Monday, January 24, 2011

Blessed is the Prophet Muhammed

The Great Prophet, peace be with him in glorious paradise, is void of imperfection and impervious to evil, his word is soft as a thousand lambs but stern as a lion's pride. Peace be unto the Prophet. He has left the world with his commandment and that commandment is to rid mankind of all of his imperfection and smite those that shun his word. It is with blessed joy that I inform the servants of Allah of Islam's latest victory over the infidels, the "white skinned pigs" of our day. Alas, Russia's largest airport, Domodedovo in Moscow was cleansed today by one of our glorious martyrs...peace be unto you my holy child and please have fun with your 72virgins as you deserved it. As for the infidels banished from existence they are nothing to be concerned about. They were only sons and daughters, mothers and fathers unworthy of sharing everything life has to offer. How is it that they could possibly be missed by their infidel family members for they are lowly pigs. As a point of interest my blessed followers at one time our great ancestors would lock a White Man in a cell with a pig because he is of the same or less status.

The "Profit"

VIDEO: Same Shiite, Different Day : Mr. Snuggle Bunny

VIDEO: Same Shiite, Different Day : Mr. Snuggle BunnyGenerally speaking most Canadians are stupid as fuck when it comes to Foreign Affairs...namely the threat of radical islam.To all of you brain dead liberal, ndp commie socialists I suggest you watch this vid.Personally I don't give a flying muhammed fuck if you consider the seriousness of the truth but I do...and nobody especially a brainwashed, bleeding heart lefty liberal will cause me to feel any different. "The Religion of Peace" will soon get everything it seeks to give...destruction.A message to all of the unbelievers out there...i.e. Wolf, Fronz, and the likeness thereof, research the name "Walid Shoebat", he's a former P.L.O. terrorist who was awakened to the murderous ideology of Islam and the phony Arabs who fund terrorism just for kicks, just because they like to see things go "boom" such as little kids with 4lbs of HMTD (hexamethylene triperoxide)and 25lbs of 3/4" ball bearings strapped to their bodies. Islam is evil. It is the devil's propaganda used by a handful of despots with the delusional desire to transform a fully functioning 1st world nation into a draconian sloven plot of rubble similar to their home land. They seek to impose a fascist militant rule over a free society and eventually all mankind. This sty of pigs are not interested in peace as peace does not fit into the category of Islam's "New World Order".Hey "Nose Hair" or Yasser would you like to "say hello to my little friend".????? This entry is not directed at true peace loving Muslims who are intent on following the rules of Western Society and Culture. People who want to abandon the primitive and backwards oppression of Islam are welcome. Most importantly, whether athiest, agnostic or Islamic the Canadian Constitution explicitly states that it is based on the principal that "God" is the supreme being not ALLAH nor Zeus nor Mars. In the United States of America it is "in God we trust". Does it need to be explained any clearer than this?and if it does maybe you should just forget about coming or staying here. North America is not ready for homicide bombers yet and I doubt if we ever will be. In order to get accustomed to that barbaric act of murder one must be exposed to it a number of times and that
obviously means that there would have to be multiple attacks on society. It's definite that Democrats, Liberals and NDPr's would be devastated into oblivion. The first thing they would do is want to negotiate and appease because dialogue is better than bullets and bombs...but I guarantee you Conservatives will respond without any cowardly dialogue...we have "many friends".
The Great Sage.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mainstream Media Lies and Absurdities.

This entry must be read with an open mind and an understanding of the truth, something foreign to the Mainstream Media. The reader mustn't be hindered by an emotional bias that filters out truth and reality. The reader must think on their own and not under an influence of interpretations from self righteous apparatchiks programmed by the Liberal Progressive Elite.Has anyone ever stopped to think about how ridiculous society has become?A simple way of life where common sense and rational dictate our daily existence is now an entangled web of self orchestrated complexities. Trust, a term so laden with responsibility that it seems impossible to find anybody worthy of being it's guardian in fact we can't even trust the one major source of our information...the media. They just won't give the masses the truth. But when we the informed, the one's who know what's going on attempt to inform and enlighten inculcated sheep totally devoid of the ability to comprehend common sense facts we're classified as racist or indignant nut bars akin to the likes of Glen Beck and/or the entire FOX NEWS cast. This is how uninformed the liberal segment of society is; after the Tucson Arizona shooting a very very lame brained individual known as "Sherrif Clarence Dupnik" accused the Conservative Right for instigating the shooting with their use of violence related words and terms and the media jumps all over it using it as a childishly progressive opportunity to attack the Right. They think that a conversation comprised of an aggressive vernacular influences violence. For instance...Sarah Palin's inspirational comment "don't retreat...reload". Or this choice of occaisional words commonly used by politicians, "we've got our "sites" on certain "targets" and there will be no limit as to the political "ammunition" in our congressional "arsenal". The Left Wing "Pin Heads" in the mainstream media just assume that everybody is stupid enough to believe the onslaught of asinine talking points meant to discredit rational minded people...or conservatives...this isn't even a theory because it's so stupid. I want to bang my head against the wall in disbelief that these idiots even have a license to broadcast. Of course the "Main Stream media" would attempt to make you believe that "Che Guevara" was a Freedom Fighter rather than a cold blooded killer or The "Third Reich" put the interests of the people first and foremost.Then there's the issue with "Radical Islam", "Jihadists", "Suicide Bombers" and Islamic promoters of hate. The terrorists possess more rights than we as "True Canadians" do. The media doesn't inform us of the constant hatred perpetuated by Islamic/Muslim Extremists and that we are in the "CROSS HAIRS" of Muslim Terrorists. Here in the entangled socialist web of Canada Muslim Holy Man "Mohammad Ashraf" mis-allocated hundreds of thousands of charitable dollars, if they really look close enough I'm sure the amount "re-routed" is in the millions, financing Jihad is an expensive undertaking. Investigations reveal that at least one dollar out of four dollars in charitable donations is uncounted for. Financial aid ostensibly raised for the poor leaves a subliminal effect on True Canadians. They see a compassionate and caring culture whose benevolence defies the negative image being portrayed by racially derisive, vitriolic conservative members of an unjust segment of society. The perfect purveyors of propaganda, CNN, NBC, NPR, CBC, ABC, BBC,would pounce on the point that this Muslim charitable organization helps the needy and contributes so much to the "dis-enfranchised" immigrants persecuted by an "unfair" system wrought with bigots. People so marginalized by "White" society that there is no possibility they could be held accountable for an honour killing or the preaching of hatred with death to all "INFIDELS". Hey don't let the facts obstruct a good sound bite..."never let a good crisis go to waste". If the truth was revealed to the masses they would realize that their government lied all along and that multiculturalism was a failure from it's inception and that government should never be elected again...the Liberals in Canada and the Democrats in the United States of America. It's all about the vote. Left Wing, progressive socialist governments cater to the "non-traditional/non-European" immigrant looking for the vote while totally oblivious to the ramifications of the radical/extreme presence within that votary. Islam is a threat not only to our security but our tradition and standard of living. Islam condones Jihad. Islam inspires suicide bombers. Islam forces a person to hate Jews and Christians and to absolutely despise homosexuals and atheists. Islam condones the STONING of women. Islam slaughters newborn babies if they are believed to be illegitimate. Islam co opts the ignorant into believing that 72 virgins await them in "paradise.I have no disrespect for anyone who respects me. I am not concerned about the colour of anyone's skin only his ideology. I believe in a peaceful co-existance with any body who believes in peaceful co-existance. I believe in a God who insists I help my fellow man and that includes "freeing the OPPRESSED" which ultimately means if "Man wants peace he must prepare for war".The Great Sage.

Monday, January 17, 2011

A message from the prophet muhammed

Islam's latest contribution to peace..."He who fights that Islam should be superior fights in Allah's Cause". Again, that is a message from the prophet muhammed. I think the means of transmitting that message was a "flying pig". Oh and one more thing Islam has a very positive influence on child rearing, why just the year before last, 2009,2,010 statistics aren't out yet, there was only 1,210 babies discarded in landfill sites around the tribal center of Karachi Pakistan. These deaths were attributed to Sharia sanctioned punishment due to immoral breeding. An extremist imam was so disgusted with one of the 9 week old illegitimate criminals, imagine that, only 9weeks old and already a public offender, that he had her stoned and burned at the mosque where the sinful mother was hoping the infant would've been accepted into their society hey who knows this young girl may have grown into a champion suicide bomber...very sacred in the eyes of Allah.What kind of society stones babies? And at a religious site such as a mosque yet. As far I'm concerned these mosque's are nothing other than a training center for terrorists. Islam is not a "Religion of Peace" it is the Religion of Pieces". What kind of a society kills it's young? What's really scary is in multicultural Canada these monsters are encouraged to preserve their convoluted culture. We even have one idiotic premier, Dalton McGinty of Ontario, who wants the muslims to have their sharia law.
Facts corroborating this entry are courtesy of Anwar Kazmi, Manager of the Christian based "Edhi Foundation" an organization coming to the defence of those who should not need a defence; their defence should be like any other child's, paternally inherent.
The Sage.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Political Correctness and "Thought Control"

In the United States of America there is an assault on "Tradition" and "Common Sense". The Literary classic by Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are about to be word butchered because those who know best say the classic is racially offensive due to the use of the word "Nigger"...who cares. Nobody complained since the inception of Tom and Huck until now. It shows how society's ability to rationalize and think with common sense has diminished in the last 2 decades.
As for Canada or...Canistan, the Maple Leaf has a beef. The governing remains of the social/communist left, the Liberal Party, are still infecting our existence. The liberal CRTC is the hard left system that TOLD all Canadians that nation wide broadcasting will contain mostly Canadian Content. If you've ever been exposed to Canadian TV for more than 10 minutes in a day you would collapse from brain failure.
Then there is the CBSC, the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council, the Commissar Branch of the CRTC, the "Thought Police". In all of their infinite wisdom they have decided that the tune "Money for Nothing" by Dire Straits is homophobic (so what if it is) and slanders queers because of the use of the word/term faggot (again, who cares). One person complained over 25 years and the song gets banned. Proof that the MINORITY rules in Canistan.

The Great Sage
Dire Straights song "Money for Nothing"
One offended listener since 1985.
The CBSC Canadian Broadcast Standards Council

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Wasted time.

Attention comrades...due to the deliberate waste of time and also the time deliberately spent wasted...all inner collective activities such as shopping for food and clothing, will be allocated by the newly appointed "Time Czar".
Any person's wishing to participate in life's everyday activities must first be authorized by the "Time Czar" to ensure that their activities do not conflict with that of the following departments...The Temporal Counterproliferation Unit... Lifespan Duration Security Administration...Department of Chronological Warfare and
Redistribution of Moments, Intervals and Infinity and the Director of Control and Measurement of the Past Present and Future.
It is to be noted that the Permanent Director of Time-Space Continuum will allocate menial tasks that will advance the "common good".
Comrades it should also be noted that freedom of speech does not necessarily mean that one's lips can flap for free...there is a pecuniary dispensation required. Before excising your "freedom of speech" it is mandatory that you apply to the Commissar of Mind Think and request a list of words and phrases that have been pre-approved by the State.
The Commissar of Voluntary Compliance will be more than happy to inform you of what your choice of words will be.
Thank you comrades

The State

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Tax time

Well comrades it's that time of the year again when the commissar's of revenue ally themselves with the commissar's of air and space consumption to calculate the appropriate penalty for irresponsibly working towards the selfish idea of survival.
How disgusting has civilization become where the proletariat(prol) feels as though he is entitled to reap what he has sewn. How low will society stoop in thinking that those who risk everything to be in business should be blessed with the meagre reward of retaining even a pittance of their wares. Comrades for the common good and the development of the late great fearless leader Pierre Elliot Trudeau's "Just Society" there will be a new "progressive" department initiated for the sole purpose of collecting (confiscating) that which is owed (everything). In addition to this self-sufficiency and personal responsibility will no longer be admirable traits deserving reward. The state need not remind "it's" workers that the gulags still have vacancy.
Capitalist pigs should be reminded that all work is for the good of the state.
The Commissar of the "Common Good" will be collaborating with the other 5,400 "progressive" agencies to ensure that individuals voluntarily donate, at gun point if need be, all income derived from the time of awakening until sleep. Incidentally the Commissar of "Reprieve" will monitor the hours of rest of all prols. As an added incentive prol's who refuse to bandage fingers to stop profuse bleeding due to constant clawing of the frozen dirt will be allotted 3 additional minutes of sleep. Rather than rising from rest at 3:45 am the prol will now rise at 3:47...the other minute will be donated to those who are less fortunate. As a streamlining of our great government institution the Commissar of "Honest Allotment" will not only monitor the allocation of this precious minute of time but will also ensure mandatory volunteering by prols with more than 15 minutes of spare time on their filthy hands.
Remember comrades the beet fields are in need of harvest and the Trans-Siberian Railway needs more spikes. We as a collective of proletariat's, peace be unto Tony Martin, must remember that we as individuals are nothing. One man's voice is insignificant and irrelevant. It is government and togetherness that ensures progression. As good, decent "kulaks" we must put our faith in government,our "Big Brother" for it is looking to defend us from the evils of "Capitalism" and common sense.
If you hear a knock on the door at 3:00am do not fear for it is only the "Brown Shirts" wanting to ask just a few questions...such as did you keep any beets that fell out of the sacks that you carried to the Borscht factory? Did you swing your mulletuk (hammer) more than 4 times per spike while on the railroad? Have you had any chocolate this month? If yes what garbage bin did this chocolate come from? They may get personal...they may inquire as to whether or not you used your water quota for such wasteful and environmentally unfriendly things such as washing more than 3times a week or using it to down the medication you require to stay "SANE".
These interviews (interrogative sessions)will last no more than 45 minutes allowing you ample time to wrap the leather strips to your feet before you leave the gulag... excuse me...your apartment as to fulfill your "mandatory" contribution to society.
Together we can build a bigger government, together we can install enough commisars to ensure stability within our Socialist Utopia but most importantly we can elimate the evil Bourgeoisie who claim they build a self sustaining economy by generating employment through the hiring of prols who produce what the world arrogantly misleading; which is why Canistan needs more regulation and more Commisars.

Infidel Partisan the Sage.
All parody aside...Liberate Free Enterprise Kill Socialism.

A tribute to the greatest generation that lived.

To all of those who fought in the big war and notwithstanding the soldiers involved in the war on terrorism...salute.
To those who never returned...Godspeed.
Soon there will only be films to remind us of what our duty as the curators of humanity entails.


Monday, January 03, 2011

Happy New Year Infidels

Happy "PROSPEROUS" New Year folks from a Proud Infidel with no good feelings about history proves Islam has no good feelings about us.
And the "Cordoba House" should be demolished before it is built, and Imam Rauf can genuflect inside whilst the "walls come tumbling down". Say NO to the GROUND ZERO MOSQUE as the West does not need a school for terrorists where youngsters will get nothing more than a hands on approach to bomb making.
Incidentally the gutless president's award goes to Jimmy "peanut" Carter and Barack HUSEIN Obama.
Didn't Iraq hang a dictator with the name HUSSEIN?
Just to ensure that terrorists are discouraged from constructing a training center, mosque, on sacred ground, a pig should be slaughtered on the site and it's blood scattered in every direction.
Peace and Love Infidels.

The Great Sage