Wednesday, February 29, 2012

UN says number of children killed in Syria above 500 - Bikya Masr

UN says number of children killed in Syria above 500 - Bikya MasrThe world was warned a long time ago but failed to heed what was being said. George Bush did exactly the right thing by removing sudamm hussien and all the left wing pathetic wimps cried like ignorant gutless look at where we've arrived. These child massacres are only brought to the world's attention now because even the corrupt UN could no longer consciously ignore the wholesale slaughter of innocent people in these muslim lands...the media included. All this could have been stopped a long time ago if Iran was completely neutralized and islamic fanatics are totally eliminated.

The Great Sage

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kim Jong-Il looking at things - Best Pictures |

Kim Jong-Il looking at things - Best Pictures Cliptank.comI just had to do it. Fucking stupid Korean's.

The Great Sage

IDF Israel female soldiers - YouTube

IDF Israel female soldiers - YouTube Now this is what I call women. Tell me these birds aren't ready for action. They live it every day and you can tell they're ready for anything and you can bet that emotions won't get int the way.

The Great Sage

FLOTILLA: We Con the World - YouTube

FLOTILLA: We Con the World - YouTube Here's the news that won't hit your TV.

The Great Sage

Sunday, February 26, 2012

OLG defective slots

Just as a word of warning...the OLG Charity Casino in Sault Ste. Marie is operating with defective machines which steal from the player. I know this from personal experience with witness'.

The Great Sage

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time This is it people. This is the new culture that theatens what remains of ours...and in our own country at that.

The Great Sage

"The Three Terrors" - YouTube

"The Three Terrors" - YouTube This could only be said in a song.

The Great Sage

Canada halts work at Afghan ministries as riots continue | CTV News

Canada halts work at Afghan ministries as riots continue CTV News Tell the FUCKING TRUTH!!!!!!!!!! CTV.
What the public is being misled about is the fact that terrorists were using pieces of the quran to secretly pass intelligence even detainees were communicating within the holding facilities. And Obama apologizes???twice???He's the enemy within. Stand in front of your military Mr. President??? This was the correct and necessary move on the part of the military. What if those communications resulted in a hostility against innocent people? The left wing media is dangerous. It misleads and misinforms the weak link in the human chain. People who need big government are brainwashed to HATE AMERICA and the CAPITALIST SYSTEM it promotes. The weak are programmed to believe the media to the point where the only political ideology being disseminated is that of fascists and socialist/communists. And this is the ideology that despises Capitalist America and the West. And there's no better way to generate hatred than through the NEWS.
Those prisoners should be given the treatment they last dished out and then let the sit in the smoke of burning qurans. And then bomb out about 500sq miles of territory, tell Kahrzi that his heroin supply is now cut off and he's under house arrest. WHEN WILL THE WEST FIGHT TO WILL???? Nobody wants to kill anymore for fear of being brought up on charges somewhere!!!!! Who the fuck wants to stick their fucking neck out for the same scum that's trying to prosecute them???? It's time to go back to basics people. Large scale bombing campaigns the way we did it against the last "ARIAN" we have IRAN which translates to "ARIAN".
Burn any fucking QURAN that is defaced with covert communication and then take the pig kisser who inscribed the secret message and put him in front of the firing squad with his fellow pig kissers watching. All seven shooters dip their bullets into pig blood and then empty them all into their target. Then let one of them go to spread the message that the WEST IS NOT FUCKING AROUND ANYMORE.
CTV and CBC are a fucking joke.

The Great Sage

Friday, February 24, 2012

Little Intolerant Mosque on the Prairies » Publications » Family Security Matters

Little Intolerant Mosque on the Prairies » Publications » Family Security MattersThis sums it up. The CBC is a network for idiots..queers included. Which is why I have Satellite, and not Bell or Starchoice either. One thing, among thousands, that I can boast is the fact that "little musk" on the prairie never came through my television screen.
I'll be as tolerant as the intolerant.

The Great Sage

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Kanye West charity spends lots of money, just not on charity -

Kanye West charity spends lots of money, just not on charity - NYPOST.comHey "gangsta rappa"...what youall do with the doe???spend it on "hoes"???what the fuck do you know about potatoes? You guys are all the same. You steal from your own.

The Great Sage....duuuuude.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Hollywood is reluctant to work with muslim Sean Stone

After converting to Islam, Sean Stone says Hollywood is “reluctant to work with me” - NYPOST.comYou're a freak as is your phony "Old Man". islam is the religion of violence unlike Judaism or Christianity. When was the last time you saw or heard of a Christian or Jewish homicide bomber you fucking idiot??? Open a dialogue on religion? There's enough dialogue diseminated by muslim extremists which I might add is a convoluted one.

The Great Sage

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Toronto's ‘radical mosque’

Salaheddin Islamic Centre: Toronto's million-dollar ‘radical mosque’ News National PostEvery day there is something involving "islam" in this country more-so Ontario. There is no respect for this country from the islamic sect and they prove it by making a statement the Canadian Law doesn't matter only islamic law.
The weak among us continue to ignore the truth, the same bunch accuses the eternally vigilant of being racist. Time to present an ultimatum to islam.

The Great Sage

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Suspect held on law that bans eating pets | Local & Regional News | Bakersfield Now - News, Weather and Sports

Suspect held on law that bans eating pets Local & Regional News Bakersfield Now - News, Weather and Sports An entire new meaning to "eating pussy". Let this be a lesson, never let your neighbor hear you eating "pussy" and for goodness sakes please ensure that your "pussy" doesn't scream.

The Great One

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security Iran is getting closer ever day to major changes in their life.

The Great Sage.

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, SecurityIf this was WWII Iran would have been pummelled 2years ago. This is what peace brings to the world. We turn our heads and cave to political activists who think the entire world other than Israel, Great Britain and the U.S. should be armed. This is what we face now...a nuclear capable iran and 2 million muslims planted here at home.
I am predicting that by June of this year, Israel will exercise their option of "anticipatory retaliation" and unilaterally hit and dramatically stun iran. A state of submission awaits this goofy punk terrorist, achmadimijad. Just like
saddam..."so- dam-insane" I was glad to see him go and likewise with "achhhhhhmadimijad. Israel will have to rely on Canada this time around for military support (in the terms of ammunition) because Obama's is stunned, useless and an enemy to his own country.

The Great Sage

SF teens learn lessons in love, tolerance at fest

SF teens learn lessons in love, tolerance at festI am profoundly perplexed. Yes my gracious worshipers for once in a blessed lifetime The Great Sage is devoid of comprehension. Elaboration would be impossible. If this was the "Roman Empire" it would collapse right now.
This is the twisted, morally bankrupt, ethically corrupt FUCKING STUPID PROGRESSIVE LEFT.
San Fran FAGGOTS. The rise of Sodom....Gomorrah is U. of C. Berkley. It's genetically inevitable, this culture will terminate it self.
The world, including this trash, feeds off Capitalism...the system they so much despise but yet so much depend upon...and they're oblivious to it. "EAT THE RICH" they cry and scream. "It's not fair". "I want what he has and just because I can't afford it doesn't mean I shouldn't be entitled to it". "I want a job but I don't want to work hard because I have a bad back". "I'd like to start work right away but I have 6 appointments in the next two weeks with my psychiatrist". "I can't start work right away because my girl friend needs help moving into her apartment but I can probably be ready in 2 me back in two weeks"...(ummm, you know what work is kid?) These are just some of the excuses I've heard. The terminal future. It doesn't want to work it only cares about installing a fucking rubber when drunk.
Tolerance fest??????Just get these social pariah's wound up with cuts in entitlement funds. Yah then you'll see the height of tolerance. This is the same culture that sexually rapes it's female comrades while holed up in their disease ridden tent camps within the heart of cities world wide. The Rise of the act...where common sense could never prevail.

The Great Sage

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

An apology from The Great Sage

The Great Sage wishes to apologize for any inconvenience the truth may have on everyday life. But without the truth we would have no purpose other than bloated government. Ours is a "purpose driven life" and it's the truth that ensures us that our ambitions are rewarded. But...many times the "ugly truth" presents itself at the most inconvenient time of one's life. Now deal with it rather than try to twist it into something else just to avoid it. Political Correctness is not the truth.
Western culture has become weak. Too many are afraid of insulting somebody by asking them a straight forward question for fear of insulting their culture or person. The fact is that these cultures are accustomed to the hard questions from whence they came...they only look at us as being weak. They laugh at us. Westerners don't get the politically correct treatment in muslim countries, they'll get their throat slit on Youtube but nothing more.
The truth of the matter is that if airline passengers were racially profiled on 9/11 maybe there would not have been a 9/11. Have a special flight for muslims only that way us infidels won't insult them with our existence...and we won't have to smell the putrid miasma of their culinary crap.

The Great Sage

Toilet training for Swansea University students -

Toilet training posters for Swansea University students - TelegraphOnly black cultures are this uncivilized. I see it in the Caribbean also where they don't even know how to wipe their fucking back sides after expelling their innards. Filthy fucking pigs that they are...but not to worry as there is plenty of help here in Canada for these primitive primates.

I am ETC.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood Goal: Global Caliphate Gradually without Coercsion | Terrorism Right Side News

Muslim Brotherhood Goal: Global Caliphate Gradually without Coercsion Terrorism Right Side NewsThis is how islam tends to extend it's tentacles to every corner of the world. It begins with wining over the hearts and minds of the ambient society....which is very easy to accomplish in a "multicultural" society. Islam is foreign to the West. It is not our traditional denomination and as such has no place in civilized society as an influential sect. No little mosque or shit house on the prairie. If one can't get a service hat or helmet over his head then no law enforcement or military, in other words NO FUCKING TURBINES.
And these mosques all over Southern Ontario are not without question. Many mosques in islamic dominated countries are vipers' nests filled with pig spawn. Pray to allah and kill all infidels.
Muslims MUST NOT have a say within our cultural political system.

The Great Sage

Pakistan - Homosexuals must go

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan - Homosexuals in the line of fireWidespread hatred for queers is much more prevelant than once thought. You see?it's not those of us in the West who think queers have gone to far. What the muslim countries will not permit is the same "mandated" freedom queers have in the West so they're "nipping it in the bud" now. The muslim society is all fucked up now the last thing they need is queer marriage...then they'll be completely fucked up.

The Great Sage

Libya Tells UN Rights Council: “Gays threaten continuation of human race” at View from Geneva

Libya Tells UN Rights Council: “Gays threaten continuation of human race” at View from Geneva Is this the same Libya that just overthrew it's despotic dictator? This the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD live it....for there will be many that die from it.

The Great Sage

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Capitalism and a stupid lefty

A 31 year old video clip ABSOLUTELY worth your time - dauckster's posterous Phil Donahue was always one of THE BIGGEST ARSEHOLE on the Silver Screen but here he's worth first prize. You fucking go Milt. You were well ahead of your time. The left is no smarter today in fact they're gone right fucking stupid.

The Great Sage

The Useless Left

Just a thought...if the occupy Wall Street crowd wants to "eat the Rich" then why can't the Rich let the poor die off? Let them feed off their own carcasses. The left is crazy funny. They know how to recycle wash water...a number of times, and they are very proficient in configuring a paper lunch bag into an emergency toilet (or for general use) but they have absolutely no desire to be productive members of society. They want more...they want fairness....they want an end to big profits, they want those profits given to them without trading their sweat. Fairness to this left wing lunatic bunch means "I want half of what you have without working for it", or, I want "more for free".
This implacable crowd is pathetic. A better system to them is a big government that gives them womb to tomb care and coddling. This bunch sees gay rights as a major concern more so than the economy or Foreign Affairs. A wacked out liberal bunch that never worked a day in their life...the Trust Fund Liberal...useless and brain dead, so much that they believe the polar ice caps are melting and polar bears are facing extinction because of "MAN MADE POLLUTION". Yet volcanoes are no threat whatsoever. And "Taliban Jack" Layton's a fucking hero.
Why doesn't the left team up with the indians and live on the Reserve without any subsidy from the filthy Capitalists?and we'll just watch everybody fade away because they're too fucking useless to be self sufficient.

The Great Sage

Friday, February 10, 2012

Muslim prostitution gang in Canada

Cops arrest suspects in alleged case of forced underage prostitution CTV Montreal This is the muslim credo. There isn't one ugly face here that I wouldn't beat with a bat...first... The "prophet" mohamad
(mo ham mad, as translated by the black community "more ham mad") was a sex predator, pedophile slave master and polygamist. There was nothing good about this islamic pig kisser and here is the reason why. This trash is just emulating their hero...and here it is now in Canada. This vile cult belonging to alah is pig spawn and The Great Sage has been on top of this ugliness for over a decade. This country is in for a rude rude awakening.
The East is predominantly barbaric and uncivilized and we welcome them with open arms to the Civilized West.
The NEWS that the politically correct media is afraid to print.

The Great Sage

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Barack Obama: the Second Lady of the United States

Barack Obama: the Second Lady of the United States This is one of those times where a picture truly is worth a thousand words.

The Great Sage

Missouri Teen Describes Killing As 'pretty Enjoyable' Experience | Fox News

Missouri Teen Describes Killing As 'pretty Enjoyable' Experience Fox News This is nothing but liberal trash that missed the garbage truck...KILL IT. Let the family of the deceased slit her throat while she's laughing.

I am ETC.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Conservative Talk Radio From Pittsburgh

Conservative Talk Radio From Pittsburgh THIS IS THE TRUTH ABOUT WHO THE OCCUPY CROWD REALLY IS. L O S E R S every fucking one of them.

I am ETC.

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Bears slaughter by Chi-Comms

Bears held to harvest their bile are going on 'hunger strikes' as their only way to escape captivity Mail OnlineThis is the world in which we live. Proof that all cultures are not equal. Soon it will over run the civilized West because we allowed it. To treat an animal this way when it is completely innocent of any vile behaviour, unlike that of man, is proof that Eastern culture is inferior to Western. From somebody who has a very close relationship with bears I find this miserably insensitive and is is absolutely sickening. The East is a world plagued with a cruel sickness yet we embrace the sickness that comes to this country and encourage it to flourish under the destructive tenets of multiculturalism.
This is the world that aborts a female fetus and imposes a strict one child code. This is the world that puts a bullet into the head of convicted felons and then sends a bill for services rendered to the survivors. Has anyone witnessed the manner in which they manage the slaughtering of animals? The Middle East is no anyone familiar with the evil perspective of "halal"? This segment of Eastern Culture is very proficient at slitting throats because they are well practiced. This is the cult that stones it's women ... for anything. This part of the world has more people, women and children included, well prepared for martyrdom...without hesitation they would strap a bomb onto their body and kill innocent people in the name of ALAH or the PROPHET. This the world that trains dogs to wander into an area with a remote bomb attached to it. This is the world that permits the "HONOUR KILLING" of it's family...and their religious leaders will lie and purger themselves in defence of their twisted faith by claiming that Islam does not permit honour killings; all to preserve their image.
I do not believe a word they say. Only actions speak louder than words could ever be yelled. All we hear is of the loving nature and well intention's of these misunderstood nomads. But nobody wants to hear the truth. TRUST BUT VERIFY and be wary of anybody claiming to be communist or nazi/islamist.
There is no sanctity of life with Eastern culture, the murderous disregard for innocence is evident in their every day existence.
Man's relationship with wildlife and domesticated animals is an indicator as to his relationship with his fellow man...and Eastern civilization doesn't score all that high...does it?

The Great Sage

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Palestinian kids are “fertilizer,”

Palestinian kids are “fertilizer,” created to saturate the land with blood - PMW BulletinsI'm sure this article is inaccurate. Muslims are loving people who live by the tenets of The religion of Peace. No doubt the author of this article forgot to mention that the fertilizer being referred to here is the stuff purchased in bags used to nourish plant life, not the actual spilling of blood.
Muslims are kind people with nothing but the best of intentions for all of humanity. Let's bring more of them to Canada. One note of interest though, and I find it very disturbing, is why are signs posted at airport immigrations throughout the Caribbean warning travelers that PALESTINIAN NATIONALS are not permitted to enter? they know something that we don't? (or refuse to recognize)
OK enough of the retarded shit...let's just blast the shit out of Palestine (Judea) and clean up the Middle East before they have the capability to do us. sources today claim that Iran is warning the world that they have 1,000 missiles in stock ready to go and many will target the West, meaning the North American continent. They claim that it is their right to pursue atomic energy without interferrence and if anybody wishes to intervene then, by the grace of allah, punishment will ensue.

The Great Sage

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

NBC whitewashes Shafia honor killing: no mention of Islam in story of girls killed because they "betrayed Islam" - Jihad Watch

NBC whitewashes Shafia honor killing: no mention of Islam in story of girls killed because they "betrayed Islam" - Jihad Watch This is the LEFT WING MAINSTREAM MEDIA...included are CNN, CBS, NPR,CBC,CTV,HNN with the worst of them all being the BBC. Doing nothing to prevent evil is equivalent to doing evil. Western Culture is almost extinct and people don't see it. The first thing Canada can do is cancel "little madrassa on the prairie" and no turbines in public service. And if you wish to maintain your twisted culture then leave and tell your tribes to stay where they are...we don't permit the stoning of women or honor killings. There, now you don't have to listen to the liberal media.

The Great Sage