Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Elliot Lake mall roof collapse rescue crews scramble to start search for victims | Daily Brew - Yahoo! News Canada

Elliot Lake mall roof collapse rescue crews scramble to start search for victims | Daily Brew - Yahoo! News Canada One day I will comment on this catastrophic event.

Humbly...The Great Sage

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Kent says Canada must counter disinformation

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Gaza kindergartners 'blow up Zionists'

Gaza kindergartners want to 'blow up Zionists' - Israel News, Ynetnews And these are the same kids that the United Nations wants to protect? Are these the same kids that along with their mothers that are used as human shields? Kill them now...they're only going to grow into enemies of the West.

The Great Sage


While outside on my deck tonight at approx. 11:00pm I noticed right above me high in the stratosphere a bright globe-like object moving at a rate of speed greater than a modern day jet propelled vehicle. Now this is not the first time I've witnessed this "unidentified flying object". About a month ago my son had called me and told me to step outside and look into the Norther hemisphere at about 2:00o'clock (co-ordinate not time) and take note of the same flying object that I saw tonight.
And then the planes came but their vector was inconsistent with a programmed flight path...but these planes weren't directly following this "object" but rather maintaining a cautious surveillance. And also today I noticed a large military cargo plane, something similar to a C10 or Nimrod, flying over the city...probably no correlation whatsoever but strangely coincidental. I do have telescopic capabilities but I don't think I am qualified enough to focus on a moving object but I think. that maybe I'll try. My telescope clearly delineates Saturn's angular rings so if I could get focused on this object for at least 2 possibly 3 seconds I might be able to identify it's origin. I don't think it's the space station or a satellite again due to the erratic nature of it's flight path. Usually a satellite and space station travel in "Geo-synchronous orbit" which is a straight celestial line.
Nonetheless this is perplexing...with no explanation in sight.
---another perplexing item is the fact that science has no explanation as to how a two wheeled vehicle or bicycle stays upright when in motion but falls over when stopped.
Jyro-vortec force keeps a two wheeled vehicle upright when in motion (wheels rotating). Science has no explanation as to how bicycles stay upright in motion but fall over when stopped. The "Jyro-vortec" force pulls it's weight into the ground by rotation and by the time the weight gets to the absolute bottom of the wheel it gives a "hand-stand" effect where gravity is pulling the weight to the ground...over and over and over again in rapid succession and when the wheel rotates over the top it is similar to a person's hands stretching out to fall into a "hand-stand". This is one of the stranger anomalies of nature that science is a standstill re. an explanation...so I think mine will do.

The Great Sage 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Muslim Man Beats His Wife - YouTube

Muslim Man Beats His Wife - YouTube This is "SHARIA" . For all of the stupid liberal/socialists advocating multiculturalism here in the West why don't you all just purchase a one way ticket to a muslim shit hole and enjoy the fruits of your ideology.

The Great Sage

Friday, June 15, 2012

Children Replace Cigarettes with Guns - Middle East - News - Israel National News#.T9cqW1KT9YE

PA NGO to Children: Replace Cigarettes with Guns - Middle East - News - Israel National News#.T9cqW1KT9YE Ahhh isn't that sweet and I'll bet you're looking at foreign aid as to purchase missiles and cheese for the kids as well.  And the filthy left screams like circumcised rats when Israel returns fire on palestinian terrorists. Hit them hard B.B.
Note the role of "UNICEF, UNESCO and U.N. N.G.O.'s. Every penny to UNICEF is a penny to the mullahs. iran is the administrator for UNICEF FUNDS. Keep your head in the sand people...that way it'll be easy to fill the space between your ears.

The Great Sage  "Stand with Israel"

EXCLUSIVE: Fort Hood massacre

EXCLUSIVE: Fort Hood massacre survivors tell of fearing shooter would 'finish the job' | Fox News
This is the "ENEMY WITHIN". This pathetic shred of human debris isn't good enough for the death penalty. He should be placed in a cage with a pig and put on public display for all to see and taunt. Don't let the pigs suffer though, change them out every couple of hours and then at night after the pigs have been returned to their quarters let this slug sit in his cell exposed to a few flood lamps as to provide ample light for luminescent meditation. After a year or so throw him a knife and let's see if he uses it.
Somewhere approx. 15years ago I submitted an article to the local news paper...Sault Star... re. the fact that Canada couldn't amass a sizable army due to an incompatible element comprising of Mid-Eastern/Asian muslims. We don't even know who these people will stand with in the end which leads  us to a position  of untrust . They wouldn't print it because they thought it was slanderously inciting and too exaggerated. The left wing media will destroy all who follow it.
On second thought put this trash in front of a firing squad (loaded with bullets dipped in pig blood) and then send his carcass to mecca.

The Great Sage   

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Children used as ‘human shields’ in Syria: U.N. report

Children sexually attacked, used as ‘human shields’ in Syria: U.N. report This is ISLAM.
Where is the condemnation from muslims over here? Bush and Blair should have cloberred Syria when they hammerd Iraq but fight the way they did in WWII.
China's involved with this too.

The Great Sage

'I am just ill, I am a mother-of-two I am not a monster"

'I am just ill, I am not a monster': Chinese mother-of-two discovered by seven tumours on her face but she cannot afford to have them removed | Mail Online Somehow this person needs to get medical attention. If the richest (communist) regime on earth won't take care of her (or the rest of it's people) then we must. I will donate $,1000.00 to any organization that initiates a fund for this lady and I urge anybody reading this to do the same.
I am ETC.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Nazi propaganda in Iran

Nazi propaganda website starts operation in Iran, government censors do nothing - Jihad Watch Iran is a peace loving country looking only to produce electricity for the baby hostpitals and milk plants...which means they need a nuclear bomb...ahh I mean nuclear plant.
Iran in farsi means "ARIAN". Isn't it nice to know that a good ol chap like hitler (raging lunatic popular with the left) is still popular and still maintains the ability to influence brain dead sheep...similar to the people of Germany for 15years. They were under the spell of a simpleton who caused the death of 27million people throughout Europe and Africa by the time he had finally put a bullet into his head.
It's time to tell the left to shut the fuck up and go play patti cakes or something cause we're going into Iran first and it won't be pretty for them. Then you'll see a drop in oil prices big time...most importantly terrorists organizations will have lost a major sponsor.

Ikbak el Yehud Aluha Akbar????????!!!!!!!!!! First off we should air bomb them with pig shit and then promise to shoot them with bullets dipped in pig blood. No nukes but a good place for MOAB (massive ordnance air blast) or (mother of all bombs).

The Great Sage

The Religion of Peace mutilates females

A Gift from the Religion of Atrocity | FrontPage Magazine This is absolutely hideous. Only a twisted ideology would permit and encourage this barbarity. Why is this not mentioned by the "mainstream"media? This uncivilized  behaviour is the curse of our time and must be condemned by world leaders and equally important is to ensure that sharia law never gets a hold in Canada or U.S. Sharia is a curse that plagues the human frontier, it is truly "the" means to destroy the West.
Now the world will be slapped in the face by history...George W. Bush was absolutely correct when he warned the West of the evils of radical islamic states notably Iraq and Iran. One down and one to go but the fool in the White House has no balls or is it that he has no "use" for his own country???given his "MUSLIM" upbringing.

I am ETC.

Quebec terrorists arrested in Montreal. National Post

Quebec MNA’s daughter among those arrested in Montreal metro mischief raids as terror charges considered | News | National Post Leave it to Quebec to harbor anybody with anything to do with terrorism...remember the FLQ??? The first time I ever heard the term "terrorist" it was related to Quebec. The first time I ever heard of "car bombs", and "mailbox bombs" it was related to Quebec. The first time I experienced an act of "treason" it was related to Quebec. The first time 17 women were killed by a Muslim in Canada it just so happened to be at a University in Quebec. It's time to pull the military headquarters out of Quebec but leave well armed Troops and a "Secret Service"...let's get to the core of this crucible boiling with corruption and implement a readjustment program. And if someone wants to practise islam without adopting Western Tenets then deport them to the caliphate of their choice.
And if Quebecers want to separate let them go and get them the fuck  off our turf. Let the freaks from S. On. move to old Hoshelaga and the remaining normal Canadians, the True Canadians will stay here.
Quebec is Canada's Pakistan...both are harboring terrorists.

The Great Sage

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Photos: The Allied invasion of Normandy - CNN.com

Photos: The Allied invasion of Normandy - CNN.com 67 years ago "The Greatest Generation that ever Lived" layed everything they had out on the shores of a lonely stretch of shoreline code-named UTAH, OMAHA, GOLD, JUNO and SWORD. How lonely of a day that must have been from the time of departure from the Mulberry Harbors to the fox hole that was finally dug all the time under a barrage of bullets and shrapnel. One cannot imagine what went through the minds of all those men...hopefully not a bullet. I have a customer whose father landed on Juno during Operation Overlord with his Sherman Tank and 1,200 miles later he was at the Brandenburg Gates. He is a good Canadian Soldier who was an integral part of something far bigger than him, an epic in time for which the entire world is forever indebted to so few. Winston Churchill once said "never was there such a point in time where so much was owed to so few by so many". If only the dead can see what a disgrace Western man has become. No pride, no virtue, morally rotted, people don't even know whether they're male or female anymore. We do everything to accommodate the weirdo's in our culture and at the same time trample our tradition. And then there's the ultimate scourge...ISLAM...this is not what our ancestors fought and died for.

The Great Sage 

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

BBC News - Venezuela bans private gun ownership

BBC News - Venezuela bans private gun ownership Same thing stupid liberals wanted to do here in the "Free World". Every time I see a picture of this goofy looking despot (Chavez) I want to transpose it to a target and then go to the range. This is the next freak of nature that must be dealt with.

The Great Sage

Monday, June 04, 2012


THANK YOU CANADA!!! And Thank You America and Thank You Mr. President Reagan. How many Canadians remember this...and how many Americans have forgotten it? A remarkable maneuver on the part of Mr. Kenneth Walker. To harbor and extricate political prisoners is a certain death sentence in Iran and this guy risked it all. A very impressive and accomplished patriot worthy of the admiration he received from the C.I.A. . The World's eminent twin to MI 5&6 the C.I.A. is the Free World's first line of defence. In the "Art of War", by Tsun Su, it is said that 1 good spy is worth a thousand soldiers (or a facsimile thereof)..."know yourself...know your enemy". Re-Con Intelligence is vital in defeating an enemy which is why the C.I.A. is a very critical agency. Most importantly the intel. gathered will cause the enemy to suffer the collateral damage rather than those of us in the Free West where Capitalism enjoys a consensus.
For Mr. Ken Walker to be honored by the Central Intelligence Angency is flattering to say the least...it is a true honor. Mr. Walker all I can say is that you had a lot of balls but most of all You Mr. Kenneth Walker are a Good Canadian and the Americans know that you`re a ``Good American`` originally from Canada.
I caught the story on the Military Channel tonight and was quite impressed about the story behind Canada`s role in the Iran Hostage Crisis in 79-80, more particular in Mr. Walker`s role.
You are the true definition of a Hero Mr. Walker and all the respect to you...So mote it be.
Canada has quite the history in the world of espionage since WWII and people aren`t informed which is another reason for this country`s passive nature`; there`s nothing to get pumped about. The liberal left wants an oppressed and docile flock incapable of surviving without government involvement. The Right  calls it intrusion and the left calls it involvement. The left is programmed to accept  every aspect of their life under government control right down to bird feeders and burning permits. Government under liberal rule beginning with trudeau has plastered us with nothing but regulation and immigration. This country is lost and I do not envy but at the same time admire the role Mr. Harper has, as Conservative Right Wing Prime Minister, the daunting task of reconstructing decades of liberal left wing damage, damage not only to our system but mainly to the minds and souls of True Canadians who have had the traditions they created, an identity to call ours just like the Americans, stripped in the name of multiculturalism...trudeau`s brain child. Look at what the liberals under trudeau have brought us, friends with communists and despots, collapsed health care system, debauched educational system, police state, excessive regulation, crippling taxes, carbon credits and kyoto...that`s right CARBON CREDITS AND KYOTO. This country`s downfall will be the mass infestation of islam. All of the world`s problems with islam originates in IRAN. Iran is farsi for ARIAN. Strange how iran suddenly finds it`s way into these closing words. Don`t think for one moment that iran has forgotten about Canada`s role in freeing the U.S. hostages.

The Great Sage

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Shootings at the Eaton Center

I The Great Sage am willing to wage a pecuniary order on the premise that the perpetrator('s) of the shootings at Toronto's Eaton Center are not of "True Canadian" blood and are more than likely to be of Caribbean or Asian descent. Time will tell.
On another note I...The Great Sage would like to humbly acknowledge the fact that You, the loyal subject, the  reader with a hunger for the truth restlessly awaits the wisdom expected of me. I feel your pain. I feel it is my duty to inform the subjugated masses that due to a very distressful compressed schedule I, The Great Sage, has not had the time to regularly maintain a consistent flow of information...BUT...fear not my faithful followers for things are about to get better as I should be back into the swing of things within the next few days.
Prepare to honour the heroes of D-Day on June 6th and remember what they fought and died for...now think about what is happening today...Iran is Farsi for "ARIAN". The "Third Riech" was Hitler's purebred bureau of "Arians". For Israel the war has been in progress for some time now...for the rest of the West, Canada, United States of America and Grt. Britain, political correctness has us bound by a tether of denial. We'll be shot at and told it's nothing to worry about and that we should deal with these twisted cultures with tolerance and understanding and to avoid at all costs any means of eroding the progress thus far, even if it means permitting islam to be taught in madrases....or schools and eliminating all pork products from our diet...and yes that means bacon and sausages.
These uneducated pig kissers that fled their delapitated and emaciated home land or island are truly loving, understanding people that have are only trying to express themselves the only way they know how...violently. This is what stupid liberals expect from us, I got news for them...go crawl into that ostrich hole that your head has been buried in for the past 30years and take your queer buddies with you including the queer cannibals.

The Great Sage