Thursday, October 27, 2011

Recognize Muslim extremism or else | Columnists | Opinion | Winnipeg Sun

Recognize Muslim extremism or else Columnists Opinion Winnipeg Sun...X-tra X-tra read all about it...Canada claims to have found "useful idiots" on the Left.
Multiculturalism is a "Trojan horse" and finally the media in this liberal infested chunk of frozen rock is waking up...well some of the media. The Great Sage has been a decade ahead of not only our media but the left wing lunatics that plague and infect society with everything convoluted and amoral. I am totally against the stoning of shoulder is finished and I suffer from tennis elbow.
Just as a point of interest though, I reloaded some very hot rounds for my 357magnum the other day. The rounds consisted of 8.5grains of Herco powder combined with CCIsmall pistol primers pushing a 158grain semi-wadcutter. This combination gave me a velocity of 1,195fps propelling the bullet 100yards with a flat trajectory, very impressive recipe. I placed 3 rotary magazines (18rounds) in a grouping the size of a a hundred yards. Getting back to the stoning I just don't agree with this culture and personally I don't want them as my neighbor or in my country.

The Great Sage

Saturday, October 22, 2011

NATO air strike does in Gadaffi

NATO air strike takes out Gadaffi. What's really interesting about this is that, according to unconfirmed sources, the air strike on Gadaffi's convoy may have come from a Canadian F18 pilot. If this is the case I would like to commend the pilot on a job well done, let's hope that a good portion of that convoy was killed right there and then by our pilot as well. Either way Gadaffi's death gives credence to the saying..."live by the sword...die by the sword". And "daffy duck", old Don Quixote of the Sarah loved to wield his sword. The poetic justice of
Pan Am Flight 103 .

The Great Sage

TheStar Speakers at Muslim conference noted for disparaging gays and Jews

TheStar Speakers at Muslim conference noted for disparaging gays and Jews. Aside from the "staple" of the message read this article very carefully. After you've read it I The Great Sage, will be once again proven correct. "Queer Ontario...OKKKK...just to set the record straight...The Great Sage does not condone queer relationships, unions or bilateral commitments of the same sex.

HEY PEOPLE WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

These "cut and pastes" no longer refer to the barbarity of the muslim world. Islamic hoards have now infected Western Society. We opened our wallets, the pacifists opened their hearts. "Gay Bashing" ??? You aint seen nothing yet. I, and many others, have only told the truth about the threat of Radical Islam on the West only to be ridiculed and condemned. Those who condemn and refuse to believe what's been written in this blog site I can only say "it's time for you to step aside and accept the fact that you're existence is ultimately insignificant, we'll take it from here". You arrogantly assume that your concerns are duly noted, the fact is nobody cares. The Conservative Right is the sole guardian of Truth and Sanity. We are all that remains between civilized and primitive.
This country has more important things than queer marriages and whiny "special interest groups" to pay attention too. Let's get Western Culture and Society back to the fundamental virtues that made us great...let us abandon the progressive ideology that has transformed this nation into a viper's nest of self defeatists.

The Great Sage

Friday, October 21, 2011

Just a little something to corroborate my perspective

TheStar DiManno: Alleged murder plot targeted ‘treacherous’ daughters, court told and still there will be those that doubt. The ignorant appeasers who have sold out our country,heritage and traditional way of life will continue to insist that tolerance is still the best course of action because anything but could lead to civil unrest...we must come to terms with this misunderstood culture and compromise as to ensure that their religious beliefs aren't violated, even if it means relinquishing our cultural fundamentals. Pardon me while expel my stomach contents. Radical Islam has rooted into our soil. This is the price we pay for Pierre Elliot Trudeau's Multicultural Socio-communist collective. Some of you liberals might argue that punishing someone because of their adherence to their cultural beliefs is aprogressive, even somewhat dark-ages and that society must see beyond the acute cold bloodiness and ostensible horrors of infanticide. Deep (really fucking deep) inside the Muslim family (tribal clans) there lies a tender loving nurturing soul overflowing with understanding and compassion. "Model Citizens" molding a "Model Society", our society.

Time's up delusional.

Political Correctness has interfered with reality long enough....get rid of it.....time to get back to basics, it's time to silence the pathetic dreamers. If any of these Islamic tribal members are delinquent in any of their obligations as an immigrant or refugee in this country then deport them and all of their relations too...and have them take that manuscript comprised of toilet paper (Koran) with them back from whence they came. Other than a directive to kill and immiserate the Koran means nothing to the civilized West, nothing at all.

Look around you people, take notice as to what is happening outside your date there have been 17,892 MUSLIM terror attacks world wide since 9/11. Out of 18 conflicts world wide 15 are Muslim against Muslim. The "Blood Diamond" conflict in all of Africa is influenced by radical Islam as are the "crimes against humanity" by genocide all throughout Africa. Canada needs more of this trash like it needs another liberal government. Just as a point of interest women, as young as 11years of age, are stoned to death for dishonouring their family which means if Mustafa finds his old lady boinking Ahmed then, in the spirit of multiculturalism and to be consistent with Muslim tradition he can stone her to death. Sharia demands strict adherence. Sharia is Islam...and Islam is Sharia. Sharia supersedes the laws of any country. Compassion and humanity, the lowering of civil ethics and moral standards is all in vain. A cold-blooded sub species devoted to the tenets of Sharia will never adhere to the laws of the "infidel". So what the West must do is learn to TOLERATE incivility????which brings us right back to the obvious...DEPORT THEM ALL . And the door to this nation should slam shut to all persons originating from a country that refuses to commit to Canada's (and America's)First World Standards of Civility.

The Great Sage

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

More hate from Allah

TheStar Speakers at Muslim conference noted for disparaging gays and Jews and organizing the family game "Spot the Faggot". Hey can we allow another couple hundred thousand uncivilized throat slitters into the country before the anti-capitalist crowd protests and shuts down our airports thus obstructing a terrorists favorite means of transportation...paid for by us.

The Great Sage

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


1934 was a year of optimism particularly with it being the year after the implementation of the Hitler youth in Germany. Things were looking up. Progressives the world wide were touting the possibility of a new perspective aligned with extreme socialists from Germany, Italy, Rumania and even Japan. A new way of life with liberty for all...oh and also a free potato and a "fifth" of vodka. Those must have been exiting times knowing that there would be world peace with equality for all, except for the filthy "Joooos" what if the invasion of Poland and the Sudaten Land was only a few years down the road at least there was "hope" and "change" at the end of the tunnel. Just out of curiosity has anybody noticed the similarity between Obama's and Hitler's agenda?...they were both looking to destroy their economies. Be very afraid if Obama uses the words "final" and "solution" in the same sentence when speaking (with help from his teleprompter) of how to fix the economy.

The Great Sage

Capitalism not Socialism

Obama has chosen to stand with the agitators on Wall St. as well as elsewhere around the world.
Rather than take the heat for HIS failed policies, not that of the former administration, he has chosen to deflect the blame onto the Private Sector, which, is what provides jobs in the first place. So what if some "fat cat" makes an obscene amount of money the Private Sector can pay whatever to whomever. Now if it's an Obama cronie in the Public Sector that is leaching off the tax payer then the salary collected for that individual should be 25% less than the starting wage of similar qualifications in the Private no fucking Public Sector Unions. Hey Obama I've never in all my years of busting my ass got a job from a poor person. Start looking after the people who pay the freight in your country and maybe they'll begin to look after you. Take note as to what the Conservatives have done here in Canada...they've lowered the corporate tax by 7%...still not enough but it's a start.
The only "Hope" the world has is for real "Change"...a change from liberal to Conservative next election; Mit Romney or Herman "Hurricane" Cain...I think, as a pragmatic Canadian I would like to see Herman Cain as the next President of the United States of America with Michelle Bachman as Vice President...for either one. But one way or another America needs somebody who understands the need for Capitalism.

The Great Sage

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Chi-coms in Sault Ste. Marie.

Just like the rest of the Chi-coms around the world Sault Ste. Marie is also blessed with losers from the liberal and ndp tribes. I think there was a total of 6 protesters downtown as the issues being complained about are obviously nothing but fair weather issues...not important enough to scream and yell about in the wind and rain. These idiots don't even know what they're supposed to be screaming about other than the fact that most people have a bank account and these dregs of society don't.
Ahhh what are you going to do???it's scum like this that gives us something to laugh at I guess we should be thankful they exist...on our dime.

The Great Sage

Saturday, October 15, 2011

TheStar Speakers at Muslim conference noted for disparaging gays and Jews

TheStar Speakers at Muslim conference noted for disparaging gays and Jews but why all the fuss??? Everybody looking over my side of the fence is full of nothing but hate, ridicule and condemnation. The Great Sage is armed with nothing but the facts. My arsenal of supplies is a well stocked battery of evidence in support of the truth. Remember that muslim "family fun" day in London England this summer where one of the wholesome events for the kids was a game called "SPOT THE FAGGOT" where children would throw a stone at an effigy of Barry Man u Blow hoping to hit it in the head...closest to the head gets an xtra slice of goat cheese.
Well look at what Canada has now, actually it's been here for as long as the Great Sage has been writing about it, but the "lame stream" liberal progressive media just never informed the masses like I The Great Sage has. The Conservative Right is far more superior to the liberal left just by virtue of the fact that the Right supports it's claims with facts that are not emotionally influenced either way. The Right is unwilling to cling to the flock. It avoids the collective and is driven by instinct and for this we are despised. Striving for perfection includes eternal vigilance...regardless of irritating ridicule from the left, we know that our enemy Islam, will not melt into this pot and it is because of this lonesome factor that Peace is unattainable between...well...the primitive East and advanced civilized West.

The Great Sage

Friday, October 14, 2011

Slaves were purchased.

Let's clear the air right now. I just discovered that relatives of mine were SLAVE owners.
Indentured labourers were sold by African Kings and Queens and bought and payed for in full by my ancestors with the expectation that their investment will grant many years of productivity.
My ancestor's were lied to and told nothing but lies. The constant cry for reparation resonates through the hollow heads of brain dead manic depressants who think the White Man brought nothing but misery to the Black man. To the contrary, the fact is if it wasn't for the "Slave Trade" Black Africans, today, wouldn't be as fortunate...let's see Oprah pack her 500lb duffel bag and head back to the Congo. Maybe she can locate the blood line of the "Brother" or "Sister" who SOLD them as slaves to begin with. While she's there maybe she can hunt down the same Kings and Queens who bought and enslaved WHITE Slavic Women and children. Or is it only the Blacks that are allowed to whine about slavery and not the Whites???
I want reparation for my ancestors. Their "property" was rightfully obtained and wrongfully expropriated. Maybe the money can come from the NAACP, The Black Negro College Fund, the Black Panthers or maybe even the Bloods and the Cryps. How about the Jamaica Posse, yes the same Jamaica Posse that considers women (white women) to be nothing more than mules. Before property is taken a price must be paid...or else it's stealing...isn't it??? There is no respect or consideration for the White Caucasian Race...we are considered disposable and worthless. The world would be far better off without the White Man which brings us right back to the begining...why did the Black Man sell his/her own to the White Man to begin with?

The Great Sage

TheStar DiManno: They’re not gods but the Greeks didn’t deserve this

TheStar DiManno: They’re not gods but the Greeks didn’t deserve this
Just wait until "look out for me" takes on an entire new meaning. Betraying someone in order to advance one's rank in society is typically inherent of people...but...wait until the masses regress back to the "Hunter Gatherer" instinct. This is the exposing of Socialism for what it really is. A system based on the principle of "the collective and the common good" and the failings of the "individual", where everybody is equal...even in misery. Humanity is not "entering into" a new phase but rather "back to" a phase where instinct governs our habits. Progressive Socialism belongs to the NAZI's...and look where they are.
You haven't seen greed until you've seen two people fight over a slice of bread. Greece is just a scaled down version of a larger country...Canada is larger than Greece and so is the United States of America. When masses of punk looters run rampant through the streets do you think they're concerned about whether or not they should steal for their buddies too???

The Great Sage

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Protestors are Socialist duds.

So some hardcore socialist "Chi-Comms" in Sault Ste. Marie Canada are looking to emulate the non-productive pan handlers that are protesting Wall Street, entrepreneurial risk takers and pretty much anybody with a bank account. This is the perfect portrait of Western Society's future. A segment of today's society is programmed and dependant upon the fruits of somebody Else's labour. This burden to Western Humanity has been totally programmed by a system infected with "progressive" ethics. Young minds of mush indoctrinated into a reliant state of existence are repetitively preached too that the "collective" is worth more than the "individual". Together "we" can do what only an "individual" dreams of. It takes a village. Focus on the "we" rather than the selfish "I". This "collective" soon becomes the foundation for socio-communism. Fair is interpreted as "half of what you own (work for) will be shared with those who WON'T work." In a socialist system everything is shared...that way the misery is equally divided. Today's "Entitlement" crowd just wants welfare, a handout mandated by a socialist/communist dictatorship. The "Entitlement" crowd wants FREE MONEY...from those of us who work and the libs and ndp are well aware of this, thus the foundation of a political platform..."Vote for a poverty free Ontario"..."stop corporate greed"..."down with industry"..."end the Private Sector"..."we want to restore dignity in the work place" nauseam. Today's youth hasn't got a chance. Tomorrows future has been programmed to be useless eaters all in the name of control.

This what Socialists do not understand and quite honestly this is why Socialism does not, can not work. What is happening today with both the U.S. and Canadian economies is the result of a mass exodus of the Private Sector. Companies have packed up and left because they can set up shop in a country like China or India and produce their product for 500% less than they could here because the Western worker was programmed that he/she needs "Collective Bargaining", a Union, if they wanted job security and high pay. The sons and daughter's of these workers are now protesting "corporate greed"...along side of their parent(s).'s the onion, these protesters are for the most part unable to be self sufficient, I don't want to use the term "useless", which is (ostensibly) why they need a "collective". After the big let down from their union they find themselves still unemployed after a year and will not make it without social assistance which is funded by anybody with a bank account.

This over regulated, high taxed inconsistent economic environment has driven out the Private Sector and created a Welfare State.

Now What?

There is a remedy...give the economy to the Private Sector. All government agencies are in neutral mode and their powers totally diminished, ALL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES... use the military to keep high school drop-outs busy and off the street. The time for less government is not now but RIGHT NOW.

To the're an embarrassment. The corrosive effects of socio-communism is obvious.

The Great Sage

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The self made Low Class

Left Wing IDIOTS occupy Wall Street...did they come from Sault Ste. Marie Canada?

I will continue this entry later tonight....CLASS WARFARE continues to no end; thanks to all of those FUCKING STUPID SOCIALISTS known as liberals, democrats, communists and ndp losers.

The Great Sage

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cannot Trust Iran

The world can no longer trust if Iran could ever be trusted in the first place, with this the latest plot to kill the Saudi Diplomat on U.S. soil there should be only one means of reprisal and it would be very ugly....for the Nazi's of Persia. But the West doesn't need another theater of hostile of yet, at least when simple measures applied to a "simple" form of government would suffice. Lay siege to Iran, it's very quite simple and effective. And, in a protracted situation can be somewhat cruel, after all if there is no cruelty how will people suffer? The only way to have a system implode is to eradicate it's base by diminishing the loyalty of the votary. The people will turn on their leader('s). Nothing in and nothing out not even their sewage. Iran is the source of all Terrorism. It is Iran's I.E.D.'s that are killing U.S. Canadian and NATO troops in Iraq and is Iran's I.E.D.'s that are being found (NOT IN DETONATION MODE but for future use) on the Arizona and Texas border of is NAZI Persia (Iran) that is financing AlQaida and the Taliban and the Mujhahadeen and is also the reason for an unstable Iraq. Iran is the beast that isn't worthy of slaying but if so then so be it.
So we interrupted another one...for how long? there's so many Islamic "tribal sects" in Canada and the U.S. that sooner or later the law of averages will dictate a shitty and unfortunate round of circumstances. We do not need a devoted breed of suicide (homicide) bombers over here; the West could never handle it. Political Correctness has made mental infants that much more ignorant and stupid and devoid of any "instinct's to survive"...they're the liberal progressives.
How did we once refer to these idiots?...oh yeh....Fucking Retards!!!
If people can't see what is going on out there then it's time they just shut the fuck up, we don't need them in our way. If massive deportation orders are invoked and/or massive refugee orders revoked then so be it...keep the human rights communist committee out of it in fact render that agency insolvent and rendered itself irrelevant decades fact right from it's inception with the Trudeau cabinet.
Start paying attention as to "who" is in your community...are we not a component of the "Global
Community"?...just as a point to ponder.

The Great Sage

Sunday, October 02, 2011

NAZI Party and Socialism

Let's see if this one sinks in. I realize the pathetic Left is without the ability to understand facts and logic but maybe, just maybe somebody will finally understand the defective mechanics of SOCIALISM.
First off let me state that I have no use for Fascism, Communism or Socialism. Nor do I wish to form a relationship with those who think in line of these demented ideologies. In Canada, at least since the "comrade" Trudeau days, we have witnessed the decay of a once great society all in the name of multiculturalism, fairness, political correctness and socio-communism. This frozen rock has become a haven for everything anti-freedom...which is exactly what socialism is. Here we have liberal socialists and ndp fascists. Oh and there's the freakish clan of "greenies" who think that by cripling all progress and plunging the country back into the "Dark Ages" we'll clean up the planet...excuse me while I empty out my stomach contents. Hey have any of you green freaks ever heard of an active volcano??? Pardon me I digress.
Socialism took true root in Germany after the collapse of the Wiemar Republic, which at the time was nothing more than a big party after the Armistice in 1918 using money borrowed from the United States.
The National Socialist German Worker's Party may not ring a bell but when referred to by it's proper name, The NAZI party, there is an air of evil familiarity that even left wing lunatics cannot cover up. For those who have been paying attention to Canada's history (which really isn't much) there was once an inadequate hippy type of french nationale who wanted Quebec to have it's rightful place in controlling this country...this nationale was known to Canadians as Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Inspired by France's Charles De Gaul, who was himself driven from France by Hitler, the hippy Prime Minister, who self admittedly was ignorant in economics, clandestinely supported separatism which was only to show an alliance to Charles De Gaul and the "mother land" France. Again socialism. The problem with Trudeau's Marxist ideology was it caused the FLQ to go over board in their demands for separation.
Socialism is a flawed means of governance. The main problem with socialism is at some point in time the government runs out of everyone else's money. Other problems include neutral growth, zero incentive and eventually negative impact on the environment with the collapse of infrastructure. Socialism operates on the ostensible premise of benevolence...fairness. It's time everybody got clued in here...nowhere is it written in the Bible, Koran, Tora, The Pagan manifesto, Greek Mythology or the Geek pan handlers manual that LIFE IS GOING TO BE FAIR. Fair means one thing, somebody wants half of what you or I have but do not wish to work for it. When a politician constantly uses the word "FAIR" I tune out as it only means the guy talking knows absolutely fuck all about how he/she is going to fix a situation..usally an economic situation. It's not FAIR that the Rich and Wealthy have whatever they busted their asses for; all assetts should be FAIRLY dissected and redistributed to those who didn't wish to make anything of themselves, save and except those who are/were disadvantaged due to a disability or cultural background from whence they originated such as refugees from elsewhere in the world where all things were evil...even the farming conditions.
It's time to separate ourselves from this destructive anomaly known as S O S I A L I S M.
Why do we insist on perpetuating hitler's philosophy of life by maintaining a socialist system? During the days of Germany's mad-man multiple sects of people were persecuted because of their religion, party and fraternal affiliation's, sexual orientation (queers) and cultural back ground, shit, men were summarily punished just because of the fact they were circumcised...just as a point of interest the gestapo would, upon raiding small town or big city neighborhoods at 3:00am, order the men to drop their underwear in order to reveal their nether region, I'm sure you can figure the rest out from here. And officers were under strict orders to not use more than one bullet per innocent victim. Like it or not this is S O C I A L I S M.
On the day of March 18 1938 Adolf Hitler, fascist leader in chief of the National German Worker's Socialist Party...or NAZI party, claimed that finally a civilized nation has set a precedent for the rest of the world to follow that precedent being Gun Control. Confiscation of all privately owned firearms beginning with registration of the gun owner's and then the guns in the possession of those owners...sound familiar. A country where "unarmed" people were dictated to by an "armed" madman somewhat similar to Jean Cretian and Alan Rock, both Trudeau protege. How anybody can devote themselves to this ideology is beyond me there is only one word to describe this mentality...SICK.

The Great Sage

Saturday, October 01, 2011

The Radio-Controlled Airplane Jihad - HUMAN EVENTS

The Radio-Controlled Airplane Jihad - HUMAN EVENTS
Damn muslim pork lickers will do it all the time. Give these backwards camel jockey's an education, introduce them to strip clubs and teach them how to obtain special interest status so they can bleed the fucking system, and this is what they do to us. An engineering student learns the productive vocation of flying a remote controlled airplane...oh ya and packed with C4. Isn't it comforting to know that these people are part of our society, and they're educated with our dollars?
Ahhhh what the hell's a sleeper cell or two? Just go for another round of appeasement....after one of these attempts finally come to fruition. Hey maybe we can approach them with an open hand and lyrics to kum-by-ya. Or maybe we can turn on the Jews and then renounce Christianity, immediately before we convert to Islam. Orrrrrr we can deport the swine from whence they came.

I am ETC.

In defence of Mr. Varma

With the current arrest of EASSAR's General Manager in India it would acutely appear that there's an air of corruption within the ESSAR community, on the contrary...I would claim. Mr. Varma stands accused of paying protection funds to Maoist rebels in what seems to be an "extorted ransom" situation. Some would call it protection money. Money that goes to terror groups as to prevent violent reprisal against the industrial infrastructure...or individuals. As stated in previous reports ESSAR's pipeline was sabotaged a number of times. If government can't protect you then you must protect yourself. At least the ESSAR community didn't finance military contractor's to KILL TERRORISTS. Money is what the terrorists want and unless they get it they'll keep blowing things up until they that hard to understand? And they'll justify their mayhem through ideological means which in turn amasses a following of empathetic sympathizers beginning with hollywood phonies to the Rogues at the United Nations which then trickles down into the minds of brainwashed sheep world wide. This is the way the world works, more specifically the Third World. The Great Sage speaks with authority with respect to this thugish protocol as I have lived it for 21years. As an example I can get a high-medium ranking officer armed with an automatic weapon for $25.00U.S. per day...the same goes for constabulary officer's but armed only with a side arm many of which are still the old 38special 6shot revolver; at the end of the day it's still lead with a bang. This is how the Third World system works. The only reason for the arrest of Mr. Varma is because he didn't pay off the corrupt government officials too...according to my speculation anyway.

You think doing business is easy???think again. The so called democracy in which we live in is actually a system that sanctions legalized extortion. At least in a corrupt Third World system one knows what to expect.

They don't teach you this shit in business school.

The Great Sage