Monday, October 29, 2012

Serial killer planned murder of cell mate

Serial killer planned murder of cell mate Michael McGray is, unknowingly, probably Canada's most valuable asset. Why not put this guy in the same cell as other low life and let him so wittingly kill them off too. And if the tables are turned then so be it...C' est La!! Why are we so worried about the welfare and safe being of career criminals? Let's worry about the business climate here in the West. Without a healthy business climate there are no jobs. Without jobs there is no economic doesn't cycle. Now there is no money for education or Health Care. Soon the entitlements are cut i.e. disability income, government pensions then a total collapse of the civil infrastructure.
Desperate people implement desperate measures...including the killing of their fellow man. They want what somebody else has and some are willing to go the distance even if it means risking their own life. So what is the law abiding citizen supposed to do??? Are we to remain passive and submissive??are we supposed to cower to a criminal who's intentions are to invade and rob us and maybe even killing us in the process. An intruder can murder a victim(s) whilst in the commission of a crime and escape full punishment by claiming in his defence that the gun accidentally went off or he slipped into his victim while holding a 15inch blade knife. And when the innocent victim kills  his attacker he ends up in court and is financially drained by a system of government lawyers (too useless to be anything else in life) who abusively apply the law where it doesn't even belong. People are now fighting for their lives out here and there is no reason why they should have to be more afraid of a legal system, that is ostensibly there to protect us, than they are the criminal(s) who are out to commit crimes against humanity. Exactly how the "Brown Shirts" started...useless punks brainwashed by a pathological socialist. They were useless and they envied the business class hence the war on the Jews (the business class versus the low class). Society must take a stand against this social decay. We must not be intimidated by thieving parasites such as obama followers or liberal/ndp progs. (progressives, ) (prols = proletariat).
There is no economic benefit to maintaining those who do not wish to maintain themselves only financial drain. The PRIVATE SECTOR  pays the freight in the Western world and people work very hard for what they own and that includes those who are employed by the PRIVATE SECTOR.

And the lesser people want to steal from us???? If a person doesn't pay his/her freight in this system then they are not worthy of our compassion...compassion in the form of not terminating their existence.

The Great Sage

Monday, October 15, 2012

McGuinty quitting as Ontario Premier amid growing spending scandal

McGuinty quitting as Ontario Premier amid growing spending scandal The liberals made phony promises to phony people. The liberal agenda is unsustainable yet people bought into the lies and deception. Intangible nuances meant more than reality to a votary programmed to accept lies. The liberal mandate was to be everything to everybody at the expense of the all ready beat and battered Private Sector.
Wake up people for this is the "LIBERAL FUTURE"...undone and incompetent and it will bankrupt us all. Let's take care of the strong first for our future depends on us...prolonging the existence of the socially weak is a recipe for self destruction. Take care of those who can't take care of themselves but don't take care of those who won't take care of themselves.
McGinty is finished and the liberals are exposed for what they are...a bunch of day dreamers.

The Great Sage

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Is Biden Fit to be President?

Is Biden Fit to be President? | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier Just like his boss he's an "empty chair" (only with a foot in the mouth).
Anybody who thinks this "hope and change" shit was the answer to the future was as dumb as this administration.
Keep on truckin lefties you're doomed to's your destiny.

The Great Sage

Cuban soccer players defected:

Missing Cuban soccer players defected: FIFA Here's another one for all of you pathetic and outright stupid socialists who think Cuba is such an advanced society...with excellent health care. Why, since pre-Kennedy days, have countless numbers of people tried to flee that communist island shit hole in flimsy rafts or run down decrepit boats? I'll tell you why; because communism fails to meet the standards of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".
I want to vomit every time I here an idiot like michael moore (hamburglar) or people in our own country credit castro for being such a great leader. And castro was close friends with our own communist leader pierre elliot trudeau...a fraud just like his son.
And has anyone noticed that all of these defectors head for the United States of America and not Canada???

The Great Sage.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time This is everything the West needs to know about Islam and it's deficiencies. Mohammad was a child molester, a rapist, a slave master and sadist..he's also an influential figment of the imagination of a primitive and infantile culture. And the doors to the West were stuck open resulting in a deluge of  undesirables...intolerant, undesirables. Not to long ago Canada's oil sands received a threat from Al Qaida, simply stated "any country doing business with the Great Satan is an enemy of islam". Why was this not reported by this country's media???because they're lame and left? The single greatest threat to what remains of Western Cuture is radical islam. Sloven cultural rejects with a mandate to kill in the name of their GOD...allah.
Canada could never handle a terrorist attack but the foreigners accustomed to chaotic caliphates will feel right at home and in a hurry join in. Pack mentality soon overrides the pathetic progressives and all those green tree huggers and anti-gun freaks will look to their liberal socialist leaders for an environmentally approach to their protection...and try to negotiate rather than kill any of them because that would just prove us beneath them. Enter the FOOL james loney from Sault Ste. Marie Canada. He's the foolish queer that went to Iraq to protest the American/British overthrow of the tyrant saddam hussein. While being held hostage by Al Qaida terrorists he covered up his self loathed (homosexual) characteristics hoping to add to his chances of not having his throat slit from front to back. Why didn't he tell these terrorists that he preferred to have sex with members of the same gender? Because they would have killed him...tolerant aren't they? These are the sharia wizards that plague our country now.
The media is doing a great disservice to this country and our neighbor is not in any better position other than the fact that they have FOX NEWS.  If the media told the truth about what's really going on in this country people would demand the right to carry will happen...unfortunately many people will suffer.
The truth about islam is contained right here in this and weep.

The Great Sage

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Alleged US spy crucified in Yemen | The Times of Israel

Alleged US spy crucified in Yemen | The Times of Israel This is islam. And the pathetic left wants to close Guantanamo and put an end to "enhanced interogation" methods or WATER BOARDING. And these PIG KISSERS get their influence from the koran...which is nothing more than a wad of toilet paper for a pigs ass. Remember sheep, every penny given to U.N.I.C.E.F. is a penny for the mullahs. U.N.I.C.E.F. is administered by Iran with approval by the united nations band of thievs. Let these people self destruct and that includes all of Africa not just the Middle East. The big problem is that the threat of islamic fascism infecting the West will have severe ramifications...they walk among us.

As I write this there happens to be a rerun of the Romney obama debate and I can't help but laugh at the "empty chair". obama is clearly unfit for the Presidency of the United States of America. The fool doesn't even know what he's talking about...he's a black "Chancy Gardener", well, maybe not that smart. He got the White House because he was BLACK or as his rapper brothers would say..."a mother fuckin nigga bro from the hood". This guy is a loser from the get go. He's waaayyyy over his head. And believe me that doesn't say much for his followers...they're just as dumb as he is. The blind leading the blind right over the cliff.

The Great Sage 

John Bolton - Archive -

John Bolton - Archive - This guy tells the truth exactly the way it should be it unfolds. Ambassador Bolton was America's arrow head at the phony united nations. kofi annan couldn't wait until he was fact annan and his son stole so much oil out of Iraq it made hussein look innocent. kofi annan was/is are his counterparts throughout Africa and the Caribbean. Typical Black leaders, corrupt and ruthless. John Bolton saw through all this corruption and was hated for it.
John Bolton you're the best.
The Great Sage

Friday, October 05, 2012

Savage: ‘Spineless’ Obama ‘crawled’ before U.N.

Savage: ‘Spineless’ Obama ‘crawled’ before U.N.

                                                           "S U B O R D I N A T I O N"


Rome Killed Its Soldiers, Dug Sewers to Conquer World:

Rome Killed Its Soldiers, Dug Sewers to Conquer World: Review - Bloomberg#cmpid=hash.test#cmpid=hash.test The West had better take heed at what history has experienced. Redistribution of wealth causes wars. Socialism does not work.

I am ETC.

New Concerns About Libya’s Fledgling Government As It Shuts Out Pro-Western Liberals |

New Concerns About Libya’s Fledgling Government As It Shuts Out Pro-Western Liberals | Hey all you fools in liberal land...SAY HELLO TO THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD.
This caliphate brought to you by the obama administration.

The Great Sage

JACK WELCH: Obama Skewing Jobs Report Numbers - Business Insider

JACK WELCH: Obama Skewing Jobs Report Numbers - Business Insider Another left wing lie. Obama's a lie he lived a lie and he out right lied not only to the American people but to the world. The wisdom of the Great Sage held hard to the Right and with just reason...liberalism is truly a deficiency. Were these genetic or nurtured deficiencies? What if the offspring of the left were repatriated into Conservatism? Raised in a normal traditional, fact of life survivalist environment I think they would inevitably, by instinct and nature, recognize the failings of left wing socialism or "Stateism". The problem right now is that obama is a mesionic figure in the eyes of the weak, uneducated, mis-guided, misinformed (media) welfare dependants whose numbers plague Western Culture...the 47%.
Obama sucked in a lot of people but many saw right through him. The "Empty Chair". People without Private Sector employment should not be permitted to vote due to the agonizing consequences upon a charlatan in office...or on in obama's case the golf field. THIS GUY IS A FUCKING JOKE.
He loses the debate to Romney, who is obviously more articulate and politically superior and his defensive comeback is "he lied". Your shallow obama as are the parasites that cling to you.
And now you're lying about your job numbers. Your actual unemployment rate is 14% nation wide.
obama probably believes his "Goebbelish lies" or is he really this far over his head where he doesn't have a clue as to what is happening. The Middle East is on the verge of total chaos, China and Russia are supplying arms and financing to muslim fanatics bent on bringing the West to it's knees and an ignorant culture totally detached from reality willing to ignore the perils of human existence. Or is obama the enemy from within ? He's destroying America with his socialist agenda and cowering  subordination.
He is the "EMPEROR WITH NO CLOTHES". He's made a mockery of the office of the President of the United Sates of America.
And the pathetic left wing press in Canada prints in bold letters "Canada loves obama"? Don't you dare include me nor do I want your slanted bias perspective. The Canadian press save except The National and the T.O. Sun and the Canada Free Press, is totally liberal left...and pathetic to the core. 
If obama gets reelected people had better prepare for very hard times...very hard times, and there'll be no U.S. Marine Corp. to come to our aid.
And now the obama tribe is even claiming racism for his failed jiberish at the fucking shallow. I cannot believe the attacks and the smear against Mitt Romney and all promoted by the left wing liberal media. You are the people who need racism because it gives what you think is a valid excuse for your inability to function in mainstream NORMAL society.

You're all dysfunctional misfits totally dependent on big government. Your future is your government because you are totally incapable of surviving on instinct.

The Great Sage 

Thursday, October 04, 2012

HURT: Obama the debater: Making Jimmy Carter look awesome - Washington Times

HURT: Obama the debater: Making Jimmy Carter look awesome - Washington TimesObama proved what the Great Sage has said all along...he is way over his head and the only reason he got elected is because he's black. He's a useless CHARLATAN. And "algore" defends this useless twit by claiming the altitude affected his ability to communicate...well get the dummy out of office if he has problem with altitude...or attitude. What a joke this "empty chair" turned into.

The Great Sage

CUPE: 'We’re asking for fairness' WHAT?????

CUPE: 'We’re asking for fairness' (6 photos) Where do these delusional "non-producers" get the idea that WE the TAX PAYER should fund "public sector unions". And what's this "fair" ytail stuff???No body said that life was going to be "FAIR" upon our earthly inception. I do not want to finance anymore unions as I am TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY..."TEA". I guess you could say I'm a TEA PARTY member.
All public SERVANTS back to work or get a job in the PRIVATE SECTOR.

The Great Sage

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube

Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube
This is what the "LEFT" looks like. Read and Weep people. Regardless of weather you're in Canada or the United States of America welfare parasites are all the same. Same level of intelligence, same lack of wisdom, same lack of pride, same perspective...and for the most part...same color. Pathetic sheep looking for handouts stolen from the working class.
America your president is a failure and if you don't vote for Romney you're done. But I have to admit I'll miss the verbal diarrhea of Joe "foot in mouth" Biden. Even he admits that the last 4years (under the charlatan obama) have buried the middle class.

The G R E A T   S A G E  is getting greater every day...peace through power

White House ordered cover-up over the murder of Libya's US Ambassador? – Telegraph Blogs

Did the White House order a cover-up over the murder of Libya's US Ambassador? – Telegraph Blogs
DISGUSTING. I knew right from the beginning that obama was an inferior lier...This idiot couldn't hold a match to George Bush (who was the best President in the last 20years)

The Great Sage

White House Has No Comment on House GOPers’ Assertions that Libyan Mission Requested Security Prior to 9/11/12 Attack - ABC News

VIDEO: Obama speech praises Wright, attacks feds on Katrina | The Daily Cal

VIDEO: Obama speech praises Wright, attacks feds on Katrina | The Daily Cal Another prime example of "BLACK" hatred towards Whites. Maybe this guy and his followers should head back to Africa...leave the good ones here.
I've never seen such a joke as I have with this farcical president of the United States of America.
And he lied and continues to lie about the terrorist attack on 9/11 in Libya. This carefully orchestrated attack was not the result of a video as stated by other idiots, Hillary Clinton and Ambassador Rice. 90% of these primitive tribes don't even own a computer so how could they even be aware that such an inflammatory video (against mohammad) was circulating. islam and mohammad are pig kissing fools. Watch the video of the torture of the U.S. Envoy and 3 Navy SEALS...disgusting.
Obama is lying to the world and people love him for it...albeit the foolish sheep.

The Great Sage