Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hamas rocket attacks

Israel launches retaliation strikes against Hamas rocket attacks | Fox News
This is what the ndp and the liberals want to suppress. Hamas deserves death as does the p.l.o. and hizbolla.
It's a sad sad day when idiots on the left from Canada are out supporting terrorist groups such as the muslim fanatics the world faces today.


The Great Sage

Norway is anti-Semitic

Told that Norway is the West's most anti-Semitic country, diplomat lashes out at Israel | The Times of Israel This is a slut that should learn to keep her mouth shut unless told to a jury.
It's no secret as to Norway's relationship with Hitler and the "terd riche" so why should intelligent people expect anything different out of a trash mouth such as this. She's a dog.
Israel should counter any missile attack with a ten-fold response.

The Great Sage

Monday, November 12, 2012

Majority of US Muslims Voted for Obama -

Majority of US Muslims Voted for Obama - Americas - News - OnIslam.netWhy wouldn't they vote for obama? he's all they need.

The Great Sage

Ethiopia woman tells of sex slavery in Saudi Arabia

Ethiopia woman tells of sex slavery in Saudi ArabiaHey wait a minute I thought it was only American's that were guilty of slavery.

I am ETC

Jury convicts Toronto man who slashed throat, stabbed wife - Toronto - CBC News

Jury convicts Toronto man who slashed throat, stabbed wife - Toronto - CBC News Notice that the liberal leaning cbc never mentions the word "muslim" or "islam" or "sharia". This was a muslim sharia killing and there's a lot more to come yet...and this trash sobs because Canada didn't see this "slaughter of life" his way. Canadian news is pathetic as is cnn, abc, cbs, nbc/lsd, ctv, mpr. These are the true enemies of the West. This is why the White House has a second term muslim. The media drooled all over this charlatan and as a result the West is now in serious danger. The U-boats are in the St. Lawrence.

The Great Sage

Sun News : 'Canada will burn; Praise Allah'

Sun News : 'Canada will burn; Praise Allah' defaces war memorial Until proven as to who or what committed such a sacrilege one cannot, in good moral conscience, condemn the cowardly elements of swine involved...BUT!!!...this is the "shot over the bow", in our own waters. For while now The Great Sage has expounded upon the greatest threat since hitler, a threat that is amplifying it's hatred all around the world. Canada's liberal orchestrated immigration nightmare is about to begin. What the liberal party had planned with firearms registration was to disarm the country's citizens and avoid revealing it's prejudices. The liberal party new all to well that the muslim immigrants coming into Canada were too accustomed to living by the rule of the gun. This is a fanatical totally uncivilized tribal society that we've allowed into our developing infant culture. True Canadians have had to surrender their identity and unwillingly conform to a self destructing politically correct nightmare. Now the enemy is within. They knew that if they restricted firearm ownership to TRUE Canadians then it would look prejudice and feelings would get hurt. Those are the same feelings that they dare not have back home. So the phony liberals stress in great liberal condescending fashion that in the interest of public safety we must rid society of all firearms...right after registration. And these immigrants know all to well as to how to play our pathetic feminized society.
Canadians have been financing their own demise and are totally stupid to the facts because this threat is only in the mind(s) of a delusional paranoid minority worthless of attention.
Canada has played a major role in supporting wars on tyranny and lost it's share of good men, to have their memory desecrated in this manner is an "Act of War".

The Great Sage

Monday, November 05, 2012

Brutal Canadian economy

Brutal economy hits young Canadians hard, polling shows This is what socialism does to a country. Get ready people because it's only going to get worse. Canada does not manufacture anything anymore ergo the loss of jobs. Unions have brought us to this point and yet so many fools refuse to take heed.
And thank the phony liberals for letting the 3rd world low life in here to cut the wages below that of what people "NEED" to survive let alone enjoy a prosperous standard of living.
Abandon the left wing ideological poison and the political correctness that goes with it and lets move on.

The Great Sage

Why obama must be tossed from a position that he should never have held.

ยป Page 2 News There's nothing else to say about this clown other than the fact he is the enemy within.

I am ETC.

What President Obama really said in that '60 Minutes' interview about Benghazi - Fox News

What President Obama really said in that '60 Minutes' interview about Benghazi - Fox News This phony charlatan has lied all along...and the left wing press slobbers all over him. Anybody who votes for this idiot is a bigger fool than the idiot they're voting for. Candy Crally diminished her status even more by giving obama a pass on his lies and inadequacy.

The Great Sage

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Stranded New Yorker: "People Are Defecating in the Hallways" | NBC New York#!/news/local/Stranded-New-Yorker--People-Are-Defecating-in-the-Hallways/177007621

Stranded New Yorker: "People Are Defecating in the Hallways" | NBC New York#!/news/local/Stranded-New-Yorker--People-Are-Defecating-in-the-Hallways/177007621 Obama promised hope and change. Here is what obama has done for these people. People who put their faith in government especially obama's government are doomed. Rely on yourself people not government.

The Great Sage

NDP weighs in on U.S. presidential election

NDP weighs in on U.S. presidential election What an asshole this idiot is. Obama is the worst thing for the Free West...just like the ndp...(new desperate proletariat). Anybody who thinks this muslim socialist is good for another 4years is a failure.


The Great Sage

Search ends on Gore St., Jocko arrested on sex offence warrants

Search ends on Gore St., Jocko arrested on sex offence warrants Now here's a prime example of why abortion should be mandatory within certain social classes...and yes even cultural sectors. We have come to a point in the road where irreparable elements are not worth the effort anymore. Recidivists are beyond redemption and are a threat to normal society. This scum will kill some innocent productive member of society and the same pathetic bleeding hearts will say " what went wrong, he seemed to be rehabilitated with his short incarceration and supervised parole?"
This is what's wrong with the system today. Let the people take care of these deficiencies. The police state that cripples us in the interest of public safety is killing us slowly.

The Great Sage.