Sunday, February 27, 2011

I will repeat...Redundancy is redundant

On that note I'm it acceptable for a society within a society (multiculturalism) to host a "Family Day" that contains a series of events that are intended to strengthen family bonds? One of the events is "spot the faggot". A game where...well, everybody from young kids to adults of all age could join in the fun of...well...spotting the faggot. I must admit it does have quite the appealing theme. I'm sure this event would make for good training as a "Bird Watcher". What perplexes me...yes the Sage is perplexed, is how does one randomly spot a "faggot". Does he walk hand in hand with his boyfriend? Does he go to gay pride rallies? Does he join a special interest group advocating the liberation of "faggots" and fervently scream in an epileptic fit of rage for an 800# "gay help line"? Does one look for the "faggot" whose hiding from public view because the "faggot" knows that a high percentage of "faggots" are CHILD MOLESTERS?yes these would be the same "faggots" who started the "Man Boy Love Association".
Well being a God fearing, White bigoted Canadian with a love for Capitalism I must say that I am not privy to such an event here where, according to every liberal whiner, we are so intolerant.
Now if I'm not mistaken...yes even the Great Sage can be "mildly" mistaken, I'm sure there is a "stone the faggot" competition as well, but that one may be designated to Iran, Syria, Pakistan etc. wherever Capitalism doesn't exist.

The Great Sage

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Iranium is what the Sage has been saying all along

Watch Iranium the movie Free!For those of you who doubt the evidence contained herein, dismissing it as delusional rhetoric, or prejudice insight, the Great Sage is pleased to present to not only his loyal subjects, but also his skeptic wanderer's, more "cut and paste" evidence to corroborate the Sage's prophetic perspective on Radical Islam and their barbarity and crude manner in which they wish to exist...throughout the world. Now let's make things crystal clear; the Sage believes in man's inalienable right to exist without persecution in relation to religion, race, culture, social status or gender. The Sage will not condemn any culture for the manner in which they rule themselves so long as that culture does not condemn or threaten Western Culture. I am not concerned about any one's skin colour and I am a strong believer in the fact that everybody, including the White Race, should be proud of their colour. There is nothing wrong with a White Man saying he/she's proud to be White. However the Sage does have a problem with people coming here as immigrants and forcing the twisted ideals and philosophy that they fled from upon us. Case in point is the implementation of Sharia Law here in Canada. Now it must be mentioned that not all Muslim immigrants are radical terrorists and not all are pushing for this convoluted regression back to the stone age. The number of Islamic whack jobs in both Canada and the U.S. was somewhere around 5% of the islamic population. "But" that 5% translates into a couple hundred thousand of jihadi whack jobs willing to do anything to get their message out and it won't be hard because of our own sympathetic and politically correct whack jobs that are right there to assist them. Right now to this day the number of Islamic terrorist attacks around the world since 9/11 is 16,864. Every day it grows. 5% terrorist population gives North America a suicide bombing every day for a very long time, a muslim minority will terrify the Western majority. The scary part is that in Canada, until we get a Conservative majority, the minority will always get it's way because of their "special interest" status. Eventually Sharia Law will be implemented and "Fanatical Islam will have it's foot in the door.
This is where the firearm's act comes in. Because of their radical background it would be suicidal to allow muslims to own firearms. Rather than discriminate and say that "NON TRADITIONAL" IMIGRANTS PARTICULARILY WITH ISLAMIC ROOTS can not own firearms the despotic liberals introduce a bill (C-68) in an attempt to take firearms from everyone. Now the government discriminates and imcriminates those of us who were born here and contributed to the growth of this country.

The Great Sage

Liberalism is a mental disorder

Before we start there's just one thing that needs to be made known...Che is dead...get over it. All you socialist liberals who think he's going to liberate the masses from the despotic grip of the Capitalists I think you had better quit waiting.His good buddy Castro the commee had him offed in Bolivia.As for the mental problem that unknowingly afflicts so many lefties the only cure is to let them self destruct. Let this vile plague run it's course and eventually it will dissipate. The very psychology of liberalism is self defeating. Liberals depend on socialism which is the confiscating of income from those who work or own their own business...wealth re-distribution. Many workers haven't figured this out yet as their unions have them programmed to be good socialist sheep. Liberals automatically expect their big brother government to take care of them for everything. The taxes deducted from our income to support our health care system are far disproportionate to the service we actually get. Let me keep my taxes and I'll get my own health care and at the end of the year I'll have 3-5 thousand dollars more at the end of the year that I can put back into the economy or retirement. If you're unemployed don't worry about looking for work in the isolated north just sit back and demand welfare. If you think you're injured or mentally stressed then you can probably qualify for a pension of some type. Here's the prime example of judging a liberal from a distance just by his/her mannerism; let's say you're in a third world country where it's imperative that you maintain eternal vigilance, you always have to be alert for danger whether it's from a wild dog, snake, croc., thugs and thieves or crazy drivers. The liberal will be the one standing out in the middle of the road asking directions from the cab that just dropped them off while totally disregarding the crazy drivers barreling down the road just around the corner. A CONSERVATIVE, if he had to even ask for directions, would be on the side of the road while always looking both ways and waiting for some mad man to be driving the side of the road. The CONSERVATIVE is always prepared to defend and maintain his position while the liberal depends on government. A liberal shutters at the mention of firearms. Liberals think that all firearms should be was tried by Liberal member Alan(faggot)Rock with the introduction of Bill C-68 in Canada. At least with Harper we can keep our guns. Liberals think that socialism is superior to capitalism but they're too stupid to realize that it's the Capitalist Private Sector that feeds Socialism...but not for long. Liberals actually think that unions not the Private Sector generate income. Liberals have the audacity to say that corporations should pay more taxes...little do these wind bags realize that when corporations have more money, just like the average, citizen worker, they spend more money thus putting that money back into the economy. Liberals actually believe in global warming. They were brainwashed with propaganda from David Suzuki, Algore and the Hamburglar Michael Moore that the "Earth has a temperature". The pea brain environmentalists yelled and screamed for "green power" because they're commissar politicians told them too. They wanted wind turbines to replace coal, nuclear and the same stupid whiners, the same dumb sheep, don't want wind turbines along the Lake Superior shoreline because they visually pollute the landscape. Careful what you ask for because you just might get it. NOW PROVE ME WRONG.Liberalism is a Mental even affects us Capitalist Conservatives. We're sick and tired of listening to you. We're terrified as to what stupid, redundant and inordinate legislation we're going to have to shoot down next.Liberals are steadily being warned about the threat of fanatical Islam yet they ignore it. A 20 year old Arab/muslim university student gets busted for plotting to build and detonate a nuclear device in Texas and yet muslims are still supposed to be considered peaceful and accepted into our society. Liberals condemn George Bush for removing Saddam Hussein from Iraq but fail to recognize the fact that if Ghadaffy still had his WMD's, as ordered by Bush to hand them over or face the strong arm of JUSTICE, he would've used those weapons on his own people. Liberals fail to recognize the fact that the world is in the beginning stages of WWIII. They think that a group hug around a camp fire singing Kum By Ya will cause the Muslim Terrorists to love us and even accept a society that sanctions the marriage of queers. Liberals think that multiculturalism is the sign of an advanced society when in fact it's the opposite. Even Angela Merkel of Germany, Nic Sarkozy of France, David Cameron of Great Britain and Silvio Berlesconi of Italy have all said that multiculturalism can't work. Why is Canada or the U.S. different?These are just the evident facts...prove the Sage wrong. And emotional platitudes are not good enough. Prove as to how multiculturalism can work here; did I misspeak on quoting European leaders as saying multiculturalism failed?, disprove my claim that the global whiners are protesting their own green power movement and their protesting of further wind turbine expansion.Check in with the commissar of "mind think" and prove the Great Sage wrong. Remember, before you enter the arena of ideas ensure that your breastplate is bronze and not cardboard. The battlefield of logic is littered with liberal corpses. Your words should inspire thought not be a substitute for it. A Conservative speaks because he has something to say...a liberal because he wants to say something.
The Great's all about being RIGHT.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Obama and Gadaffy

O what a web
Hey Obama what's left to say? Your spiritual leader Jeremiah Wright was a regular visitor of Gadaffy's otherwise known as KaDaffy Duck. Hey has anyone noticed how many bodies lay in the streets with just 3 nights of rioting? Let me see now,,,,is Lybia predominately muslim? No it can't be. Muslims are taught to be peace loving brothers of Allah. Why didn't Obama come out right at the begining of this mess and condemn "the duck". The same duck that ordered the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 Dec 1988 over Lockerbie Scotland.

The Great Sage

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Something to ponder.

Given there is only one alternative to the perpetual state of turmoil that hauntingly plagues humanity remember this, the truth has no equal. It stalwartly positions itself so that every strategic quadrant of our existence is accessible. Man cannot lie to himself as he does to those close and distant. Often though he does fool himself, he's actually quite good at. Humanity's future is terminal and Destiny's account is due. It's time people complied with reality. If something is too expensive then it's not going to be purchased. If murder is committed then somebody will pay with their life or lives. If there is a problem with an individuals ideology or his culture then that problem will be made public word for word. If there is a shootout at a mosque in an Arab country involving NATO or Coalition Troops then the specifics will directly relate to the facts and the truth as to what had really transpired. i.e. a CNN report would go like this...NATO troops opened fire on the holiest of holly's mosque today killing a dozen worshipers. The United Nations Human Rights commission, led by Iran's Achmadimijad, is condemning the atrocity and calling for the stoning of person's involved.
The TRUTH of the incident as reported by FOX NEWS would go like this...NATO troops returned fire on a mosque today after being pinned down under light artillery bombardment for 6hours by Al Qaida terrorists who were held up in that Mosque. Terrorists know very well the safe haven factor afforded to them by the sanctity of a mosque, historic or any religious site. Under the Geneva Convention troops are not permitted to open fire on any of these locations unless they are harboring criminal terrorists. As a point of interest the Islamic rogue scoundrels known as Al Qaida and the Taliban are exempt from Lady Geneva.
Why the Left continues to lie to themselves is beyond comprehension and it's dangerous. It lulls their feeble minded and rationally demented into a false sense of security...which is severely detrimental to the future of our well being. It' time to accept the truth for what it is.

Remember's still revered as the holiest place on earth by a culture inhibited by ignorance. A people who've been betrayed and enslaved and are too ignorant to realize the truth for what it is.


The good old days

Does any body remember the good old days when having fun was simple and wholesome. Reciting something as easy and clean as eeny meeny miny moe catch a nigger by the toe if he hollers let him go eeny meeny miny moe, was all it took to keep kids occupied and out of trouble during school recess. On weekends friends and family would get together at the gravel pit and have shooting match's. Or kids would play "cowboys and Indians" or cop's and robbers. Now if a person even spells the word gun he's surrounded by SWAT. And hell the only people that can refer to anybody else as being a nigger are niggers themselves. As for Cowboys and Indians...shit that isn't going to work anymore, the indians are clubbing the shit out of us everyday in court...or at the corner confection store at 1:00 in the morning. How about cops and robbers nothing has changed...the only difference is that the robbers are wearing cop uniforms now. The good old days aren't that far gone, it seems like just yesterday when "ATM" meant Automatic Teller out.And to make these matters insulting we have to listen to a phony liberal or liberal minded progressive tell us that if the public doesn't start limiting their use of toilet paper to just one square...per day not sitting, or if SUV's aren't banned and replaced with chevy volts that the polar bear will drown and New York city will be submerged in 25 ft of water. Next month the Sage, as a guest of honour, will be attending the International Caribbean Conference of Global Pragmatics I.C.C.G.P. at the Marcus Garvey Center for Philanthropy in Spanish Town Jamaica. Due to the severity of the implications posed by liberalism there will be 3 weeks dedicated solely to the eradication of liberalism. Remedies considered range from a reversing of the behavioural modification of our youth courtesy of the educational system, restoring corporal punishment in the classroom, and capital punishment for 1st degree murder, treason, 3rd time convicted rapists and a removal of communist affiliated agitprop's including union propaganda. The convention will wrap up with a discussion on the benefits of an armed society including the mandating of at least 2hrs a day of military training during school hrs. for all students in the Industrial 1st World of civilized nations. 

That Great Emmisary...the Sage.  

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The confused Left

In one of my previous entry's, not to be confused with "entree" I had mentioned the abrasive situation that CBS News reporter Laura Logan found herself in while reporting from Egypt. She was in a very compromising and dangerous situation. Taking for granted that the crowd was going to be civilized she never gave any consideration as to the reality of that moment. First of all she's immersed in a culture that has no respect for women, nor does it have respect for White Westerner's, nor does it have any respect for White Women. She's in the heart of terrorist country and she thinks that because she's "woman hear me roar" she has unimpeded access to anything and everything including acting as a foreign news correspondent in hostile lands. The reality of the matter is this; there is no guarantee for your safety. So why are you there??? Women shouldn't be in the business of reporting the news because they are a target and inadequate at defending themselves as I'm sure the anti-American, Iranian ex-patriot Christian Armanpour can attest too. In the balance of equity Two male reporter's, Greg Palcot from FOX and Anderson Cooper from CNN were also beaten severely...but not raped.Now let's hear from the liberal left and women's groups. One of the replies to the entry where I condemned the muslim crowd for their barbarity towards Ms. Logan was from an anonymous entity. He emphatically exclaimed that the crowd was overjoyed. He even wrote..."what the hell is a blond doing there to begin with"? He then goes on to say that the crowd was in an ecstatic state of emotion. Oh did they lose their composure? Regardless his message was that she should not have been there, not that the muslim crowd was barbaric. I'm a bit confused here but is this coming from the same crowd that wants equality for everybody? Does she belong there or not? Given the fact that White hetro men are disposable anyways they may as well be the one's reporting in those situations, the women can stay home and report from the NFL change locker. Think about this for a moment...this broad goes to Egypt, reports the news from a town square and gets beaten and raped...the same broad can go into an NFL change locker where guys are bare balls and the only thing she gets even near her mouth is a microphone...humph, only in America are men so rude.So which one is women report from these terrorist haven's or not?But I'm still confused about the behaviour of that Egyptian crowd. Is it OK to rape and brutalize a blond or any woman at all if your in a state of heightened emotion? Or is it just OK if you're a Muslim? Is the White Western Male privileged to take some blond and use her? No wonder the West is so fucked up. The politically correct left is so confused. They thrive on "good intentions" when practicality dictates that their intentions are illogical failures. Absurdity is when something is repeated over and over again and expecting different results. Well everything wrong with our system is the result of the politically correct doing things over and over again. The purpose of Political Correctness is, in the spirit of inclusiveness, to ensure that the weak have a say. Don't tell the strong how to run this planet, we don't need your input. Just sit there and shut the fuck up we'll take care of you but we don't want to hear what you have to say. The next thing you know the tax payer is going to be on the hook for "trans-gender" washrooms. Now if that isn't the epitome of confused. Stupid freaks don't even know what sex they are yet we'll have to build an exclusive place for them just so they can either squat or stand to piss. What a sick fucking world and all because we allowed it.
Out of inquisitive interest if that emotionally charged muslim crowd was protesting or celebrating, I think protesting and celebrating are both the same with muslims, in downtown Toronto or New York would they enjoy or be granted the same liberty
as they would have in their homeland?

The Great Sage

Thursday, February 17, 2011

CBS' Lara Logan Hospitalized: "Brutal Sexual Assault" in Egypt

CBS' Lara Logan Hospitalized: "Brutal Sexual Assault" in EgyptAnother "CUT AND PASTE". It's just evidence that delineates the nature of the freedom seekers. They forgot about their desire for liberty when the "meat" was on the table. And one idiot has the gall to say "it was not rape". This is a culture that doesn't even know or remember what it's fighting for. Conflict is their nature and for these broken hearted peaceniks who insist that it is the Right that perpetuates hatred and hinders peace in the world could you please maybe just take a trip to...let's play pick a place for lefty...Syria. Maybe you can join in with the crowd and rather than burn a conservative in effigy you can hold up some "gay pride" signs and scream at the top of your squeaky little lungs "We're queer, We're queer, and that is why we're here...of course you will repeat this a number of times; it's my assumption that you may yell it out 2.537 times before you get a bat in the head and then your throat slit. Of course after the shock wears off the gay community who by now is extremely rattled by the screaming allah akbar's who relentlessly shouted "death to queers" a thousand times, will blame the Conservative Right for inflaming the "religion of peace" and inciting such barbaric behaviour. In the meantime the muslim brotherhood pilfers allah's collection barrel (not plate) and looks for the hezzbola horseman to run the cash back to Hassan "nose hair" Nasrallah as so he can invest in peaceful party ordnance such as "urine filled balloons", "pin the star on the Jew with your bayonet", "crush the crucifix","spray with your AK" is always a hit with the kids...or infantile grown-ups, here's a popular distraction(poplar for our educated readers) the "CLAYMORE Caliph"...according to instructions you just step on the head of this swaddling wrapped piglet with your "shoe" and Voila music to their ears that is if the ears can be located by the forensic guys...who double as band members, apparently they're phenomenal with their harmonizing on the garbage can lids. According to very reliable reports from MI 6 there will also be a comedy act that'll make every minute feel like Ramadan...shit that crowd's going to be happier than a Cuban with a new airplane or a Palestinian with a new rocket launcher. Hey these guys sure know how to party, in fact, they've made it known that "everybody must get stoned"...I "wander" if that's what the assassin is for err I mean the hashish. Then they'll wind things down with a guest speaker, a Coptic from "Our Lady of Mount Shrapnel" who claims to have a (another)solution to the peace problem shit that's a comedy act in itself. There'll be more rubble at this gig than at Fred Flintstone's place during a brontosaurus b.b. cue. How many of you Ramadans ding dong's are familiar with the ancient old custom of insult involving the "shoe". It's very insulting to be hit with the sole of a shoe or in the case of a suicide bombing the "soul" that was inside of that shoe. Regardless this should event "should go off" with the same vigor and appeal as the public gang raping of a foreign news corespondent.

Well everybody it's off to the racists I mean races

The Great Sage

Multiculturalism fails Holland, too | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

Multiculturalism fails Holland, too | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

Well this is no surprise it's failing everywhere else too. The question here is how do we rid our country of the radical blight that found it's way into the country and contaminated the feeble minds full of mush belonging to left wing liberals. Let's here it for big government, commissars and union leaders, oh what the hell am I saying oh woe is the Sage I forgot...the commissars are the union leaders. The only sect of people with the instinct to survive are the muslims because they're accustomed to a sloven decrepit standard of living which is exactly what we'll end up with here.
For decades the First World countries made infinite and futile attempts at pulling the disadvantaged out of the shit hole they were mired in but to no avail. They are only pulling us into their impoverished mess. Then the ignorant sloths fly a couple planes into the World Trade attack on the world. 42 countries seemed to think so which is why they formed the "Coalition of the Willing" to oust Hussein. George Bush did what was required of him and History will prove him correct. The world, and yes that includes liberals, are witnessing a clash of civilizations...the civilized versus the primitive. And for all of those bleeding heart liberals who wish to come to the defence of the enemy your choking on sputum whilst attempting to make a point. The Sage will let you in on a little secret...nobody cares about what the left has to say because it's meaningless.
As a point of interest has anybody taken note that it's mostly "Public Sector" people who harbour this new age delirium that causes a culture to turn on itself and implode because of their "good intentions". Intentions that predictably failed miserably.
Now maybe the liberal hoard should discern yourself with the facts courtesy of Gaia or Zeuse or whatever deity it is they're worshipping today.
Oh yes and one more thing, how much "GREEN ENERGY" has Islam contributed to the world? As if they fucking care. Doesn't that ring any sense into these stupid liberals?

The Great Sage

Monday, February 14, 2011

Another blessed message from the Religion of Peace

If you're considering a move from that uninspiring and boring old faith that you've been clinging to since your terrestrial inception try a move to Islam. If you require some stimulating motivation maybe this blessed Quranic verse will get you movin...Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another: Quran 48: 29. Isn't that a message we can all "live" by...or maybe even die by?
Now please excuse me I must turn and face Mecca for 20 minutes as I think I just had a vision of those 72 virgins as they were holding up a vest structurally packed with ball bearings and Hexamethylene Triperoxide most inspiring of all was the beautifully encrypted hieroglyphics that said Death to Israel and Death to the West and who could forget the virgin that said it all with that blessed message of peace that shinned through the fogginess of disbelief, literally, with the burning effigy of George W Bush. Isn't Islam great, you can stone your old lady or sever the hand of someone who you "think" may have stolen from you, you can have the tongue cut out of someone who blasphemes not just Allah but those who consider themselves to be at the right side of Allah, the Mullahs, Imam's and Caliph's but the best one is the right to take as many 7 year old brides and be as perverted as you wish because your perversion is blessed by the big guy himself. This goes to show how backwards Western Culture is and until we adopt the muslim way we will always be backwards.

The Great Imam er excuse me Sage.

Syria Jails 19-Year-Old Blogger

Syria Jails 19-Year-Old BloggerThe blessing of Allah brought to another Muslim country. Ah what the hell this freedom stuff is overrated anyways. "Freedom of Speech is the cornerstone of a free society" isn't it ANONYMOUS???And as a point of interest when is military rule a symbol of a free society? I wish the best for Egypt but somehow that possibility rings hollow.FYI..the "cut and paste" sleight of hand which I have implemented is to verify and validate my claims about radical islam. And I should make it known to the civilized and uncivilized readers of this blog site that in no way is the Great Sage racially or culturally prejudice as claimed by a minute crumb of narrow minded individuals who, by virtue of their liberal ideals, are blinded by the cowl of left wing lunacy. The apostates condemning the facts contained herein should maybe emigrate to a muslim controlled caliphate and experience first hand Allah's form of liberty.As a good citizen of Canada, whose character traits should be adopted and emulated, the Great Sage has been referred to as the "Dali Lama of pragmatism". As many would expect the Sage's multitude of friends and admirers world wide is proof that mankind can live in harmony. And, honestly, to inform the
readers two of the Sage's most trusted "emigres" are Muslims from Iran. Sahim, who fled Iran after the Shaw was ousted 30+ years ago and Kenny (not his birth name,wants to leave his roots behind thus adopting a Western name)are so full of knowledge and wisdom that comes only from experience. When listening to them one becomes soulfully immersed and captivated and wonders how anyone could survive such a vicious state of existence. Just before Christmas of 2010 Kenny came into town with his company to retro-fit a government building with some equipment that required the expertise of the "Sage". This company is 100% owned by Iranian immigrants who are very familiar with their PERSIAN history as are many mid-east Asians in fact the name of their company reflects elements of "Ionia" and it's conflicting relationship with Persia...let's just say the Parthenon is part of the business name. Pardon my digression...both Ken and Sahim said that it's a pity that the Middle East, with all of it's mineral wealth and ability to be a major player in the world's commodity market is interested in nothing other than the extermination of all infidels not just the Jews. Kenny, as he likes to be called because it sounds so Westernized, froths at the mouth when speaking of Achmadimijad; he says "our people are brutalized and hungry and just want opportunity but with a Caliphate it will never be so". He can't even return to Iran to see his family for fear of being arrested for apostasy. This is what extremism does to people. They flee the hellish nightmare of extreme islam risking never seeing their family again just to come to the West. Even they say Multiculturalism can never work and that it has failed. It's embarrassing to have so-called educated people stand for and protect the rights of religious zealots and cold blooded killers claiming to be servants of a mythical deity named Allah. And to think that there's 72 virgins waiting for these killers upon martyrdom is ludicrous.
I know I know if it wasn't for George W Bush and Dick Cheney's Haliburton the world wouldn't have a problem with radical Islam and Jaques De Molay would still be the Grand Master of the Templars.

The Great Sage

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Banned hate preacher still broadcasting to British TV after 'Jews are enemy of Islam' claim | News

Banned hate preacher still broadcasting to British TV after 'Jews are enemy of Islam' claim | News

Thank you Islam for this peacefull promotion of love for your fellow human being. Hey I got someone I want you to meet, his name is Anonymous and he's a supporter of yours and by that I don't mean athletic supporter. He thinks military rule is the path to civility.

The Great Sage.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Obama deserted an ally.

The manchild president, Barack Hussein Obama, abandoned a very important ally in the Middle East and in doing so has deserted the last bastien of democracy as well, Israel. Everyone knows that Mubarack was not an angel and reforms were iminent but still he was the last barrier between muslim extremists and Israel. Egypt was also the custodian of the Suez canal.
Obama should never have made (stupid) public statements re. Mubarack's inevitable exit instead he should have offered to broker a deal with the people of Egypt and Mubarack's successor. Now the "Muslim Brotherhood" comes into the picture and it's not going to be pretty.
When you look at what the Arab's have done for the world, I mean really look at what they've done you have to sit back and realize what the Arab's have done TO the world.
They brought us cheap oil...that's it. All the billions of $$$$ they've reaped from the industrialized and civilized West and they couldn't do anything with it other than to give themselves 24crt toilets, door handles and floor tile. They've maintained the age old customs of stoning, cutting out of tongues, piercing eyes and pouring the precious molten metal down the throats of apostates and infidels. 70 year old religious leaders taking girls as young as 9 years of age as brides because they are "clean" and fathers who can kill their daughter's out of honour. This is what the Arabs have brought to the world...this is the world that fanatical islam has convinced the liberal left in our countries to support and endorse.
If anybody thinks for one minute that this unease in Egypt is about liberty and freedom for the impoverished masses they had better think hard about what the world has been dealing with for over a millennium.

The Great Sage
When Obama, the man child speaks it's time to plug your ears.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Multiculturalism will fail: Tarek Fatah | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun

Multiculturalism will fail: Tarek Fatah | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun
What's left to say? The Sage need not backpeddle on any of his prophecies. Muslim leaders themselves are saying what I have said since 9/11.
Multiculturalism does not work.

The Great Sage

Monday, February 07, 2011

The Progressives United Knowledge Emporium ...P.U.K.E

Well comrades the commissar of mind think has cleared the following headlines for public consumption. FYI the term "pubic" actually derives from the word "public".
In the spirit of inclusiveness and political correctness (and stupidity) Lake Superior has been renamed Lake Inferior.
Rioting Egyptians sponsored by "The Muslim Brotherhood" were told by Israel's Prime Minister B.B. Netanyahu not to "damage the pyramids for they will not rebuild them a second time". Come to think of it those pyramids do belong to Israel by virtue of the fact that they constructed them 4,000 years ago.
The great scholar Joe Biden chimed in today saying that the riot's in Egypt were nothing other than a "big pyramid scheme". Never looked at it that way Joe but you may have a "point" there but where's the all seeing eye.
In the Inspirational Quote section, Churchill stated that "we will fight them on the beaches"...Reagan, tear down this wall...Obama, follow me on twitter.
China calls international currency a "thing of the past" suggests using shiny sea shells.
Obama eases Cuba travel...allows 30 per raft rather than the previous 20 but warns drifters that littering or did he mean loitering?.will not be terminated or did he mean tolerated? One thing about Obama he's one hell of a mystery. You don't know what you're getting until his teleprompter tells you...or him
From the MSNBC(LSD)news desk...U.S. Congress woman being shot in the left side of her brain proves that violence comes from the Right.
The ACLU and Canadian Human Rights Organization has confirmed that Christmas decorations and celebrations create terrorists.
Comet and Cupit refuse to pull Santa's sleigh with openly gay Dasher and Prancer...Obama to advise the North Poll committee that Xmas may be boycotted if gay rights not enforced.
Obama applaudes Iran's restraint. Only 100 patrons with 3 stones maximum at family stoning events. Ayatollah mocks decision quoting "you Mecca me laugh".

Reporting from Cairo Sage Cronkite

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Muslims want children excused from music, mixed phys-ed classes

Muslims want children excused from music, mixed phys-ed classes
Isn't equality great? For years Western Culture fought against itself to end segregation and now look. By segregating themselves from Western norms Muslims are invoking a derisive atmosphere. A Canadian spokesperson for the Muslim Community insisted that this is not a normal position taken by immigrants and would like to know where they are getting their advice. Well that's simple enough, they are being informed before they leave their primitive ghetto on how to disrupt what's left of Western civilization. The single most vicious adversary of the West today it was 2,500years ago the Persian Empire now ruled by a radical "MUSLIM" caliphate.

The Great Sage.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

It's time to talk

Why is there a special consideration for special people? Is a persons culture legitimate grounds for relentless litigation? When does the "White Immigrant" Westerner become free of not only fiscal bondage but the wandering restraints that prevent us from access to and development of land that's been here for 4.5billion years? Why is it Justice that the White Man can be discriminated against? How is it  that White Caucasians are exempt from "inalienable rights endowed by our creator".Isn't it time that equality went 360degrees and included everybody? Can somebody please tell me where the White Human Race went wrong when it brought the world out of darkness? Granted there is blemished history that stains our position on earth and within humanity...but then again no culture is clean.What if the White segment of the Industrialized Nations decided to give up and throw in the towel because the weight of the social burden has beaten us into the ground?We're regulated to the point of immobilization. Prime Forest access, Hunting and Fishing privileges, Territorial Autonomy and Impunity from irrational Public Discourse are benefits afforded to other races or cultures but exclude the White Man. Perpetual reparation is taking it's toll. If the White Man pulled his investments and decided not to invest time, money and life into a business anymore how many business' would Western Society lose? Coal mines that supply steel mills,  electrical generating plants, oil refinery's and the entire petrol chemical industry. The auto sector, ship building, rail lines, the big agriculture that feeds the world, iron ore and precious mineral mines. All of these are the result of hard work and investment of hard cash and life's savings...and most of all a lot of sweat and worry. The economy would collapse and I defy anyone to disprove it.Could other societies, that refused to compliantly emulate our 1st World civiized standards, sustain the same system or close version of it? I know this system isn't perfect but it's been pretty good to people who've never had to work a day in their life...and yet seek to be given more. Their message is communicated through an unpredictable means of protest. You never know if they're going to confront our military, our cops or us, shut down highways and/or sites slated for economic development. I've seen so much help go to waste. Structures financed and built on sacred land reclaimed (expropriated)from the Crown and Tax Payer and then vandalized and torched in a fit of drunken behaviour. Forest related industries that were financed by the tax payer to help a culture of people develop their own industrial infrastructure was futile. Misapropriated funds were always a problem...somebody forgot one of the principles of business; a percentage of the generated revenue must be reinvested in the business and not into a few pockets.        Now remember this has nothing to do with an attitude towards any race of people, this is an open and honest discussion with whomever chooses to read it and there is nothing racially derogatory about it.If I close my business the immediate affect would be the loss of up to 10 jobs, doubled when working around the clock. The peripheral affect would be felt by suppliers. If the major industries listed herein all decided to close up there would be at least 200billion dollars a year out of our economy which means only one thing...collapse. Now here's the "onion" no more social more 1st World. Don't look towards the believer's of Islam for help. Do you think the Indigionous cultures of North America have the ability to create, maintain and sustain a viable economy?     It's time to talk.

The Great Sage

Thursday, February 03, 2011

The other lie.

There are so many things that require immediate attention that the only way that anything will be rectified is if we pick away bit by bit in a prioritized manner.Now...every logical minded pragmatist can distinguish between exaggerated idealism and factual evidence. The consensus among those who are not mired in the sludge of denial is that we are very well aware of the fact that Saddam Hussein had to go. It was obvious that the Rogue's Gallery of The United Nation's (against Israel,Britain and the U.S.)were not interested in enforcing their resolutions against Hussein to open the door to inspectors; I think it was about the 15th resolution where this effort now "seemed" futile. After the 17th time enough was enough. Hussein had a personal oil for food scam on the side and made billions of POCKET CASH of which financed his military and WMD programme. He killed off his own people with Mustard Gas(WMD) and summarily executed hundreds of people a day...after a lengthy torture session. His twisted son's had their own "RAPE ROOMS". It was mandatory that every week school teachers submit photos of girls 12years of age and over to satisfy the blessed urges of two good little muslim boys who were loyal to their Allah fearing father. George Bush took a long overdue war to them after 9/11.
The other main issue that requires an immediate response and counter attack is the myth of Global Warming which is now called Climate Change. Every common sense person knows that man is NOT responsible for Climate Change or whatever they want to call it tomorrow. This is the new religion that will get much sacrifice and donations only the sacrifice and donations will be imposed upon us by big government. The Private Sector will suffer whilst they're being robbed. This hoax is propagated by the communist inspired Anti-God, Feminazi socialist cabal that controls everything through Left Wing government's and their clandestine partner-in-crime...Main Stream Media. Many Elitist's and "Fringe" politicians have received Global Warming as "sound science". Joeseph Goebbels would be proud of the effectiveness of the propaganda from the inception of this mythical scam.
Climate changes are inevitable, cyclical, recurrent and unpreventable. Long before man could have had any measurable impact upon the earth's environment. In fact the middle ages hosted a warming trend far greater than our current. The list of warming periods that the earth has experienced is countless...which is why glaciers from 3 ice ages in the past 600,000years M E L T E D . How simple and arrogant for someone to try and fool people into believing that man can produce that much pollution. That would mean that factories would be running flat out and full blast, when they're not. Man might produce 50million tonnes of SO2 and Carbon particulate
and 20million tonnes of hydra-carbons a year but that is far less than the emissions from a volcano. The blast in Iceland last year emitted approximately 580million tonnes per week for 3weeks. Now you're somewhere around 1.6billion tonnes of air borne emissions that far exceeds man's capability. Now multiply that by the other major eruptions in the Philippines, Indonesia, Montserrat in the Caribbean fact Costa Rica's Mt. Arenal, which the Sage has personally studied, has been blowing off 4-5 times daily for the past thousand years...and the earth is still here.
Global warming is an effort to reintroduce serfdom. To solidify a twin tier/class society which totally eliminates the middle class. Everybody other than the liberal elitists will work for basic, rationed food and shelter. The destruction of a once robust economy that was the envy of the world will ensure the elimination of the middle class and a large portion of the modestly upper class. Over regulation and excessive restrictions have the private sector ham strung. There is only room for the big billion dollar players. The back-broken and hard working million dollar entrepreneur is a thing of the past.
Where does China and India and Mexico and Latin America fit into all of this? The Sage will inform you...they are now the proud host's of North America's big industries; and people wonder why they are out of a job. They are unemployed because there is no place to work anymore. Manufacturers produce their goods in a third world shit hole rather than this arrogant first world shit hole because they don't want to deal with the B.S. and B.S. does not stand for "Benevolent Science". And I am seriously considering the same route with my business. Hey Steel Worker and Auto Unions do you understand as to why your membership has drastically declined???it's because there is less steel required in today's pathetically puny-small vehicles don't require that much steel. That is what your union gets for supporting the left which leads to the reverberation of the old adage careful what you ask for because you just might get it. Another prime example is wind power. To change out a "Necel" generator from an 80 meter tower in N. Ontario cost approx. $300,000.00 after travelling the required cranes and crew from Southern Ontario to North. Not cheap. In addition they're irritating as they sound like the constant roar of a jet engine. Can you imagine what the animals are exposed to with this. In my area there was once a healthy population of moose and bear but since the creation of the world's largest wind farm they are no more. Now the whack job environmentalists are protesting further "Green Power" Wind Farms along the shoreline of Lake Superior because of their unsightliness. These are the same people that wanted wind power because it was FUCKING GREEN...again the reverberation of the old adage...careful what you ask for because you just might get it.
This is the most poorly substantiated and exaggerated theory of our time, what happened to the Little Ice Age in the mid-70's??? I defy anyone to disprove the Sage's claims.

Liberate Free Enterprise,,,KILL Socialism.

The Great Sage

Sharia Brutality on a Raped Girl in Bangladesh

Sharia Brutality on a Raped Girl in Bangladesh
This is the beauty of Sharia Law. Isn't cultural diversity great? It lends credibility to a society that existed in darkness by living a life in accordance with Christian beliefs and disallowing multiple cultures to preserve their rituals and traditions is very close minded on our part.
This is the Sharia Law that the premier of Ontario Canada, Dalton McGuinty is fighting for. He fights for a culture that has no reservations about slitting the throats of anybody Islam considers an infidel...even family honour killings are worth a political fight eh Dalton?
There is no room on this planet for such barbarism...but they sure do make one hell of a target for a caliber Browning.
How does anybody defend the painful joke of the Islamic cult?

The Great Sage

Justice and the Rule of Law Non-Existent for Many in Afghanistan

Justice and the Rule of Law Non-Existent for Many in Afghanistan
This video was fabricated in a farmer's field somewhere in Ontario Canada. The actors here are former members of an amateur baseball league who, due to a substance abuse issue were cut from their prospective team, were at least capable of throwing stones for the propaganda film crew...what was that inspirational phrase that Anonymous referred to???oh yes sticks and stones may break my bones blah blah blah whatever. The blog entries contained herein and signed "The Great Sage" are, as a "very few" have stated, weak, FOX-like, pseudo-intellectual and ineffectual therefor are irrelevant. "Turkey Spice" promotions would also like to thank the Lichter's Guild for their support in the supplying of costumes and head dress to create an authentic Islamic crowd and radical atmosphere that truly enhanced the footage. At no time were any animals injured during the transporting of these actors nor were any insects trampled upon by the ensuing crowd. Every effort was made to remove any living organism that could have been subjected to accidental trampling.
The myth that stoning still occurrs today is something that Western Culture, or what's left of it, must not thrive upon. This only widens the rift between a peacefull sect of people and those of us who claim to be civilized and compassionate. There is no need to speak out against something that doesn't exist so why create enemies of peace loving individuals whose use of a knife is for ceremonial purposes only and an AK47 pictured on a "Hezbolla" flag is a perfect symbol of peace that should be recognized by countries who are trying to disarm it's own law abiding citizenry such as Canada.
Stoning is a barbaric thing of the past and was eliminated after Jesus said "let he who is without guilt cast the first stone".

The Great Sage---liason for "Turkey Spice Productions"

Fallen Marine's Parents Adopt Son's Bomb Dog

Fallen Marine's Parents Adopt Son's Bomb Dog
If only humans were this loyal. A soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of justice, honour and valour. His spirit lives on through "man's best friend".
Private First Class Colton Rusk...God Bless and God speed.


Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Reply to Anonymous

In many of the Sage's articles there are replies from an anonymous member of the human race. The content of the replies are all the same. Anonymous states that I am ridiculous and that the context hinders my claim to being the Sage.
You know Anonymous, I think you're suffering from a neurological impediment...a disorder that inhibits you from diverting from the "same" limited range of content
that no doubt was written by someone other than yourself. Similar to a repetitive speech disorder, usually accompanied by severe stuttering, an individual uncontrollably and irritatingly repeats him/herself. The humiliating aspect of this deficiency is the subject's inability to be coherent and speak beyond primitive gibberish...or at least communicate with smoke signals. I'll bet you copied and pasted this comment, for lack of external input, (buddy was gone)after an inculcated session with several behavioral "scientists" not therapists. I know I know you think your ability to use a computer is evidence that you possess "some" intellect, well don't be too proud of that muscle twitch, even primates can be PROGRAMMED to punch a few keys.
I hope your disorder isn't genetic cause it would make for an awful family get together. Maybe the gene pool needs a bit of chlorine; although, I don't think chlorine will stabilize the infectious properties of progressive liberalism.

Mr. or Mrs. liberal anonymous...just like your fellow communists you are very close to stepping in that hole in your cloud and it's a big one. And one thing about liberal socio-communists is they DO NOT bounce back.

The Great Sage

The Great Sage

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood: ‘Prepare Egyptians for war with Israel'

Muslim Brotherhood: ‘Prepare Egyptians for war with Israel'
Welcome truth seekers everywhere the Sage is pleased and honoured to have you as guests in this humble domain of truth and evidence.
Now the Sage is aware of the unwillingness on the part of progressive liberals to acknowledge the truth. For some reason fact, reality and logic are unacceptable and somewhat inciting. Anyone who can distinguish between fact and fiction is considered weird or misled and anyone who promotes the truth is a Right Wing nut. Liberal lefties witness with their own two eyes violent atrocities committed against their fellow human beings and yet they must wait to have what they've witnessed explained to them. i.e. "now for the viewing audience who may wonder just exactly what it is that they are witnessing here, we can tell you that the beheadings of these White, Western Christian or Jewish individuals were INSTIGATED by an intolerant society flush with INFIDELS who constantly ridicule and blaspheme Islam The Religion of Peace". Ya right they cut the head of some poor son of a bitch because that is the nature of their uncivilized sloven culture...period. I don't need some phony liberal political party that modifies the behavior of society with subliminal agitprop's and propaganda to explain that what I'm witnessing isn't really what I'm witnessing. "We beg of the people not to jump to conclusions here or develop a pre-conceived notion as to what appears to be happening. That really wasn't a beheading but as soon as we consult with our muslim affiliate in Syria I'm sure this mis-understanding will be sorted out.
Well here's another mythical report that I'm sure the progressives have an explanation for or they'll just dismiss it as being Right Wing Dogma that prevents us from joining hands with the "muslim brotherhood" and singing Kum By Ya.
I do not want to be controlled by the "Religion of Peace". It's time to annul our relationship with multiculturalism and inform the "non-traditional" immigrant that they can practice the religion of their choice as long as it blends with the founding principles of our constitution...Canadian and American. If you choose to be an atheist slash human secularist then that is your prerogative but under no circumstances will you be a party to a religion that is as barbaric as FANATICAL way. This country is already on the road to defeat. Muslims will eventually outnumber Christians and Secularists...then what? In this politically correct shit hole we choose apathy over action, we constantly placate the implacable and we're afraid to speak for fear of offending someone namely the prophet Mohamed.
FYI...did you know that a Ras Mussen poll a few years back revealed that 3% of the muslim population in North America, Canada and U.S. combined was willing to act as a SUICIDE BOMBER in the name of the "Religion of Peace". 3% may not sound like all that much but with an overall muslim population of around 25million in both countries that means that there are about 80,000 arab muslim fanatics that are willing to blow themselves up on a crowded street or public place if and when ordered.
Western Society is not ready for that. 80,000 suicide (homicide) bombers. 1 blast in down town Toronto will change that city forever. and there's still 79,999 left. This Islam is not a religion it is recruiting cult. Is this simple enough to understand???

The Great Sage