Monday, November 28, 2011

And one more thing...

...Che is fucking dead...get over it all of you aspiring young liberal/ndp social-communist fascists. He was nothing but a murderous punk with a following of fucking freaks. I will say this though, his ugly face makes a good target at the gun range...right next to Castro and Chavez's face; no I never forgot about Achmadimijad in fact I have a target of the entire country of Iran for my rifle rounds. The other commee pinko's get the 40caliber high power, 357magnum and the 44magnum. In fact Achmadimijad's ugly face has a similar feature to that of a "bawating bed wetter bob". They share the same beady eyes that add to a very stupid facial feature. Thank God for a social system because parasites such as this wouldn't make it without a government job/handout. I guess it is the responsibility of the strong to care and coddle the weak and unfortunate.

The Great Sage

Party at Lunch

Tower Defense and Aerospace Factory Workers Party at Lunch. This is what unions are good for today. Regardless of my feelings towards unions and other social parasitic organizations, I am not here to condemn anybodies "choices" in life...for the Great Sage is more humble than that and...I am a firm believer in a person's right to do whatever they wish to do so long as it doesn't conflict with the moral well being of our youth. Nor do I condone any type of activity that directly or indirectly inflicts harm and robs our children of their innocence. I do believe however that people should be RESPONSIBLE in all of their undertakings which does include their responsibility to their employer and the consumer which in this case happens to be the military. The lives of good soldiers depends upon a quality item and hopefully the quality of that item is not compromised by a worker dulled by a temporary state of transitory depersonalization.
It's people like this that give responsible people a bad rap. Do what you want on your own time bud...not at work.

The Great Sage

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Canada's impressive contribution to FREEDOM

Canada's contribution to maintain the "Free World" through 3 great wars is probably more impressive and profoundly secretive, which does nothing for the recognition this Great country deserves, than what most people are aware. Everybody wants a hero mentor and ultimately an individuals country, comprised of the "ideological culture" they support, is in reality everything that man has to live for. Sure we live for our families, husbands for their wives, parents for their kids, kids for their childhood but...the emphasis on priority changes with time. As time progresses the human species finds that less devotion is attributed as it was because of evolving responsibilities, now the kids have kids and those kids are priority etc. BUT...everybody regardless of age and social status has a responsibility, a duty, to their country. When it comes right down to it the only thing Man has that is actually his is his country. Your country is your home and it's worth defending. Your country gives you the opportunity to succeed...if it doesn't then governments must be tossed from power and overthrown. The fundamental virtues of freedom are "freedom of the people, for the people, by the people". An individuals personality is a product of his country. People from all over the world despise America. American Yanks are cowboys etc. etc. etc. Americans are proud of their country and that pride adds to an individuals sense of belonging and purpose. The world knows that without the "American Military Complex", American ingenuity and most of all American Pride WWII would have went the other way. Great Britain/Canada were tapped out defending France, Poland, Chechoslovakia, Greece and N.Africa including Ethiopia. Hitler and Mussolini had total control of Europe including Russia for about 15days at one point until Hitler declared war on the U.S. Before that Canada was the originating point for the war against the Axis Power. Under the lend lease program the U.S. would supply tanks, planes, artillery and ammo. and it all went through Canada. The little known fact here is though Canada's contribution a contribution so great that General Patton even said that it was "the greatest battle implement ever devised". The United States Military had this to say about Canadian inventor, John Cantius Garand, inventor of the M1 Garand 30carbine...
"this great man may have been born in Canada, but his invaluable contribution to America's arsenal goes far beyond that of most of our own citizens". This weapon saw action in WWII, Korea and Vietnam Wars and was considered an irreplaceable asset. Allied troops would not have had a reliable weapon if not for the M1 was the weapon that defeated Hitler in Europe and Hideki Tojo's Japanese held islands throughout the South Pacific.
And why don't Canadians know this? it's because the liberal multicultural doctrine considers patriotism an insult to immigrants, particularly those who, ideologically, are at war with us.
Canada has made an impressive contribution to the liberty of man and yet it is unknown by many. True Canadians have had their identity, still fragile in the late 60's early70's, stolen from them with the inception of liberalism and it's very sad. It could almost be claimed that Canada is the country that won WWII, held off N.Korea and China, and prevented the spread of communism throughout Indo-China.
Let it be known to the Free World Canada's contribution to FREEDOM.
Canada should get into the Military Arms manufacturing business. This would be a great opportunity to increase our manufacturing base and put people to work. There is never a peaceful moment on this planet so we may as well take advantage of it. Even some eco-hippy with dred-locks who depends on a handout at the grocery store while banging his authentic "made in China" bongo drums, could get a good job on an assembly line where they manufacture the latest military requirements from small arms to battle ships and from jet fighters to submarines.
Stand proud Canadians (you know who you are) we won the war.

The Great Sage

Friday, November 25, 2011

Not Photoshopped: Beam of Light Shines on Fallen Soldier’s Miracle Dog

Not Photoshopped: Beam of Light Shines on Fallen Soldier’s Miracle Dog: Reported by ABC News’ Kimberly Launier: It was an overcast day in Newport, N.H., when a simple “20/20″ shoot turned into something that made me wonder about life after death. I was filming soldier Justin Rollin’s parents Skip and Rhonda playing with their dog Hero,...just something to ponder. How one interprets it is entirely up to them. But...the fact remains that nothing is more honorable than a soldier committed to his duty regardless of what fate has in store for him/her. Some of the stories re. soldiers and the dogs they've adopted on the battlefield are amazing. One story that sticks in my mind is how a soldier trained his dog (200lb bull mastiff) to understand sign language. He and his buddies were taken prisoner by Al-Qaida operatives and the dog was given orders to go away and then to return later to rescue the troops. The dog did as instructed. It tracked the scent of the prisoners, broke down the door of the room in which they were held and then ripped the throat out of the guard who was sleeping at the time. The dog then chewed through the bed sheet handcuff to free his master. Man's best friend indeed.

The Great Sage

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Some people the world does not need

Really now, I mean REALLY NOW!!! Who the F_ _ K cares about any of the Kardashians, I don't even care if I spelled the name correctly...while we're at it I may as well submit a list of other insignificants, beginning with Sean Penn, his buddy Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro
Averil Lavigne
Justin Babyer
Susan Sarandon
John Cougar Mellon Cap
That goof from Politically Incorrect
Joy Bahard
Woopie Goldberg
George Clooney
The Hamburglar Michael Moore and Adolf Hitler
Calypso Louis Farakhan
Rev. Jessie Jackson and the entire NAACP
most of hollywood and mtv
David Letterman
Chris "I have a thrill up my leg" Mathews
Kieth "Full of Shit" Auberman
Josef Stalin, Karl Marx, Nikita Khruschev
Posthumously Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Jack Layton
Tony Martin Chairman Mao Tse Tung
Kim Dung mentally Ill
Former French President Jauques (strap) Chirac
and every other fucking commee socialist including the freaks protesting anybody with a bank account. Cut these flea infested, disease ridden, clueless freaks off of welfare, force them to take a shower or delouse and then put them to work in the field harvesting the food for us good respectable CAPITALISTS.
Remember WARFARE NOT WELFARE...the survival of the human race depends on it.

The Great Sage

Reality of Islam hard to dispute | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun

Reality of Islam hard to dispute Toronto & GTA News Toronto Sun At least somebody's waking up in Canada. The threat of Jihad is real. The Great Sage has been warning about the muslim brotherhood before most knew who the vipers were. Yes Obama has many problems...and so do we. Let's begin by closing down mosques.

The Great Sage

Monday, November 21, 2011

Iran has a drug problem...blames the West.

Chasing the Dragon in Tehran - By Roland Elliott Brown Foreign Policy...a "Foreign Policy" implemented by the Persian regimes. There's nobody to blame here but the despots ruling Iran with a hundred lb. maul. It's just like achmadimijad to refer to "their" drug problem by blaming it on the West calling it our form of "predation". Persia has kept it's wandering Bedouin tribes stoned for thousands of years as they were much easier to control and probably too, beheading would be less difficult. One only need to research the word "Hashish"...the word is Arabic for "Assassin". Those cultures have an inherent relationship with "euphoric" elements. Yes Iran has a serious problem but even more important to the West is...Iran "IS" a serious problem. What the world doesn't need is a million stoned people willing to die for Allah...really Achmadimijad and the Ayatollahs. In one of Sage's "great" entries approx. a year ago, it was written that war with Iran was getting close and that Israel would be the one's to enforce and exercise their right sanctioned by United Nation's Security Council, to initiate "Anticipatory Retaliation" whereas any state, entity, legitimately recognized tribe, country etc.(limited) has the legal right to preempt an inevitable forthcoming attack. Hit them before they hit you and hit very very hard...who cares what the media says and who in the end really cares about what the left wing media reports anyways. But before we get too far from home here I am restating my claim: Iran is going to get hit very soon. Iran which is Persian, Farsi or Iranian for NAZI should never have been permitted to toy with atomic material. For "peaceful measures only" is what achmadimijad would continuously blab out of his big trap. Ya right Iran doesn't know the first thing about peace. But that's what happens when we placate the implacable and appease the left wing whiners. Iran should have been sent a message a long time ago as, without their interference, it would've put an end to hostility in Iraq. They are the viper's nest of the Middle East. Cutting the head off the snake is great but killing the nest is the ultimate remedy. That explosion at their "friendly" nuke facility is a warning that their getting close...does the world really want to see what the next explosion may entail? Sanctions my ass, even Russia and China are condemning the caliphate. Now is the time for Israel to do it while every body's perspective is meshing.

This is only one individuals perspective mind you...but... take into consideration the advanced status of this individual.
"Hey Mustaffa"
"Yah Said"
"After I shoot this last half dozen syringes of heroin let's go to the ammo dump"
"Just give me time to burn these opium tar balls and I'll be all set to BE an ammo dump....YAHAHAHAH ALUAH AKBAR, death to Amerika, DEATH TO AMERIKA...death to the infidels...death to the Apostates...death to the queers, the women, the dishonorable children, the dogs the crocs and every other fucking thing that we hate".

Get a grip on reality people, when you wake up!!!!tomorrow could be a very different day here on Planet Earth.
The Great Sage

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The People's Cube will be on GBTV Friday Evening 11/11/11

The People's Cube will be on GBTV Friday Evening 11/11/11. Although we've gone past the date line there is no need to fear for the "word" is spoken here.

The Great Sage

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dissapointment in a big way.

Where are the role models? Those whom society has admired for so many years suddenly are exposed as monsters of the worst breed. A sanctuary for troubled but salvageable and vulnerable youth created by Gerald Sandusky known as "The Second Mile Charity" turns out to be nothing other than a A viper's nest of diddlers. It seems as though this is common occurrence in today's world of entertainment (hollywood and sports) politics, religion, politics and pathetically sad enough...the educational system. Where is the sanctuary when all around is corrupt? Society is whatever it's youth was...i.e. raised to lie, deceive and kill at the age of 9 gives society the Hitler Youth 6years later.
Honourable and admirable individuals and organizations end up disappointing society on a regular basis. Even within our own NHL some years back we had players coming forward with complaints of sexual abuse.
I guess what I'm trying to say is this is the last straw. I always admired Sandusky and I know that many people were drawn towards his demeanor and positive personality and to have something as despicable as these charges suddenly appear really has an impact on a person's faith in humanity. It comes down to the point where you don't want to mingle anymore because you don't know "who" is "what". Gerald Sandusky looked like the guest speaker at a motivational seminar. He had a commanding feature about him. He had the appearance of a genuine likable guy who was "in it for the kids"...if the latest of these allegations are true then this guy should hang. Did you hear that Sandy???!!!You should hang if these allegations are factual. You got a lot of people scratching their heads "Sandy". You were the last hope for a lot of kids and NOW LOOK.

The Great Sage

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Facts about Sharia

Non-Believers Under Muslim Law have no rights other than the right to be tortured and killed.
Here is the truth about Sharia Law...the same law that Dalton McGinty wants to allow the islamic community to govern themselves under. This is liberal appeasement at it's pathetic epitome. If one has ever wondered where the term "dimwit" came from well here's the explanation...not that the Great Sage is arrogantly boasting but I have been familiar with the true meaning for over a decade now only because I chose to seek out the truth. I knew there was something amiss with respect to the information delivered by CBC and CNN. The political correctness that infected society was visibly forthcoming. Left wing lunacy had plagued the propaganda machines to the point where people were mind numbed sheep...fleeced and then slaughtered. Live with and love those who hate and want to kill you. The Canadian government had turned on it's own people. This is what the liberal fascists have done to the greatest country, they opened the flood gates to a deluge of terrorists all in the name of expanding their votary. The liberal party had to be we have the problem of a twisted ideological sect and this article explains what the FREE WORLD is up against. The fun is about to begin and the beheading on the Greyhound bus outside of Winnipeg 3years ago was only a test. The media wouldn't even publish this sick nipper's religious background. As a point of interest...the sick twisted killer was an immigrant from Indonesia...Indonesia has the largest muslim population of any country in the world .
Muslims should not be permitted to construct a mosque anywhere in Canada. Christians are prohibited to construct churches in islamic states...we don't have the fucking guts in the WEST nor does anybody have the BALLS. The "New Castroty" men without balls. Watch how the muslims do it...women are beat into submission and the children are raped at the age of 7.
Just look around . Compare the number of blacks and asians to the number of True White Westerner's. The next time you grab a bag of chips at a Mac's Milk or fill your tank at a Husky take a look at who's taking your money.

The final Jihad will be right in our back yard. Thanks liberals, you phony fascists.

The Great Sage

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

A Pakistani Love Story

A Pakistani Love Story is a literary composition that stirs the emotions and causes the strong to weep. But there's a deeper message here of conflicting envy. As Westerners we view our system as oppressively restrictive and somewhat primitive compared to the liberty and progressive ideals espoused by advanced "Middle East and Asian" society. For example...does anyone know why it's illegal to have sex with a 15year old girl here in this backwards Western culture???because everybody wants to. And why are men, REAL MEN, forbidden to beat and rape their women in this country whereas our brethren in Jilahaha Bad and Fudge-packingstan are permitted by law to not just marry a 5year old but also have a little fun with her prior to the rape...beatings and whippings etc. Also it's evident that they're that much more advanced with respect to emergency preparedness...Western men can't think that far in advance as to the need to have in their possession ACID. As someone who has been deprived of my "RITE'S" and "RIGHTS" long enough I decided that enough is enough; I want to live like a muslim immigrant with all of the entitlements afforded to me by law. And while we're at it we may as well tie the courts up with some more bull shit like the implementation of a separate set of rules other than the backwards and ineffective rules contained in the criminal code of Canada.
What a love story.

The GReat Sage

Monday, November 07, 2011

Chinese Communists criticize the West

Jin Liqun: Europe induces 'sloth, indolence' - Talk to Al Jazeera - Al Jazeera English....this is typical of Western Culture. Unions have driven out the manufacturing base. Absolutely stupid regulation recommended by unions and mandated by government has forced companies to move their operations mostly to...ironically...the very country that Mr. Liqun represents. He mutinously informs the world of what Greece's problem is and issues a subliminal warning to the rest of us. The "less work more pay" or "more pay no work" era is over, the generations of young for the past 3decades should never have been exposed to such a self destructive mentality and mind set. Political correctness, society's feminizing of boys , unreasonable Big Labour and excessive government malfeasance aided by a propaganda machine has diminished a World Class Quality work force that was the envy of the world. Now the (comfortable) world the West built and enjoyed is on the "eve of destruction". Winston Churchill stated "Ours is the age of irony"...And how ironic that a person from a Third World country, saved from slaughter by the Western World during WWII, at a cost of billions and billions of dollars and precious lives informs THAT world of it's social deficiencies. Now Canada is not in that position (yet) and the U.S. is THE world's Superpower but Europe is very very delicate save for, ironically, the country that initiated WWII...Germany. Time has run out. A culture that gave the world the image of over population, oppression and starvation now warns the "prodigal children" of the West that the gig is up. And I totally agree. If the bleeding heart Progressive Left continues their pattern of nonproductivity it will be their demise and very soon.
Just look at the IRONY splattered throughout this news story. Out of curiosity maybe one day soon the Great Sage will break it down. Just wait until the Chi-comms become the major share holders in the Oil Sands only the manufacturing but also the oil becomes theirs.
These people feel pretty confident on the world stage now don't they? Western Society focused on everything that sinks a society, moral decay, lack of fortitude, perverting justice and erosion of instinct's... now we pay...and "there will be blood".
As a point of interest, with my blog, The Great Sage was one of THE FIRST great minds to describe Israel's military buildup and preparation for war with iran . I will go out on the limb today and predict (I despise the term predict) that Israel will exercise it's chartered right to implement "Anticipatory Retaliation". A pre-emptive strike against the Persian klutz of the Middle East is very near. I do not see Iran going beyond January 9th 2012 without a strike.
This one is going to involve the entire Middle East and I'm sure Israel is full aware of that as they were in 1968. I don't think they'll have much of a problem neutralizing Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. This move must commence while NATO keeps focused on the "Arab Spring" activity in Egypt and Lybia. I shall explain the rest "AFTER"...NOW GET ON WITH THE WAR.
The Great Sage

Saturday, November 05, 2011

I've read some of the letters both advocating and denouncing the "bear episode" in the P-Patch here in Sault Ste. Marie Canada, and, from someone who is somewhat of an "expert" with wild black bears, I'm expectantly dismayed with the mentality and the LACK of "the instinct to survive". Man's ability to live and cope with nature is now at a fragile point in his existence...rather than work this situation out (on an individual basis) many people needed the GOVERNMENT to solve a simple problem. Now before everybody flies off the handle with pre-conceived condemnation for lack of abilities allow Me to finish. Why was the bear in the neighborhood? Was garbage left out? Bird feeders? Apple or wild berry trees? These animals are only following the food and 95% of the time these bears are eating greens and coloured fruit with fish and meat as a last resort. Humans are not on the menu at all. Was it human encroachment or "GREEN ENERGY PROJECT's" that dislocated them? Was the bear driven from his natural habitat by another bear who was protecting territory...because maybe the bear population has exploded with the cancellation of the Spring hunt? One gentleman informs us of the numerous encounters (7) that had him fearing for his safety. If that bear was any threat chummy he wouldn't need to attack you 7times.
Somebody had made a comment in reference to "body bag", first let me say that there are more "self inflicted" tragedy's/incidents in this town than there are bear attacks. Elderly ladies as young as 82years pushing walkers on Gore St. have been mugged for their purses by useless, trash punks but never a bear. For many, the younger years consisted of growing up on the out skirts of town and this meant walking over a mile to school from Kindergarten to grade 4 (Green Wood Public School) and bears, wolves, lynx and fox would cross our paths every day usually during the morning walk. Our parents weren't concerned about it so neither were brother and sister and kids from other families just looked out for each other. The guys would arm with big sticks and stones and the girls walked behind us. In all of those years as a kid we've never been attacked by anything. What has changed today? I'll tell you what has changed...People have been programmed by liberal progressives for the last 40years. They've never been so dependant on "big-government". What's really pathetic is the fact that much of the humanspecies has lost it's instinct to survive. Left wing society has a mandate to feminize it's men because a patriotic character trait is barbaric and socially regressive. This bear went down because limited small minded people lacked the instinct to deal with nature. Emotions and exagerated rhetoric put an end to the spring bear hunt causing the population to explode and led to the migration of the overspill...right into populated areas. Logical remedy, re-instate the spring bear hunt and cut the population; Left Wing remedy, gun control.
If you don't want a spring bear hunt keep your filthy garbage locked in the garage or house especially garbage with diapers, number one target for bears is garbage with diapers. If you have apple or berry trees in the yard clean them up after they've ripened; if you have an apple or berry tree a couple hundred feet from your property then don't worry about it because the bear will stay right there. If apple or blueberry or strawberry rhubarb pies are leftoutside to cool after coming out of the oven then I guarantee the bear will sniff it out...but he's of no danger. You can pull food from a bear and he won't do a thing but look at you but try doing that with a canine or wild cat. Black bears hate leaf rakes, my bears have yet to explain to me as to why this is. I think the rake, not the handle, looks like a big paw. I have one bear that loves back scratches with the stone rake but once the leaf rake comes out he bails into the safety of his bush patch and waits for me to put that rake away. To keep the bears (11 of them) in line I'll chase them with the rake, "INSTINCT" informs me that as a human I must maintain that deterring factor. Cohabitating with animals especially of this strength requires only that one possess the ability to be smarter than the animal...or at least temporarily out smart the animal. Don't watch an animal feed in your back yard for 6months and then call the government to shoot it because you were unable to out smart it.
I am not an "animal rights nutbar activist" or Sergent of Arms for the humane society I'm jsut a guy who has lived with wild animals all his life. I raised a MOUNTAIN LION for a good period of time giving me the bragging "rites" to be one of the very few White Hetro, Christian MEN that has ever wrestled a mountain lion. I have spent my entire life with bears. My first close encounter was at age twelve...that bear was so vicious that it totally devoured 2loaves of bread smeared with honey right out of my hands, I thought that was the end of me and then as the bear turned to leave it crapped on the lawn...I was praying by then I was so petrified. I thought of the "body bags" that I saw at a shock film in school days before where the cops came in and gave a presentation re. the danger's of alcohol mixed with automobiles....and marriages. The killing of anything or anyone must be morally justified and the killing of that bear was not .
Man's natural instinct's have eroded to the point where he is now incapable of looking after himself thus being completely dependant upon big government...and...dumber than a fruit fly.

I have shared my days and seasons, right into the middle of December, with bears. Some with 2 or 3 cubs and even one with 4cubs. I've had baby cubs left with me while the sow would go to another area to feed and the cubs would hold my legs while I would pull them around; conventional thinking has many believing that a mother with cubs is dangerous. I even had a huge blind male(boar) that was as simple and docile as a stuffed potato sack. I had an even larger sow, (female) at least 700lbs, that couldn't wander more than 50ft at a time without huffing and hyperventilating and in fact, strangely, this old bruin even had a younger bear at it's side presumably for care giving assistance...which was interesting to watch on a daily basis. The bears were quite comfortable around adults but they didn't like the agitating company of kids. Kids were rough on the bears to the point where they wouldn't come to feed unless the kids were behind me or not out at all.
Leave the animals alone and they won't bother you.
To all of those ignorantly preaching "green energy" are you aware of the land that is required to accommodate a "green energy" facility? Wind turbines and solar panel farms use up more fucking land than a co-generation that is already scarce....for animals.

The Great Sage apologizes for the length of this article but it was necessary in order to enlighten and educate the ignorant public.

The Great Sage

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Strong support for Shariah in Canada | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

Strong support for Shariah in Canada Canada News Toronto Sun
This is precisely the situation the Great Sage has warned about. To preserve decency and respect for the human emotion I must caution the readers that the context of this entry WILL NOT BE POLITICALLY CORRECT and will contain culturally blunt overtones totally devoid of any sense of other words...the FUCKING TRUTH.
If you are an opposing anomaly (I won't even relate to you as a human being...but rather a FUCKING DOG) who supports any convoluted form or contaminated portion of sharia then get the FUCK OUT of C A N A D A. The True Traditional Canadian is in the process of being run over and over run. This country, with no immediate intervention... starting now, will bear the burden of creating (with the proud peoples help) it's own horrific legacy. Canada will be the first Civilized Country that permits the subjugation of it's own people by a foreign cultural sect that is primitive to the core and condones the mass slaughter of family members or INFIDELs. The perplexing irony here is that the people are so sucked in by/with the liberal illusion of socialism and multiculturalism that they're ignorantly and pathetically digging their own graves with their support of it. The Canadian Human Rights Commission will go the distance for the volatile sensitive muslim community, and they have.(persecution of Marc Styne) Special interest status granted by the legal system and all of the entitlements that go with it including financial legal aid that will launch every fucking "magic carpet" pilot into the UNTOUCHABLE CATEGORY.

3-4 years ago the same study was performed and it found that 2000 in every 100,000 support "suicide bombing" and the use of terrorism as a form of expression with respect to their politically religious extremism. WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY STILL DOING HERE?What STUPID FUCKING LIBERAL motioned for a legislation that permits a knife to be held to the throat of the people every day. How did this happen in "OUR HOME AND NATIVE LAND". Simply put...30 gruelling years of trudeau multiculturalism. Political Correctness begins in the school. After school it's television, our future (our young) is being contaminated. There's no more education only MISGUIDED MYTH...the system programmes our youth to know more about a key-pad rather than about June 6th 1944. A system that is more concerned about TWO FUCKING QUEERS getting married rather than a genuine concern for the future of the "TRUE NORTH STRONG AND FREE". "WITH GLOWING HEARTS" CANADIAN'S, even while we bled, persevered to liberate the oppressed, thousands of miles from our family's and the comfort of our own bed.
AND NOW!!!!!????The GREATEST GENERATION that ever lived sees the setting of the sun not only on their honorable existence but on the existence of the country that they gave every thing thay had for...

This is what socialism has wrought. Those of us who "STAND ON GUARD FOR THEE" are now he enemy...WE are an "I N F I D E L" in our own land. Sharia is a life of EXTREMISM and MISERY for everybody, nobody wins with socialism. At one time the wars were always fought "over there" well now war is..."over here"Ostensibly trudeau's multicultural Utopia demanded that we tolerate and painfully placate different cultures even to the point where WE assimilate to them, we could have a world model society that every STUPID FUCKING LEFT WING LUNATIC CAN BE PROUD OF...SO FUCKING PROUD THAT IT WOULD JUST MAKE ONE SHIT. "The TRUE NORTH STRONG AND FREE ", a chunk of frozen rock devoid of any sympathy or compassion for life during the dark nights of winter was home to a brave few who wanted that foundation of civility so they attempted to govern itself based on 10 simple rules that are at the crux of Christianity. Those ten simple rules, which are now 3books thick have generated so much hate,anguish and resentment towards the White Western Christian Race that somewhere the political officials that WE elected into orifice turned on us, the votary, the people of this land are now faced with the undeniable fact that, since the earlier bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 the enemy was establishing it's beach head...and not even questioned about it because RACIAL PROFILING IS DISCRIMINATION...can't even question as to what they were doing with arms and explosives and high tec information. TO MAINTAIN PEACE WE GAVE UP HONOR and diminished our FUCKING DIGNITY FOR PEACE by placating the implacable and tolerating the intolerant only to find that war will come regardless. trudeau left us a failed ideological nightmare based on the illusion that everybody in the" TRUE NORTH STRONG AND FREE" save and except the 1/3 that wants the FUCKING LEGAL RIGHT TO STONE THEIR WOMEN, CAN COHABIT IN PEACE...ENJOY THE WAR PEOPLE PEACE WILL BE EVEN MORE FRIGHTFUL.

The Great Sage.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

HELP!! Occupy Charlottesville needs Rape Whistles FAST(100!)

With all the anti-Right and "Eat the Rich" chaos and anarchy today it's refreshing to see that there still remains an element, as slight as it may be, of sanity and rational.
Here at the "People's Cube" Truth is equally as important as an "eat the rich" protester's right to bitch and whine (and not be heard). This has got to be the biggest laugh since Obama's inauguration. These spoiled dislocated parasites are running around happier than a Palestinian with a new rocket launcher because they've got access to an open "meat market in tents".....ahhhh but it's for the "COMMON GOOD"...COMRADE. "Hey Bitch all this condemnation of people with a bank account is making me horny and tonight your tent has been chosen for the the next 4hr round of "COLLECTIVENESS"...meanwhile the media love child socialists haven't showered since they began making foolish asses of themselves. And these freaks of nature think they're capable of running the world let alone changing it?
HELP!! Occupy Charlottesville needs Rape Whistles FAST(100!)
This is the age of IRONY.
...from the Mother Land comrades...the day before National Worker's Day,

Czar Sage

Oslo’s Epidemic of Rape

Oslo’s Epidemic of Rape should be of no the common sense individual. I mean...what else could we expect from a sloven convoluted culture that is infected with vile hatred for the civilized West and harbors nothing but contempt for the moral tenets of First World culture. Rape is an integral part of the islamic belief and the stupid fucking liberals in Canada couldn't wait to bilge the dumpster into our country. Don't push this shit on me because I will not accept nor will I tolerate anything islamic. Canada will implode. We can't even amass a decent military because of the impending and inevitable clash of civilizations...who would this sub-cultural sect really defend, Western or Islamic values????????
The little mosque on the prairie???????No wonder I want nothing to do with Canadian programming anymore...thankyou Dish Net.