Monday, December 26, 2011

Stupid people mourn a Great Idiot

Mourners weep at escalator used by Kim Jong-il euronews, world newsThe sheep weep while the wise rejoice. Kim Dung Mentally Ill was an idiot on a mission...a mission to confirm the number of idiots still breathing under his command.
In celebration of the passing of one of the world's pathetically stupid people it is with profound hysteria that I remain...
The Great Sage

Occupy protesters are LOSERS.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sturgis Event honours military heros

El Jebel blacksmith's memorial honors recently deceased soldiers When Vaugn Shafer was fabricating this memorial in his booth at the Buffalo Chip I just had to stop in and speak with him. Amazing human being and talented beyond belief. He has a very artistic imagination...he has a heart that is beyond imagination. Sitting in his booth also was a soldier who had just returned from Iraq. He was a Marine that was recovering from injuries as was evident from his emaciated body. I walked over to him to shake his hand and it was all he could do to stand up...I said "no no don't get up" was too late, his wobbling body stood at attention while he extended his had to greet mine, I said " hey bud you didn't have to get up for me", and he replied "yes I did"...he shook my hand with the grip of an injured warrior who quite didn't have the strength that he did in battle. Then he sat back down and told me how much it means to a soldier to be appreciated. I told Vaugn that I'm donating a significant amount to this worthy cause and that it would be a great privilege to engrave my initials with his "plasma cutter". He was totally reluctant due to the fact that if my initials were cut too close to the edge or over other initials it could disfigure the base. He believed me when I told him I'm very familiar with these tools by virtue of the fact that my life is the "steel industry"...what convinced him was my business card. He handed me the wand with a look that only comes when a delicate situation is in your hands. After carving my initials in 2" letters in front of the small toe of the left boot I looked up and noticed another half dozen or so marines were taking note of my endeavour. With a very polite acknowledgement they asked to squeeze by as to assist their injured buddy. These marines were built like upright freezers, all back and shoulders. Then a platoon leader got on stage to fill everybody in as to the reality of life. Whether one believes that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan was justified or not the fact remains there is an enemy out there and that the best of the best, our young, are out there fighting and they deserve endless respect and appreciation. "FREEDOM isn't FREE" and unfortunately the bills are paid in blood and tears. That night at the Buffalo Chip is forever etched in my brain. To be a part of an event where the United States Marine corp. is being honoured and the platoon leader sings the National Anthem is a life changing experience...unlike an event in Canada, where one can't even delineate as to who is a true Canadian, everybody is at attention with a display of "true love of country".
In 2007 I was at an event at Mt. Rushmore where the military was paying tribute to soldiers of the 82nd Airborne div. out of Fort Bragg N.C. En Route to Iraq. These kids were in such good shape it looked as though they could shred a 2x6 with their teeth.
I see the importance of a patriotic society. The foundation of justice and virtue begins with love of Nation under God with liberty and justice for all. And it had better be pounded into the brains of our young.

The Great Sage.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

United Nations is a fecal dump

UN pays tribute to Kim Jong iL by observing one-minute silence to mourn death The Right Scoop This is a load of fecal cargo that should be shipped back to Africa and the Arab countries. Let the crap filled world take care of itself from here on in...Canada and the U.S. along with Great Britain should inform the two face hypocrites out there that they must now depend on their socialist dogma for inspiration...goodbye cruel world you're now on your own. And let the "Arab Spring" eat the children of a democracy that nobody wished to defend because they thought socio-communism and islamo-fascism was the greater good.
The people of North Korea are pathetic doubt an inspirational for socialists around the world particularly liberal progressives here in the West.

The Great Sage

Thursday, December 22, 2011

'UNESCO funds Palestinian magazine glori... JPost - International

'UNESCO funds Palestinian magazine glori... JPost - International It's time to get out of the United Nations...the rogues gallery of thugs, thieves and rapist diddlers. Given the makeup of the membership it doesn't shock me one bit that they would fund literature praising hitler. I have no use for pigs who praise hitler.

The Great Sage

'Muslim' TV ratings dive amid media frenzy: TLC series plummets despite controversy

'Muslim' TV ratings dive amid media frenzy: TLC series plummets despite controversy. Who of sound mind and good judgement would even dignify muslim existence by showing interest in their primitive intrusive presence. I have never seen little mosque on the Prairie nor do I even care to see it. The CBC is mandated by multicultural principles to blast this muslim shit across the air waves in an attempt to coax True Canadians into accepting primitive backwardness in the name of allah through islam. I don't even want islam to be practiced in my country never mind a tv series. Abolish the CRTC. It's time to allow Dish Net and Direct TV into the country. And drop the "Canadian content" requirement. Canadian programming is nauseating save for the "ODD" W5 or 5th Estate issue .
There is however an exception to some "muslim content" programme...have you ever seen the programme documentary"Sniper" or "Modern Weapons" or "Weaponology"?these documentaries are mostly focused on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars with special attention given to snipers who's job it is to "snipe" the upper torso of muslim jihadist's with a MacMillan Tac50 - - 50 caliber. And even then I'm only interested in the efficiency of the energy.

I am ETC.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

‘Haunted’ Saudi woman tortures herself to death

‘Haunted’ Saudi woman tortures herself to death because she believed in evil jenie's. Actually her suicide took place just around the corner from a "magic carpet" shop. These Arabs are totally strange and what's really disturbing is the fact that they're flocking to our country with their distorted beliefs. Shut the door now. No more arabs, no more islam and no more pig kissing mosque on the prairie...of course I don't subscribe to Canadian television anyway so everyone else can suffer with it.
Hey rub the lantern until the "jenie" appears and you'll get 3 wishes, Dalton McGinty's been rubbing the lantern for 5years now.

I am ETC.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Imam says Muslims being persecuted like Jews | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

Imam says Muslims being persecuted like Jews Canada News Toronto SunWell Sayed you and your bunch can catch the first plane back to Sand Heaven immediately. No bourqa's and no it? When you apply for Canadian Citizenship you leave your shitty perverse and primitive culture behind. I know this is going to be hard to understand given the fact that you were totally misled by a stupid and impractical ideal called multiculturalism but that is not my take that up with a stupid liberal socialist. You actually thought you were emigrating to a country where it's present form of government echoed the mentality of the majority of the votary. Did you not stop to think that maybe just maybe there was a silent Conservative Majority that was fed up with left wing lunacy?obviously not. Your muslim arrogance masked your inferiority to the point where you fooled yourselves into believing you were superior to the Christian West. Silly "MOOOSLIM" camel pilots.


Without prejudice I Am...
The Great Sage.

Friday, December 16, 2011

The People's Cube - Political Humor & Satire

The People's Cube - Political Humor & Satire OK comrades it's time for group think...your re-education class begins now. Pay attention and the stupidity of the left will be revealed.

The Great Sage

Global warming trash

Lord Monckton Rips Into A Young Alarmist - YouTube Lord Moncton is right once more. If one pays close attention to this debate one will notice that this "climate change" advocate (calls himself an expert) is...FULL OF SHIT!!! like the rest of the brain dead dummies groomed by the left wing education system. They spew their dogma from a liberal template with no means of justification whatsoever.

The Great Sage

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Indians have stolen enough from the White Man

Understanding Attawapiskat : Prime time : SunNews Video GalleryEzra Ezra Ezra, finally, I thought I was the only one with any common sense. This insanity must stop. There isn't a reservation indian in this country that is capable of fiscal responsibility or honesty. They're as corrupt as a Caribbean politician...and we all know what race they belong to.
I do not want my tax dollars going to this loss cause anymore...they want, they want all they fucking do is want. Hey Charlie Angus you dumb stupid ndp socialist are you paying attention? And what's really rubbing salt into the wound is now the parasites file a major land claim expressing ownership of all land from Sault to Wawa while at the same time demanding help; they've stolen enough from us...why don't they try earning a living for once?why should they when keep enabling them. A child will never learn to use a spoon if he's constantly fed...a person will never work as long as they're stealing and not getting caught.
It's time the working man protested against the system. We could fix this unemployment problem as well as put a major dent in using our military...WARFARE not WELFARE.

The Great Sage God Bless Ezra

Monday, December 12, 2011

NYU offering a course on the Occupy Wall Street  movement next semester  - NY Daily News

NYU offering a course on the Occupy Wall Street movement next semester - NY Daily News Think I was joking about our educational system? This is filth neck high.

I am ETC.

Climate conference approves landmark deal that will KILL business

My Way News - Climate conference approves landmark deal that will bring about profound changes as to how business does business. How did we ever get to this point? How does a country maintain it's economic standing with people this stupid in it's midst? Crimes against "mother earth"????????!!!!!!!!!!! The emaciated countries of this planet owe their meaningless existence to the VERY FEW of us who, brutally exhausted, persevere to chisel out a living for ourselves. Not only do we slug away everyday to survive but we are also obligated through excessive taxes to support the dead beats on welfare (welfare includes 90% of government jobs) and to honour our moral/ethical duties in bringing relief to the down trodden...helping our fellow man. Nobody can dispute the fact that Capitalism is the crutch of the planet. Socialist/Communist nations care only about military might and control of the people, these nations are not interested in providing assistance to the starving masses world wide which is approx. 25% of the world population. These rogue nations are the enemy of the Free Western World of which Canada, United States and Great Britain (Australia) are the key component. These rogue nations ARE the United Nations.

Mr. Stephan Harper your next challenge is to get Canada out of the United Nations. How many people are aware of the fact that the "rogues" want leader's of the Free World to impose an "International" tax... .7 -1.7% of the Gross Domestic Product onto it's people to finance the needy world over, and I guarantee everybody that all those T.V. scam commercials looking to make everyone feel guilty about their bank account not being emptied in the name of charity will still be aired...why???because the money will never go to the poor. As an example U.N.I.C.E.F. is controlled by a country who has THE worst human rights record in history, Iran. And what is their priority? a nuclear weapon to annihilate Israel.
Climate Change and Global Warming IS NOT CAUSED BY MAN. Yes we can clean up the dirt we create but man cannot compete with volcanoes or natural crude oil seepage at the oceans bottom or the banks of rivers such as the pristine McKenzie River etc.
All of this global whining shit is nothing other than a "new age" religion for complete idiots devoid of common sense and the ability to survive on their own. Every day the Great Sage strives to bring the message home to his people. In the West, common sense has been obstructed by progressive liberal lunacy for too long. Emanating from the minds of professors who preach the esoteric ideas that were inculcated into their own pea size cranium for the past 30years courtesy of the liberal elite i.e. the Rothchild's, the Michael Moores of our time, the Jimmy Carter's and Trudeau/Cretian's and even a few liberal/ndp LOSERS from our own city, our culture is one of complete ignorance. It's pathetically embarrassing. As to how these people made it this far without forgetting to breath is beyond the grasp even of Great Sage.
Every day is a battle with ignorance and the left wing media is proof of that ignorance.
The disseminating of this fraud is criminal and it's time to silence it because those unable to think for themselves are influenced with untruths and misinformation which leads to the collapse of can a society endure if everyone is "fucking stupid". Thank you colleges and universities for contributing to the potential collapse of our great society.
Soon there will be an entry informing the readers of the dangers of the doctrine as per David Suzuki, one of the greatest liars of our time along with Gwynne Dyer.

The Great looking out for you so you don't have to.

Canada Pulls Out Of Kyoto Protocol On Climate Change | Fox News

Canada Pulls Out Of Kyoto Protocol On Climate Change Fox News Finally this country, Canada, is looking like the formidable stalwart the world is in need of. Not to diminish the status of the United States of America but as reality would have it America is going through some tough times right now. America's problems of course are voter orchestrated...what were people thinking when they voted for "change and hope"?with change and hope you get chope. And now this brain dead commie says he won't pass the "Keystone Pipeline" project because it's not environmentally friendly...a project that America desperately needs to survive, we're talking jobs and energy...what the f%$k is this dead head thinking of. Anyhow this entry isn't about a failed post-Bush administration it's about our country liberating itself from the phony eco-chains imposed by a whacked out liberal cabinet. And isn't it ironic how the country that hosted this "BULL SHIT" enviro-deal, Japan, is also pulling out. A bullshit deal wiped on oversize toilet paper that was supposed to save the planet from evil capitalist nations originated in Kyoto in 1997 served only one purpose...make losers appear as if they are actually worth financing with government handout's, i.e. can't become an entrepreneur and compete the old fashion way so have the government steal money from the tax payer and finance your losing venture ostensibly in the form of an "eco-friendly" idea. Another victory for pragmatic Conservatives. This is a very good day for innovative minds looking to progress, it's also a very good day for the future of our country.
Mr. Harper the trudeau era mentality that plagued and infected this country practically ruined much that I never thought we would recover from the destructive downward spiral . Now only if you could mandate an end to the existence of blood-sucking unions maybe we'll get some jobs back in the manufacturing sector. In addition to that we desperately need to overhaul the education system where kids are actually going to soak up the vital elements of learning, math, science, reading and history all combined with a rigorous physical ed. program.

We can do it...yes we can. All together now...YES to C A P I T A L I S I M.

Friday, December 09, 2011

Norway Islamist calls for new US terror attacks - The Local

Norway Islamist calls for new US terror attacks - The Local There's nothing to say this is self explanatory. And Norway took this terrorist pig kisser in as a REFUGEE??? That was Canada's policy too. The liberals couldn't get this trash into the country fast enough. In 20years you may rule a PIG STYE but not the world I'm living in.

The Great Sage

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Nativity scene removed from Montreal-area town hall - Canada -

Nativity scene removed from Montreal-area town hall - Canada - Canoe.caThis is what trudeau's multiculturalism has done to this country...the country that was THE most important component to holding back the axis power's in Europe 70years ago...before America got dragged into the war after the freak with the mustache declared war on them. Canada was well on the way to developing it's own cultural identity with a wholesome solid tradition that exemplified Western values and lifestyle. At one time walking up the road with a firearm after school to shoot partridge was considered a good clean respectable way to enjoy life as it kept kids in the bush and out off the street. We used to take our firearms to we could re-finish the stalk in woodwork class and then go to the machine shop to re-blue the barrel. Many times after school we would leave directly for the duck blind. My pick-up would be loaded with the boat and motor, decoys, burlap for the blind, chest waders and a couple boxes of 12gauge shells...and nobody ever got hurt and never did the cops show up at school for threat of whatever. Actually two cops did show one time because they wanted to know if Bell's Point was better than the flooded ponds at the end of Reid Rd. in Bar River, we sent them to Pumpkin Point as there was already 8 of us from Bawating who were hunting Bell's.
This country does not have a firearm problem it has a cultural problem. We have too many people that live and kill by the barrel of the gun. Too many uncivilized people that are encouraged to preserve their CONVOLUTED CULTURE rather than adapt to ours. And nobody should be allowed to own a firearm in this country until they've resided here for a minimum of 15years...and...if they originate from any of the islamic rogue states where suicide/homicide bombers are EXPECTED to seek martyrdom then no firearms at all, hell don't even allow them into the country. Just as a point of interest a Canadian was arrested today in Mexico along with muslim terrorists (reportedly al-qaida) plotting against the United States of America. More on this later.
I dare a government to tell me that my beliefs incite hatred and intolerance towards islam...islam can go fuck itself and "mo ham mad" the pig fucking child molester can chew on a cyanide pill.
Please don't interpret this entry as wanton hatred against law abiding, respectful muslims who are striving to adapt to TRUE CANADIAN CULTURE.
Merry Christmas everybody, from the...

Great Sage

UN Urged To Control the Weather? STUPID PEOPLE WALK AMONG US

UN Urged To Control the Weather! Leaders call on UN to 'find solutions' to extreme weather or 'life as we know it will come to an end' Climate Depot I just cannot believe that we have idiots like this attempting to exercise power over us. Global warming, climate-gate or change, climate catastrophe, it's all a F _ _ k_ _ g joke for the fools of our time. It's now a religion that only a clueless sheep would adhere to . Yet one volcanic eruption puts more chemical particulate into the air than man could ever think of in 150years. Hey asshole..complain about my wood stove to the U.N. but, the active volcano's world wide are no threat at all. Haven't people caught on as of yet? The planet has been here for 4.5billion years and heavy pollution has been a part of it. Let's all do our part to keep the earth clean of our debris but let's also be reasonable and practical...electric cars and goofy hybrids are bull shit. Solar farms and wind energy will drive us broke...does anybody have clue what it cost to repair a wind turbine? I do, I'm in the business, yes I profit from this from of energy but I can do without it. Our energy costs are expected to rise 46% in the next 10years and it's all because of the "global whining" idiots and the bigger idiots that follow them. People won't even be able to keep their homes when they retire because of our social mess. High taxes to support big government and outrageous energy costs WILL cripple us.
And people can't see that much of this bullshit could have been avoided only if we distanced ourselves from the United Nations...but a stupid liberal can't see this.
Endless genuflection to the U.N....not this cat. FYI...UNICEF (united nations international children's fund) is administrated by iranian mullahs...the same mullahs that use women and children for target practice during political demonstrations. Or, even human shields. Can't anybody see the devil in the U.N.?
The Great Sage

Pearl Harbor veterans remember how paradise suddenly turned into hell - Washington Times

Pearl Harbor veterans remember how paradise suddenly turned into hell - Washington Times I do not understand how this entry fell behind the first entry. is another anniversary of "the date that will live in infamy". To my good friend in Lewisberg Kentucky, James, who is now 91years of age, and watched in disbelief as the Arizona went down. He took a piece of frag to the eye and was honourably discharged...against his will as he wanted to stay with his buddies many who never made it home after being shipped to Iwo Jima, Mt. Surabachi (hot rocks) was volcanic hell. Men stayed pinned down under fire from ruthless japs for days on end. Many couldn't even get up to relieve themselves...everything ran down their leg. Japanese General Yamamoto said "there is no pride in attacking a sleeping enemy"...he knew the "giant would awake", and it did...70years today. To the greatest generation that ever lived...I salute you with humble gratitude.


Fashion model walks into propeller

#.Tt6QqFa8gU8#.Tt6QqFa8gU8 I can't imagine what transpired after making contact.

I am ETC.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

President Clinton’s connection to ill-fated MF Global revealed -

President Clinton’s connection to ill-fated MF Global revealed - Talk about double standards. Clinton has the nerve to side with the "Wall Street" intruders and anti-Capitalist social dependent class while at the same time voice his disdain for what society has become with 8years of Conservative Bush, (according to a duplicitous Clinton). Same old left wing subterfuge. The liberal elites will tell their followers anything they want to hear, not the truth. The truth makes everybody equal, liberals, not being truthfull, wouldn't stand up to the practical political pressure of the Conservative Right so they promote a nuanced approach to "creative reality" it's really makes for an easy political platform; this is the modern day Left Wing Liberal, paint the image to society that government can make things easy. In particular a "liberal" government. Corzin was also one of THE biggest fund raisers for the "Clinton Machine" and pushed heavy for it. Hey Corzin is the money "Slick Willy" was being paid part of left over campaign contributions that were maybe cleared by the administration back in the mid 90's? I'm just asking.
Liberal lunatics are quick to condemn the Conservative Right when it's the Right that is trying to educate and help the left into looking at life in a "practical sense" not a "delusional myth".
Today's "Entitlement Culture" is blind as to what has transpired and what is to come. The Iron Lady Maggy Thatcher always said "The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of everyone Else's money", well, that time has come and the world is broke. And then a plague of ignorance infects the land. A pitiful minority of prodigal parasites invade the nerve centers of commerce and demand MORE...for nothing. They protest anybody with a bank account while relieving themselves behind the tent they purchased from the same Capitalist Corporation they're out there protesting!!!!!!!!! Big mouth pigs looking for attention.
This is the product of the LEFT...this is the ENTITLEMENT CULTURE thanks to people like Bill Clinton. "Protest the rich" "tax the rich" "eat the rich" "F_ _ k anybody with a bank account"...the left is disgusting. They are sheep with a few herders.

The Great SAge

Monday, December 05, 2011

Hand to Hand Combat - Russian Style Spetsnaz

Hand to Hand Combat - Russian Style Spetsnaz With family in three Russian wars and first cousin roots in Kiev Ukrain, and in the Russian political arena it's almost a duty to relate our style of self defence to those unfamiliar with it.
These are warriors.
The Great Sage.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

It's time to "DO" Iran

The number one "Best Seller" book in Iran was picked at the ayatola Awards in Khorassan Iran this Thursday Dec. 1st 2011 it was "How to Destroy Israel".
The authors of it's seven chapters identify themselves only as seminary students of the Holy City "Qom". Their objective and M/O is one thing only..."to kill Jews anywhere in the WORLD" . Their extensively in depth resources took much excruciating time and effort to extract and compile information necessary for a successful book...those "extensively in depth" resources were all of TWO books not several hundred library's from around the world. Those two books were "The Quran" and "The Protocols of the Elder's of Zion" chapter in the Protocols focus' on "the Jewish world view", and is so agitating towards muslim's that the persecution of the Jews throughout History including the Nazi Holocaust was "Just punishment for their crimes"...the Holiest of Holy's, the Sacred scripture's of the Quran urge muslims to keep their distance from Jews because of their "perfidious and deceitful nature. The book also quotes "extensively" from that Scholarly stoic luminary, who's known for his philanthropy and benevolence, Ayatolla Khomeini. Khomeini was also the one who instigated the 1979 Islamic Revolution which was based on one fundamental belief that "Israel must be destroyed" and the "Editor in Chief", Hojjat-ol-Eslam-Mohammad Ebrahim-Nia, refers to this fundamental as a "prescription" with the force of a FATWA binding on every muslim the world over.
Further to this anti-Semitic chaos, a film, produced by the very same students that stormed the British Embassy in Tehran this week, called "The Sabbath Hunter", is a prime example of where the country stands today. Hatred for the West and Israel is preached in the schools. Hatred and all of it's vile components are are instilled in the people from birth...and it's hasn't been getting better. Ever since trade sanctions were implemented a number of years ago Iran has only gotten bolder. The pacifists have been running the show far too long now. Left Wing wack jobs have obstructed the only logical remedy to the world's threat for 20years now and now time is up...get the @#$% out of the way and shut the &^%$ up. Sanctions do nothing against terror states as was proven by "So Damn Insane". His quest for a nuclear weapon was number one priority and contrary to the stupidity of the conspiracy theorists , he had WMD's...the S.C.U.D.S. fired at Israel during the Gulf War were just that...W.M.D's. These rogue states understand nothing other than battle. Peace and understanding are considered a weakness and, like a rabid dog" only serves to embolden the beast...they respond to weakness...they bite.
Iran's little freak of nature "Muchmud" Achmadimijad is sworn to the perpetuation of hatred against Israel and their destruction and has been since his days as one of the terrorists of the Munich Games in 1974 where 14 Israeli athletes were slaughtered. What's going to change people? It's time for real sanctions...first in the form of 3weeks of heavy bombing followed by 6weeks of "surgical strikes" with "Tomahawk" cruise missiles. This is THE MAJOR THREAT facing the world today. Iran finances all state terrorism. That viper's nest is responsible for the ongoing violence in Iraq and Afghanistan and is backing the Muslim Brotherhood throughout the Middle East....look at Egypt and Lybbia now.
Time's up people and you had better expect the inevitable. Anybody surprised by military action against Iran is a's coming and it had better be soon.
Every day from this point on is now a vital waste...they are only getting stronger and it's for a reason...they want war.

The Great Sage.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

The Instinct To Survive is Dying

We are designed to survive. Our creator, through an ongoing "value added" refining process...or evolution, has hard-wired us (his servants) with a complex, personal protection system; it's with us wherever we go. The entire function of this system depends upon an individuals perception of
a given set of circumstances at an immediate point of time.
When we feel threatened we instinctively respond or at least we should...put it this one time it was normal and appropriate to act instinctively now it's illegal, bullyish and barbaric. Why? Because liberal influence dictates that we don't implement our instinct but rather call the government for help. OK, the police are minutes away but you have seconds to lose your life...makes a liberal. Fear has never been so prevalent as it is in today's society mainly because the human species is almost no longer capable of physically defending him/herself. Physical confrontation is frowned upon beginning in school, yet bullies have no problem acting barbaric. Kids get bullied and then they develop a complex and if they don't counter the issue of the bully (kick the shit out him/her) that complex becomes a stigma which, as we all know could lead to devastating results...I won't even elaborate from here.
Today's liberal, politically progressive system has all but destroyed the future of the "warrior male". Every living being experiences fear, it's how a being deals with that fear that will determine the survival/preservation of that being. Take for example the animal kingdom. Animals have an inherent response system that, if threatened will cause that animal to claw, swipe or chew it's way out of that threatening situation. Humans are no different except for the fact that in today's "educated" world we're slowly being programmed to disconnect from our "instinct to survive".
For one to be afraid one must first understand fear and the interpretation of life threatening situations. Fear is a "neural circuit" Fear stimuli is absorbed through our sensory organs...eyes, ears, nose which in turn feeds information to a part of the brain known as the "Thalamus". Time permitting that information is processed by the brain as a threatening image in our minds i.e. swinging axe lose head.....information is now routed to the "Cortex", that portion of the brain responsible for delegating actions. This allows the "most developed" part of the brain to remain engaged and rational thought will prevail, thankfully...thus the term "the high road". A secondary instinct or neuro-pathway also exists. In a threatening spontaneous scenario, if the brain detects a sense of urgency the threat is immediately forwarded to a portion of the brain known as the "Amygdala"which then sends a signal to the body's reflex system resulting in the muscles to respond and engage...this is referred to as the "startle/flinch" response, or, "the low road". FYI "the high road and the Low Road" are also moral expressions. The "Low Road" over rides cognitive control only in surprise situations. This reflex sacrifices detail and accuracy for the sake of the fastest possible reaction time. An immediate threat requires immediate action, if a bully wants to fight the die is cast and there's no way out of it...a shit kicking will be the first order of the day but the humility and stigma that emanates from the inability to deal with a fearful situation such as a shit kicking are there for a very long time unless the instinct to survive is applied in an overwhelmingly aggressive manner. Every living species in the animal kingdom is eternally vigilant and willing to die to survive. Animals are wary of everything, they trust nothing...everything is considered a threat until proven otherwise. According to acclaimed scholars "one is better to mistake a stick for a snake than a snake for a stick.
When the brain detects a threat there is a total chemical transaction that takes place. We fill with adrenaline and cortisol, our vision narrows in order to reduce distraction and intensifies to scan our environment for potential threat. Sex drive and digestion are temporarily shut off and blood is diverted from our extremities and transferred to the larger muscle groups to allow for the ultimate decision...fight or flight.
In the United States of America carrying a concealed sidearm is a privilege but beyond that it's even mandated in some areas. In fact, in the mid 80's the Miami Florida police mandated that citizens arm themselves (pack heat) for protection against dangerous Cuban migrants who were car jacking innocent people at gun point.
In contrast, thanks to three decades of politically correct liberalism, Canadians don't have the constitutional right or RITE to defend life or property as freely as we should. For the most part in this country good citizens must first become victims before they can legally defend themselves or their property because bleeding heart pacifists don't like the violent approach to violence. Using the grade school scenario again some poor kid gets a daily dose of bullying because fighting to protect one's self is not permitted. Fighting is barbaric and is unbecoming of a civilized culture therefore liberal society programs it's people to be weak and unable from the time kids start school, this is where instilled weakness is learned. Kids are taught that maybe all the bully needs is a hug and a little understanding...or...maybe all the bully needs is his/her extortion money first thing in the morning and everything will be fine without the violent, primitive approach such as our cave dwelling ancestor's . Liberals are under the impression that if violence is countered with violence it will send the wrong message to a young mind full of mush. Kicking the shit out of a bully leads to the future development of violent tendencies. According to liberal social experts we as an advanced culture are supposed to "progress", not regress back into the barbaric warlike culture of our ancestors, the culture that Conservatives would prefer. (ya right)
We assume that our ancestor's were violent primitive cave dwellers but the reality of human nature is that the majority of humans do not crave to harm their own kind. Historical evidence of our species proves that barbarism has been misinterpreted through our own assumptions and prejudice, the ugly reality here is the progressive leftists have designed a system of modern conditioning and behavioral modification to erode and undo our inherent means of preservation.
That system is MASS MEDIA. A left wing socialist-communist dictatorship propagates through MASS MEDIA...and the rewards are fruitful for both entities. While our culture slowly regresses into a useless flock left wing lunacy thrives and total control over the masses becomes inevitable. Soon that culture finds that now they are the weak little kid being bullied...they are dealing with another culture that harbors a war based ideology but because their instincts have been eroded by their do-good approach to social development they're too fucking stupid and mentally ill equipped to counter a culture that considers war as an "antidote" for social ills, a sick twisted culture that even considers war to be an ecological balance through "population control".
Humanity is forged in an unforgiving landscape of adversity and there's no denying it so why preach otherwise? The West won two Great Wars, three including Korea which was probably just as critical, maybe even more critical as WWI and II. The West held off the infestation of communism through out the free world in fact we drove the Russian empire into bankruptcy during the Cold War...but...not bankrupt enough. 35 years ago it was said that the Canadian soldier was the toughest in hand to hand combat and the most competent at long range shooting. Look at where we are now. Anti gun freaks, your typical left wing lunatics, don't even want kids to stand up to bullies instead their remedy is to RUN to the nearest house and seek help (the house of a diddler possibly)instead of defending his or her pride and honour by standing ground and deliver a shit least try to deliver a shit kicking.
Liberalism weakens society to the point where pride no longer exists and cowardice now governs because the "Instinct to Survive" is dead.

The Great Sage