the experiment would have to be performed. The box needs to be weighed, so it must be suspended in a gravitationally amplified field. When the photon is emitted the box will recoil which not only causes an uncertainty in the weighing but also, according to Einstein's own "Theory of Relativity", which the master had conveniently forgotten, causes an uncertainty in the time reading.CHI was thus restored by virtue of kinetic propulsion.
**CHI...the "principal of complementarity"...that items could be separately analyzed as having several contradictory properties...example being water and oil do not mix.

Niels Bohr was a Danish born physicist, at many times at odds with Einstein, that played a major role in the understanding of atomic structure and quantum mechanics...for which he was awarded the Nobel prize for physics in 1922. He was described as being the most influential scientist of the 1900's. In 1943, during Hitler's reign of power, he was arrested by the Nazis but escaped to Sweden and then on to London...which is where it was arranged that he would collaborate with American scientists at Los Alomos New Mexico in which was later revealed as the "Manhattan Project). Bohr was also a big believer in the "Ying and Yang" theories...and the Chinese practice of aligning the body's harmonizing currents or..."CHI". Bohr's theory of the "principal of complementarity" is comprised of elements of harmonizing currents...or..."CHI".
Strange how the mind's of some of the world's most intelligent people work. The esoteric nature of Quantum Mechanics/Physics leaves regular individuals, such as myself, beleaguered but yet still curious as to the integral part this knowledge has in our existence. Not only did the human mind bring an end to the World's largest war but look at the proliferation of technology since the "application" of Fat Man and Little Boy.
It's almost as though our horizon is infinite, failure at first is nothing other than a minor setback. If you're having trouble developing your first nuclear weapon just remember this...the assassination of Rasputin by Czar Nicholas' enemies wasn't accomplished with one bullet. It took several bullets, multiple stabbing, clubbing and even forced drowning before he would stop breathing. This can only be described as "Tenacity" and "Commitment" on the part of the Bolshevik Commissars. If they had simply walked away after the first bullet thinking that Rasputin really was the immortal God that he claimed to be then their mission would have been a failure leaving Czar Nicholas and his family, including his daughter Anastasia, still in charge of Russia (the Land of the Czars). Russia may have been a good capitalist economy if Nicholas wasn't deposed. Who knows how history would have been changed. In fact this would be a good motivational story for kids in Primary School...if at first your victim doesn't succumb to the initial blow then apply a hundred more if you must. This is true tenacity...we can all learn from the commissars. They will demonstrate for everyone the joys of "socialism".
If this entry doesn't leave you perplexed then you qualify for the "Rush Limbaugh Institute for Conservative Studies".

Liberate Free Enterprise...Kill Socialism.

The Great Sage

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Middle East War perpetuated by Arabs.

The war in the Middle East is thousands of years old with no immediate resolve whatsoever. The "Arabs" are blessed with war and I cannot think of it as a curse because it is the Arabs that will not exist in peace with Israel. Every conflict and uprising is automatically the fault of the Jews...regardless of where on the planet it takes place. What is so dangerously maligned here is that Western Media and Academia support TERRORISTS, who are only fueled by hatred; the Liberal Left is completely brainwashed by Hamas, Hezbola, P.L.O. Al Qaida and the Taliban. Liberals don't even understand something as simple as an economy and yet they immerse themselves into their version of a humanitarian cause by speaking out against Israel when it fires back in self defence. The complexities and esoteric nature of the origin of this war, or any war, is beyond comprehension to anyone that thinks the world's problems will be solved by a group hug.
The perpetual war in the Middle East will end only with Divine intervention, no the Sage must stay neutral...for now. There is no chance of peace and this was evident in the statement by Egyptian official, Muhammed Abdel Fadil Shousha of the South Sinai government. His absolutely stupid comments are what perpetuates war. After an "act of nature", ergo bloodshed, several swimmers at the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh last week were attacked by sharks. Well guess what???it was Israel's fault.
The brain dead swine that made this statement said that it was the Israeli Defence Force, (I.D.F.) that released the sharks in the Red Sea in order to kill civilian swimmers.
Next it will George W. Bush's fault.
The war in the Middle East is there long as the Arabs are there anyway.

The Great Sage

Friday, December 17, 2010

You have been counted

Warning you have now been counted, Thought Criminal #509,760.
Write this number down and report to the "Commissar of Mind Think" at the rail station...and don't forget warm clothes and a shovel.
It is mandatory that you volunteer 14hrs of honest labour daily to the state for the common good. Your mandatory contribution is the result of your absconding from authority. We cannot allow individuals to think on their own especially thoughts of broadening their intellect or reaping what they have sewn. That would be unconscionable and derisive...for where would that leave those who can't think on their own or who do not wish to contribute? Remember...the "Commissar of Gifts" will supply free Vodka to those who willingly labour and don't think; we will do that for you.

Der Commissar Sag

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Warning Warning Warning

Earth may collide with Venus in 3.5billion years, we must act now.
We must trust President Obama to bring us more change and more hope so we can prevent this potential catastrophy. This is unimaginable first Global Warming and now a collision with Venus; look at the atrocities that CAPITALISM has wrought.
"Change and Hope"..."yes we can"...and "we need another Sputnik Moment". Hey has anybody seen Laika the space dog?
Really now on the serious side (because Obama isn't serious) the White House is a circus full of clowns with no main feature acts. America I love you but your president is a FUCKING JOKE. Hey how's that change and hope working out? You know, with change and hope you get "CHOPE"


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

This is the Liberal way.

Remember...Capitalism is based on the principles of confidence, self motivation and hard work.Sleepless nights due to worries of failure and uncertain economic fluctuations are've taken all the risk but those who didn't contribute, including big government (Liberal government) want all the reward; and you'll accept it because it's for the "common good".Ostensibly,in a socialist system we feel tingly and good about giving away, excuse me, having most of hard earned wealth CONFISCATED all for the "common good". In a ***"just society" the government must help those that will not help themselves and through extreme inculcating the workers (proletariat) will justify to themselves that the government (thief)is just in it's redistribution of their wealth to those who refuse to look after themselves. Oh they say you have free health care so that's supposed to make you feel good about relinquishing 82% of your income.(exponential taxes). In a socialist system everyone fails equally. There is no winners only losers. Everybody loses equally. In Canada they call it "fairness". If somebody excels beyond expected capacity they will hurt some one Else's feelings and that wouldn't be fair...or ethical. If Joe busted his ass to by a brand new 3/4ton Ford 4x4 and Mustafa, who is new to the country and still hasn't had an immigration hearing yet, can't afford one because he's from a 3rd world country where a motorized vehicle was something you mounted a 50caliber machine gun onto and went to "Jihad", he could feel "disenfranchised" or excluded from society (yet in Multicultural Canada immigrants are encouraged to preserve their culture, as slovenly convoluted as it may be)which could lead to an UN-Canadian state of inequity. Of course it would be "UN-Canadian because we as Canadians are just so accustomed to "Marxism" that we consider it normal for our wealth to be confiscated and redistributed...incidentally Karl Marx was the one who coined the term (philosophy) "to each according to his need from each according to his ability" translation...give to those who don't have because it's unfair to work hard to win your standard of living when there are those who won't (work hard). There is a difference between "won't" and "can't". You see, the mechanic's of business, as an owner or worker, are such that the harder you work the further you advance, business is in every way competition. Competition is a barbaric and insensitive ritual that reeks with "social Darwinism". We cannot allow the fittest to survive on our pages. Your loss is someone Else's gain and your gain is someone Else's loss. Therefore, losers contribute to the society where winners take away from society. Being a winner is unethical and unfair while a society of losers is happy and striving as a collective. In the spirit of diversity, fairness,collectivism and inclusiveness business competition will have no winners, everyone is declared a loser, which, in the Liberal manifesto, means an ethical and fair team player. How many job postings in Canada state the point that the applicants must be a "good team player"? The Sage defies you to refute any of the aforementioned!!!If Canadians want to see a healthy sustainable economy they had better wake up to the deficiencies of socialism. Even Fidel Castro, the darling of the communist cult, admitted in November of this year that "Communism does not work". Why do people think that this country is any different? We don't hand out vodka to soothe the agony of the masses but our health care system sure does hand out a lot of pills. Canada is eerily similar to the FAILED former U.S.S.R. the "Union of the Soviet "SOCIALIST" Republic. Liberals bring nothing but misery and yet they are worshipped for it. And to ensure a loyal votary (gullible mass)they conjure up the myth of Global Warming and create a new religion...they couldn't save an economy but they know they can control the gullible masses (loyal votary) with the promise that they will save the planet and the polar bear. Incidentally, pardon my digression, the Sage is planning an expedition to hunt and kill the biggest consumer of flesh (Polar Bear for those of you in Southern Ontario)that stalks this frozen part of the planet . I will be using a Browning 375 H&H Magnum with a Bushnell 12power eye piece equipped with a b.d.c. (bullet drop compensator for those of you in Southern Ontario)and loaded with 5 rounds of 350grain copper soft point bullets.
Remember when things get tough...reload.

Liberate Free Enterprise...Kill Socialism.

***Pierre Eliot Trudeau, Liberal Prime Minister of Canada throughout the 70's and much of the 80's self admittedly was totally ignorant about economics yet he wanted to redistribute wealth to finance the construction of a "just society". If you don't want to succeed the government will take care of you...from womb to tomb at the expense of those who could succeed if not for big government and career politicians who consider themselves the elite of society...the Liberal elite.

The Great Sage

Every Man Has A Right to the Left (and other revisionist neo-proverbs)

Every Man Has A Right to the Left (and other revisionist neo-proverbs)

Here is a sample of what is coming. The Left Wing Socialist ideals must be defeated in Canada as well as America.
This country has more ways to choke business than it does welfare programs.
The Sage

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Eye in the sky

G.M. was, before bankruptcy, (did it really go bankrupt?) "General Motors".
Now G.M. stands for "Government Motors".
Like a good liberal Obama saw an opening to clandestinely spy on the people and he seized upon it. In the guise of a benevolent bail-out his wish of rapid and intrusive access to the masses had been granted by his Pagan God "Gaea" the Messiah is truly the "all knowing", "all seeing" and worthy of a staunch respect loaned only to leaders of inherent mystic quality. His ability to transcend humanity beyond a conventional belief that is supported on a Godly foundation is almost immortal in itself...could it be that little Barry is truly the man child savior sent unto this world to relieve us of our burden?
Obama is truly a "ON-Star". Now that "Little Barry" has control of G.M. he also has control over anybody that drives a G.M.. For Christ's sake "On-Star", the eye in the sky can kill your vehicle as you're driving down the road...tell me that isn't CONTROL.

The Great Sage

69 Years ago today

Today Dec 7th.1941...."a date which will live in infamy". 69 years ago today Japan picked the wrong country to go to war with. As did the Axis Powers with Canada and Great Britain.
What most of the Liberal Left refuses to understand is that after the raid on Pearl Harbour the Japs landed on the Alaskan atoll of Kiska and Attu. WWII as now landed on the North American continent. What the world didn't expect and wouldn't discover until post war was the ruthlessness of the Japanese military. They would've beheaded their way right through Canada and into the U.S. if our brave ancestor's didn't fight them off. It's a dam good thing we didn't have a bunch of pathetic Liberals crying that we should invite the enemy to sit around a camp fire holding hands and singing "Kum By Ya".
If it wasn't for the United States of America this world would've been a very different place. One could only imagine the strength, more mentally than physically, required to recover from a mind blowing attack such as the attack on the tiny minute island of Oahu in the mid Pacific...and to keep up the relentless fight for another brutal 5 years just to ensure freedom for us.
Thank you and a million salutes to those who never made it, who are gone and are still with us.
So mote it be.


Monday, December 06, 2010

Class Warfare

It's time people woke up and realized that the answer to society's ills do not lay with Donahue or Opra.
For a depressing stretch of time throughout the 20century sociologists and educators stressed that there was no such thing as a criminal only a set of responses to social inequities. Robbers, rapists, murders etc. were just lashing out because of social discrimination in an unfair class system. They weren't depraved they were deprived. The solution wasn't to severely punish those who "earned" the punishment or enforce equitable retribution i.e. "eye for an eye tooth for a tooth". The problem with the surreal socialist utopia is that the DEATH PENALTY is a sacrilege. The progressive Left will swim in shit and think by spraying purfume they'll smell clean...the same goes for this "just society".
left wing phylosophy dictated that welfare and social programs be expanded. Enormous amounts of money were poured into inner cities (forget the farmer) and crime was ignored...another beautiful moment in the history of Pierre Elliot Trudeau's "Just Society". Two million muggings and 30,000murders later you would think that this politically correct socialist nightmare would come to a's gotten worse.
Pathetically ignorant do-gooder's stressing the need for "more hugs". As it turns out the misguided socially dependant (who are now to broke to finance their habits)are human too and their lowly status is not the fault of their own but rather the failings of a system...a heartless system that gave people the opportunity to succeed through hard work and many hours of dedication to that work. A cruel society that boasted an educational system that forced you to learn, respect one another and generate self sufficiency; this barbaric and archaic system even had corporal punishment for those who disobeyed. Having evolved to a higher intellect we now know that these poor souls weren't disobedient they just needed hugs...and maybe drugs for their A.D.D. or whatever disorder. People need "hugs" and "time out" not the stern facts of cold hard reality where people "reap what they sow".
This is a "New Age". It is now society's obligation to right the injustices created by a deficit of "hugs" and "time out" and "understanding". A freak of society walks into a Christmas Tree market in Oregon (Christmas Tree Bomber) seeking to kill as many innocent people as he can because that's his job...he's a Muslim Terrorist hell bent on killing people the same way they do in the Middle East. And what comes out of the pie holes of the ignorant left???he was abused as a was his upbringing, he had an abusive father, noooo no no no don't give me that abusive father???from a culture of people who sell their children for $25,000.00 to the jihadist's so they can become suicide bombers???I don't believe it. It's very quite simple as to how to rectify this problem, FIRING SQUAD, it'll get him to paradise real quick. The guy's a criminal and needs to be dealt with as such, he doesn't need any fucking hugs.
The depressing pattern of lunacy here is the manner in which society, crumbling from the very begining of Trudeau's regime, just kept giving and understanding, giving and understanding and nobody would face up to the reality that perpetuating the myth of the "Just Society" was ruining us not only economically but moraly and ethicaly; people didn't want to work anymore but worse yet we created a society of dregs that don't know how to work anymore. If you haven't contributed then you aren't entitled. If you break the law you pay the price and if you commit murder you pay the ultimate price....where "practical".
As far as I'm concerned...............I think we'll leave it right there for now.
This is why we elected, finnaly, a Conservative abolish Class Warfare. Canada cannot afford another minority government, Harper needs a majority next round.
Only a person in denial would dispute the facts.


The Sage