Monday, March 28, 2011

Gaza cops use ‘beatings, stun guns’ on women reporters

Gaza cops use ‘beatings, stun guns’ on women reportersBoy...these female reporters are having a real rough time in Muslim land aren't they? Is it time to ban all female reporters from Middle East and Over Seas assignments? Are they doing something to antagonize these peace loving Islamics or is their weakness detected through their obvious inferiority? And it is a fact of life that only the fittest survive, it's a shame that today's "progressive" liberals can't accept that fact...if they did prescribe to this perspective these female reporters wouldn't have been there to get's ignorance. Ignorance is a weakness that uncivilized barbarians prey upon and what better a target than dumb Western liberal females and unarmed at that. I think the word "jihad" has a totally new meaning to these women now . Such is the problem today. There are actually people who think it's admirable and respectful to cuddle with primitive civilization...such as these female reporters. I wonder if there's going to be any little Mustahfa's running around the Reuters and Western Press studios 9 months from now. If the Liberals slime their way into power I guarantee that Middle East Muslim "refugees" will be permitted entry as refugees into Canada. Then watch what happens to our female reporters here.
The Great Sage

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Another election in Canada ? ? ? ?

If people take note as to what is transpiring here they will see that the excessive and costly number of elections that have been forced upon us by the minority Liberals, including the NDP and BLOC, were for nothing other than a power grab. The left wing apparatchiks are clueless and totally void of all things economics. Unequivocally, the concept of moving Canada in the "Right" direction is beyond the Socialist Lefts capability . Look at the cost of an election and how many times have Canadians had to go to the polls just because clueless and prodigal politicians want power. The position of Prime Minister is nothing other than a throne from which socialist dictators inform the public as to how they will conduct themselves while standing in the breadline staring down at the remainder of their food and wares ration stamps. Then the money order...not a "money order" either, it's a "give us your money" order. But, it will be for our own good whether we like it or not. If there's something we don't like it's only because we, as the tax paying public, are not advanced or politically inclined enough to understand the protective nuances implemented by an ostensibly benevolent government.
Now for those who are unfamiliar with political dialect I want to point out something. The term "LIBERAL" is not just a "worthless" political party it is a term that delineates a political ideology and this does include the NDP. Now, the NDP because of their socialist/communist perspective is a party all of it's own; Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin would've been very proud of Canada if they weren't currently at room temperature. Contrary to their platform the NDP does not represent the working man, they only steal from the working man. They represent those who, by their own choice, are of no significance. They fight for the scammers and those who will not contribute to the growth and well being of our nation. They enjoy major support from Special Interest in particular unions , although, the Liberals have caught onto that ploy now, but the main strategic theory is to play on the emotions of really is pathetic. The NDP's agenda does nothing for Canada's economy nor does nothing to restore our dwindling traditions and ethics: the NDP,or, "New Desperate Proletariat", will bankrupt Canada into ruins akin to that of Jamaica or Venezuela. The Liberals will do the same but at a slower pace. Canada's economy and status will be equivalent to that of the killer Castro's Cuba or Alvaro Uribe's Mexico. Next thing you know the Russians will want to build a missile base on the Garden River Reserve or the Colombians will purchase land directly fom the City for the processing of "Coca" leaves.
Also, profit margins are not what they once were. The only place "big corporations" do make a skimpy profit is on massive volume. There is no room for a Middle Man anymore and by that I am referring to Unions. Look at the money Unions have raked in since their much that they can afford to influence a political party. Unions take the working man's money and support a political candidate without approval or consensus this is wrong.
Canada is in a little better shape than the U.S.A. but not by much. The U.S., constantly slandered by liberals, is still our largest trading partner and as such it is very much needed to sustain our economy and our fresh food supply. The only thing the Liberal party has done for Canada is to impose excessive regulation on not only corporations but it's traditional citizens. They tell us that spending over two billion dollars on a firearms registration law will make us all safer...can you believe this sewage? The reason for C-68 was to have all firearms registered so it will be easier to confiscate that private property when they get total control over the people. The Liberals knew that today's "non-traditional immigrant", Mid East Asian and African/Caribbean breeds, have a violent background and everything is settled by the barrel of a firearm. These people cannot have firearms because of this...violence is part of their cultural makeup, one only need to follow the news to see that most of the gun crimes in Southern Ontario are mostly Jamaican Blacks or of African decent and everybody knows what the Muslim crowd is capable of. They're the suicide bombing bunch with absolutely no regard for innocence. The Liberals didn't want to "appear" racist by enacting a law prohibiting firearm ownership to these people so they impose a law that would eventually punish all of us. Rather than implement a law that states ALL NEW IMMIGRANTS are prohibited from possessing firearms they punish those of us whose roots go back to the development of this country. And I will say it loud and clear True Canadians should be legally permitted to carry concealed weapons. It is a proven fact that an armed society is a safe society. The only people shot and/or killed in an armed society are the one's who deserve it.
Liberalism is destroying us. Soon one will not have to travel to see the ruins of ancient civilizations...we will only have to look out our window.

The Great Sage

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chavez says capitalism may have ended life on Mars

Chavez says capitalism may have ended life on Mars

Here is something that is inarguably factual and straight forward. This article subconsciously begs the question of an individual as to what ideology he/she "knowingly" aligns one's self with. Wouldn't one feel embarrassed to jump onto the same band wagon as an imbecilic dictator who has accomplished nothing other than ensuring the word "GENOCIDE" is fully understood by every school child in Venezuela. How does one sleep at night knowing that their political party shares the same ideology as the Venezuelan Knight in shining tin foil. Discard the emotionally biased filters and take note...I understand that years of left wing dogma has made it difficult to understand reality or even consider anything that the Right has to say but try it even if it is only to humour yourself.

If one votes Liberal he/she is a Left Wing Socialist.
If one votes NDP he/she is a Left Wing social-communist.
If one votes Conservative he/she is a Right Wing Capitalist that wants smaller government, including major reductions in the Public Sector. A Conservative supports a free market system unhampered by senseless, crippling regulation and socialistic mandates.
Hugo Chavez couldn't have said it better even while engaged in conflict with his other personalities. This statement is as priceless as the tipping of Guam statement by another liberal politician, Hank Johnston of Georgia. If a picture is worth a thousand words what are one's own words worth when those words are...let's this planet. This cognizant defective iconoclast is the poster child for the Canadian Liberal Party and the infallible mentor of the NDP, New Desperate Proletariat. By virtue of his own ignorance and stupidity,the "scribe" of the rabbit hole Hugo Chavez represents the perfect description of a Left Wing Lunatic Liberal.

Can someone please explain as to why they would remain a liberal knowing that they're in the same category as this nut. Next time at the ballot box think about it.

The Great Sage

Monday, March 21, 2011


Proof that liberals are not quite with it. Hey is this guy friends with Tony Martin because this is right out of his whiney social-communist play book...the same play book that, sadly, got him re-elected by the residents of Sault Ste. Marie.
This is funny and it has to be watched to appreciate the defective nature of Liberals and Communists, which are in affect the same thing.

The Great Sage

The Liberals have the answer

The Canadian Liberal Party's answer to the massive hole in Japan's reactor...shove a large chunk of regulation into it. This would be consistent with the figment of their imagination that everybody should relinquish their right to PRIVATE PROPERTY even in the form of a firearm.
Obama chimes in and tells the Japanese that if they would just focus on ***"Hope and Change" and to not let a ***"Good Crisis go to waste" combined with a round or two of golf things will miraculously get better. Although he ***"does not look like the rest of the president's on the U.S. Green Back" (Obama's own words) he is a Nobel Peace prize fact he is the first Nobel Peace Prize winner to be in charge of two wars and become involved (without legally involving his congress)in a third front...Libya.
Jeremiah Wright and Calypso Louie ***(Farrakhan's million man march) claim that America's 1,000,000 ***"chickens were coming home to roost" when they were suddenly diverted by George Bush and "Tricky" Dick Cheney. Rather than ***capsizing Guam the chickens,after landing in Japan via a ***"H.A.R.P teleporter" upset the Geo-sub structure thus causing the earthquake.
Michael Moore and the Hollywood Elite including Sean Penn are adament in their claim that Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez should oversee the "Japanese """Sicko" relief dust masks and a lead/iodide wrist band for everyone. This would prove the inferior health care system of the USA...again...because of the previous administration, George W Bush and Dick Cheney.
***google it

Hey Mauro did you get that????

The Sage

Friday, March 18, 2011

Pakistani Christian Woman Freed After Kidnap, Rape, Forced-Conversion

Pakistani Christian Woman Freed After Kidnap, Rape, Forced-Conversion

If the Liberals get Parliament Canada is finished. This is the culture that awaits us...
Destiny's Account is long overdue. The multicultural fuse has been lit a long time ago and things are ready to blow right from under our feet. Have a look at the culture that awaits us. They're already fighting for Sharia Law in Canada.
I.E.D.'s on Yonge St. anyone?

The Great Sage

Just a little note

It never comes back. It's here forever but consistantly dissapears. We can defy it gracefully or suffer because of it. It flows to no end and it's beginning is an enigma. It never stops. It's perpetual motion with no reciprocity but what goes around comes around. It can heal the deepest of wounds yet it's a companion to conflict for thousands of years. It's an eternal monster that waves a double edged does have an enemy...your attitude.

Time wasted is time wanted.

The Great Sage...Liberate Free Enterprise...Kill Socialism.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011



Ahhh life is great isn't it. I hate to spoil the day but...

The Great Sage

Monday, March 14, 2011

Let's get serious here...a Liberal perspective

Is there any further evidence required that George W Bush, the failed U.S. President who took the war to the extremists before they took it to us, should be free of prosecution and impeachment?...oh I forgot he's not President anymore, regardless of that off the wall comment George W. is no doubt responsible for the strife in the Middle East, a failing world economy and most of all...the devastating earthquake in Japan. I say the United Nations in a concerted effort with the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaida should request that George W Bush release documents on his H.A.R.P. program immediately and surrender himself to Ariana Huffington and NPR.

The Liberal socio-communist Sag.

A serious laugh

A what the hell, with all the serious and mildly suicidal events transpiring throughout the world, now would be a good time to lighten up and have a good well deserved laugh at some of the politicians, their actions and failed intentions, in today's political arena.
We'll begin with TTTTTony Martin. Here's a guy that thinks communism is the best thing since the Berlin Wall. His mandate is to steal as much money from the Private Sector as possible. His position is that the Conservatives are doing nothing to help the unfortunate. There's way too many people living in poverty and he wants something done about it...when asked about his position on the "War on Poverty" Martin replied "ddduhh I think the War on Poverty is a disgrace. This is proof that the conservative government, under Stephan Harper, and his Private Sector cronies, are ruthless. The War on Poverty must end as the POOR have enough problems of their own". OK Mr. T thank you for that very very intelligent comment.
Now let's hear from a Socialist Liberal who, if he doesn't get a hold of a good plastic surgeon is going to need a splint for his jowls and eye brows. Here's a phony but well intentioned (as that is all that matters with liberals regardless of the failure rates and %'s of good intentions) liberal socialist-fascist that can't think for himself...he needs an New Desperate Proletariat (NDP) to flick his switch. His big deal is the moment the BLOC (treasonist)or NDP want to force an election due to fiscal cuts and much needed monetary responsibility and measures of austerity, he puts his face into the camera and before he spits all over the place with his uncontrollable salivating over obtaining power in a land of which he isn't even a patron calls Harper and the Conservatives bad and divisive for the country and it's time for an election. Mr Ignatieff, I think is a "Flat Earther". Jesus Murphy I'm trying to be funny but the truth gets in the way. "Streng Verbotten" anyone? This guy is evil and if he gets a majority government Canada is finished. You cannot confiscate hard earned money and redistribute it to those who are worthless and unproductive. You can not keep imposing useless regulation and increasing taxes on the Private Sector and continue thinking that employment will sustain or increase thus maintaining a healthy economy.
The guy is a nut and anybody that votes Liberal is suffering from a "mental disorder".
Let's see what else...oh yeh, to the south of us in the Land of the free...and phony liberals, Obama's teleprompters are demanding collective bargaining rights.
A remnant of the Japanese Tsunami hit Hawaii and washed away Obama's birth certificate cooling that heated argument...or is his birth certificate still in Kenya?
Michael Moore AKA the Hamburgler, stuck his fat disposition into the Wisconsin Union battle and said that as long as there is someone with money there will always be somebody to shakedown...shit this guy learned from Tony Martin.
Oh yeh here's a different one...Libya's Mommar Ghadaffy(duck)called Canadian socialism a model system worthy of emulating as it connotes Islamic traditions...yeh that's because we have completely messed up idiots pushing for Sharia Law here in the "True North Strong and Free". Canistan anyone???
Rumour has it that the Taliban and Al Qaida are becoming a somewhat of a phylanthropical organization. They have approached Tony Martin and Gilles Duceppe with the idea of an "off with their heads scholarship" program for aspiring young extremists mostly located in Toronto and Winnipeg...well isn't that "touching" so to speak (with a blade).
Finally we have this...totally wacked out liberals around the world are confused as to why Wiki Leaks hasn't implicated one of America's greatest presidents, George W Bush, for stealing Iraqi oil.
Well that's it for now but in closing I would like to inform the good readers as to how to frustrate a liberal; tell him or her that 2 comes before three also comes after 1.

The Grated Sage

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The meaning of Islam

If anyone thinks that Islam is the "way" and the "truth" and that it is the "religion of peace" and opportunity...maybe you would like to learn the TRUTH as to what the root of "Islam" is. The root word of Islam is "al Silm"...which is SLAVERY or SUBMISSION in Islam.
And people think they need Unions. By the year 2025 there won't be a company in the West that doesn't have Islamic influence...meaning that...Middle East Asians will be in charge of everything from convenience stores and gas stations to what's left of our industrial manufacturing and petroleum sector's. The union's will be rendered obsolete.
Welcome to the Multicultural collapse of a once great western culture. If you are Muslim and you immigrate to Canada or America you will leave your twisted customs behind ,adopt Western values and keep silent about your dislike of our culture and assimilate in to it. You will comply with the same laws as the rest of us such as the wearing of a motor cycle helmet,,,the turbine comes off and that goes for the police forces as well,,,the turbine comes off. There will be no ceremonial daggers permitted in our schools and your women will have the same rights as every else.
And there will be no marriages involving under age children here as is customary in your homeland.
Also, as an amendment to the Charter of Rights, no "new immigrants" regardless of ethnicity, race, culture or religion will be permitted to own firearms, long or cross bows...this means ALL NEW IMMIGRANTS white,black,red,brown whatever, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Shia or whatever. Any violation of this amendment will be considered "treasonous" and dealt with in a Military Court to which a "capital punishment" could apply. At the least there will be a minimum of 5years work detention and deportation regardless of the violators home country status...i.e. if violator faces death penalty back home he/she will still be deported.
The next amendment to the Charter of rights will be OUR right to carry concealed weapons.
Islam can submit to Western values...what's left of them.

The Great Sage

Friday, March 11, 2011

A fool

A fool is someone who thinks they're correct when the obvious is to the contrary. A fool lives in a distorted world of delusion unsupported by facts. A fool has the audacious ineptitude to enter into a debate without corroborating facts. A fool despises anything that is to the "Right" of his/her ideals. Fools can't even compose a coherent thought.

But most of all...a fool is one who leaps into the air with a knife in his hand while engaged in a temporary episode of depersonalization...or in many cases a permanent episode of depersonalization.....stoned out of their tree is the street terminology.
Hey if reality sucks stay stoned.
Billy Graham once said about 35years ago, which is why I state my mind and feelings, that "the reason why the world is so messed up is because most people are too stoned to do anything about it".
Whether this blog site makes any difference at all (actually all ready noticed by a couple major news sites with their link to my site)in respect to the mess we're in today means nothing to me...but I'm capable so therefore I do. I will not sit idly by while the Left tries everything to ruin what normalcy remains world.
Beware of those who profess to be wise for they are soon proven fools.

The great Sage

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

A very risky decision

As a man of the people and a warrior for righteousness the Sage will be entering an Islamic Madrassa tomorrow March 11th 2011. The Islamic holy of holy's is a sacred enclave exclusive to worshipers of the Qu'ran and followers of the prophet Mohammed.
A Madrassa is not a Mosque. Madrassa is Arabic for "school", it is a school though that does mix religion with education.
The Sage is in no way going to attempt to claim that he is privy to the inner working's of a Madrassa. I can print what is written in Wikipedia...or I can assume that either the Left or Right wing press is accurate in their description of what these facilities really are. Although there is substantial supporting evidence that many of today's radical Islamic fanatics are recruited for Jihad in these holy places one should witness for himself if this is fact if the opportunity presents itself. This is not a planned or correlated event. This will be an impromptu visit with some straight forward questions that will require only yes or no.
The main question being you support Al Qaida yes or no you condemn 9/11 yes or no
...does Israel have a right to exist yes or no the West an "Infidel" yes or no
...can Christians and Muslims co-exist yes or no
These are the main questions that I will pose to the people I come into contact with providing they are willing to talk....but...this is not the total context of the meeting.
I'm presuming there will be no "sacrifices" to Allah tomorrow.

I'll let you know what happens.

The Great Sage

Update...Went to the Madrassa and no body there but there was clothing on a line, well not clothing but cotton robes or pajams. When approaching the Madrassa I initially took no film footage but after ascertaining that nobody was in the immediate area I did make pull out the cam-corder and stealthily videoed the worship center and surrounding buildings. The entire event was only about 15minutes but every second seemed like an hour due to the "concern" factor. Just 2 days ago a very up-scale Arab Shiek arrived, dressed in tradtional garb i.e. "pajam's" and was doing some type of business at the "Taj Mahal" jewelry center which is owned and operated by East Indian patriots not ex-patriot. A couple of Rastafari had informed me that the Arab's, for what ever reason, are spending a lot of time here and are very secretive.

Earlier today I spoke with a Hindu couple, Tony and Shiela, about their perspective on Islam. Tony said that "we will talk all day about Islamic extremism and the HORROR'S imposed upon the people, Athiest, Hindu and Christian courtesy of Jihadis', one day next week"...I do plan on just that. Tony told me that his family were refugees from Pakistan. He said that one day Pakistani Muslims came into his village and drove everybody out randomly killing anybody in their sights including his Father,one of two brothers and sister but did manage to escape to India as a Refugee. He had told me that his mother ran to the Indian border on the other side of Kaswar (boder town near India) with him and his brother. she was holding them by the hands and if they fell they were dragged until she stopped so that they could regain their footing. Once in India they were indoctrined and patriated. They were given food and ware ration coupons and refugee status ID #'s. To humiliate people before they were tortured and killed they were placed in a cell with a pig which was protocol for White prisoners.
He said that he does know good Muslims but the radical extremists have overshadowed any goodness in the entire population which is why the world has the problem it does today with "Radical Islam". It was a very interesting conversation which I will engage in at a later date. As for the worshipper's of Islam I will try again tomorrow to make contact with this allusive sect of inhabitant's.
Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Tony Martin NDP

Although I'm a great distance from the political debacle that constantly transpires back home I am still in touch with everything that is going on courtesy of the Internet...which was invented by that big blow hard Algore. Negating that useless bit of info I will get right to the point...CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL TONY MARTIN TO SHUT THE FUCK UP? All this idiot has done is whine and complain because the poor, or disadvantaged, aren't getting their ***fair share of everyone Else's' hard earned money. Hey Tony I guarantee you that this is your last term. In fact why, if your so concerned about helping the poor and lazy, give your pension away to help finance the Helots. I'm sick and tired of seeing my hard earned money going towards a failing socialist system that is closely reminiscent to a fascist society. The Conservative movement is growing. People are coming to grips with the reality that we can no longer afford to support those that do not wish to work...and that includes the entire Public Sector. There is nothing but money wasted when government gets involved.
Let's cut Public Sector jobs by 25%, reduce personal taxes from 32% to 23%, reduce corporate taxes to 15%, abolish the capital gains tax, allow for tax free hand downs of personal property and with the money saved people would be in a position to afford a Private Health care system. Here is an example...the average $60,000.00 per year worker would have an extra $9,500.00 in their pocket per year. Health care in the Private Sector for a family of 5 would cost around $600.00 per month @ $7,200.00 per year. The same family would end up with an extra $2,300.00 a year in savings which could go into an RRSP or back into the economy.
Privatizing of our infrastructure would lead to a more responsible and efficient operation of it as there wouldn't be an open account for sloppy Tony Martin or Dalton McGinty.
It's time to silence this idiocy and move this country forward by creating a healthy and sound environment for business...the Private Sector, the employment sector.

The Great Sage.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Just a little bit of info from the Caribbean

I thought that I would just report a little bit of what is happening here on this third world island. (I will not say where..yet). Police are guarding the gas stations in most concentrated populated areas. Guns are everywhere. Gas is immediate to the survival of everyone here.
Today March 9 2011 gas is $9:00 per gallon. Get ready for gas riots.


Saty tuned

Making contact

Moe. If need be send an encrypted message. Go to the bottom of article and leave reply. click on comment.
For "vital" return contact use our mechanic's business name...Diesel. When word is keyed in I'll know that it's important to return message...if you can't reach me on phone. Right now it's 90 deg. and I'm burnt bad...but still going.


Wednesday, March 02, 2011


OK Plebs, Prols, Progs and Kulaks the Great Sage is about to inform you of the true definition of the term "NEWS".         N...North       E...East       W...West       S...SouthNews is simply information that the masses are not privy to...yet. NEWS was actually a military term which was used when collecting and evaluating data to aid in the process of planning. The commander or commissar would, at a precise time every third hour, let's say beginning at noon or midnight and then 3:00, 6:00 and 9:00 would request updated information. Similar to a compass 12:00 o'clock is North and so on. This periodic request of current status ranged from all four geographical cooridnates. When details of the higher elevations were requested they would refer to hills by their elevations: i.e. if a hill in a certain area was 150ft high then it was named "Hill #150". Mountains were fewer in most early era battles, unless your name is Hannibal, but many battles were fought at the foot, plateau or slope of hills. Mountains were Iconic. They had names.FYI... In many cases it is advantageous for an army to fight it's foe on a slope with the sun at it's back...this will cause the attacking army to have the sun in it's eyes and fighting up hill. And how did they measure the height of these mountains? Very simple. I'm sure anyone intelligent enough to reply to these entries knows the method. So after a 20minute skirmish with a handfull of opiated Persians the "NEWS" is collected, compiled and delivered to the "architects" of this "event". But what happened with the "event" by the time the "NEWS" got to the citizens is another story... thus the genesis of the dichotomy of politics Right versus Left. Something as simple and straight forward as military information finds it's way woven into the very fabric of the social carpet BUT...something isn't right. Suddenly a 20minute skirmish ends out a wholesale slaughter of innocent women, children and elderly Persians with a mosque now in total take it from there. This is where the Left profits from it's lies and builds it's political platform. 
This is the North East West and South of it all.

The Great Sage.


Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Just a few things

H&R Glock...our sight is on your oversight.Pierre Elliot Trudeau was a failed Icon of the past...or was he an inferior  "Iconoclast"?In the name of Al Gore, Green Peace and David Suzuki...Save the planet, starve the children. Again..."Save the Planet" kill domestic oil...when in actuallity,the Arabs don't give a flying pigs ass about "OUR" planet. We've caved in to the Left so far that our economy has imploded not expanded. The only thing that's expanded here is unemployment. The ubiquitous Green dogma spewing from the sceptic holes of the Left is a plague in our society. Our economy has decayed into a compost heap. Our GDP, and our status as a 1st World country has decayed into that heap. Bad for our children, and the elderly, soon to be us...and bad for the rest of the world. Canada and the U.S. as well as Great Britain have done more to pull the world out of poverty than the impoverished nations could or would do for themselves. Africa is still poor because of an inherently genetic corruption trait in the gene pool...gene pool needs a lot of chlorene. The Western economy was built on oil, steel and mining. And the left wing fruit flies are doing everything possible to kill it unaware of the fact that they're killing the entire social system also. The Left would shoot the horse that pulls their plow because they didn't like the way it walked. Remember...anything green decays into mush or dust and then into nothing: the same can be said for an economy...a green economy eventually gives you no economy.  Liberal and NDP cabinet members team up with U.S. Democrats and Communists to discuss crisis in Middle East...they come to the conclusion that it's George Bush's fault. Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff agrees with Joe Biden that Israel's B.B. Netanyahu was "un-pharaoh" in cutting the supply of bandages to repair Egypt's mummies. Joe"foot-in-mouth"Biden and Tony"studder monster"Martin agree that crisis is nothing more than a Jewish "Pyramid scheme"Al-Qaida establishes an "Off with their heads" scholarship for British students....students will also be given basic training on "vest mending" and pouch augmentation. Obama warns Sweden not to jump to conclusions "not all suicide bombers are terrorists". "Taliban Jack" Layton says he's sick of stereotyping, demands that all Canadians purchase stereos without keyboard; Liberal's endorse motion saying that it's time for the Industrial West to also consider more payed holidays for over worked politicians.Barack Obama chimes in claiming that all pre-schoolers and "early graders" up to 10years of age, be given a breathalyzer after being breast all "57states"...OK Barrack go back to your basketball game. Hey Barack...if a White Man had your intelligence he never would've made it into the primary."Taliban Jack" Layton also says he's disgusted with the manner in which many Right Wing Capitalists automatically assume that person's wearing a burka are muslim. Michael Moore, Bruce Springstein and George Clooney produce a charity event to raise funds to help young muslim jihadi's further their education with a course in programming cell phones to detonate errr, excuse the typo, activate upon manipulation. This is an extensive 3hour course that, according to Clooney, helps to not only educate these young "Anti-Semites" in modifying a cell phone but also gives them an appreciation for population control.
This just in by "Rotter's" news agency in Carthage yes you read correctly, Carthage, Momar Gaddafy has fled Libya and is now in control of Tunisia thus avenging his long lost cousin Hannibal and resurecting the city of Carthage previously Tunis. He's waiting for a phone call from Scipio Africanus.
After King Ptolemy delivered his Sermon at Our Lady of Mount Shrapnel the entire clan ignited into a violent sit in. Mimes brought in to keep the peace. When asked about his perception of current events one mime was speachless while the other one could do nothing else but sit there with a stupid smile on his face. When confronted by one of the protesters as to what was so funny the mime, being totaly dumb founded, could only reply by waving his hands in every direction...but one motion in particular was quite disturbing, the mime was drawing his hand from left to right under his chin and then from the back of his crack to the front of his groin. A mime interpreter informed us that apparently this mime was threatened by a "Mime Haters" wing of Al-Qaida; they told him that they were going to slit his throat. When we asked about the crack motion we were informed that the mime had shit himself which is why he couldn't go undercover as a sit-in protester. That must have been quite the spectacle...a violent sit in.

As always The Great Sage...Liberate Free Enterprise...Kill Socialism.