Monday, July 30, 2012

HOT? New no-orgasm sex called 'karezza' - New York Daily News

HOT? New no-orgasm sex called 'karezza' - New York Daily News Here is definate proof that the progressive left is totally fucked up.

I am ETC.

Egypt introduces Sharia tourism

Just in time for Ramadan: Egypt introduces Sharia tourism - Jihad Watch Looks like Egypt is out of the question for this tourist. If these pig kissers want to come over here then they better give up their bourkas and turbines. 
Free Israel off a muslim extremist.

The Great Sage

Jackson Move to Mayo.

Jackson Move to Mayo Could Point to Complications - ABC News#.UBQBC_X-2D-#.UBQBC_X-2D-#.UBQBC_X-2D-#.UBQBC_X-2D- Hey Jessie do you know where your kids are??? Maybe they've been hanging with Mayor Marion Barry too long or maybe even "Calypso" Louis Farakhan.  Your just as phony as the rest of them so give up your "HOLIER THAN THOU" attitude.

The Great Sage

Drunken group of girls stabs 63-year-old man on subway: cops -

Drunken group of girls stabs 63-year-old man on subway: cops - Check out the clown with the pants hanging to her knees...I can't stop laughing at this trash...and look at the whale on two feet, my gut is splitting...but not as much as the poor guy this shit stabbed, I'll bet his gut is split wide open.
This is the reason for an ARMED SOCIETY. Please take careful aim and make the first shot count.

I am ETC.

Event promotes world peace and cultural awareness

10th annual event promotes world peace and cultural awareness Ha ha ha ha x 145. When these "multicultural fools" come out of their coccoon will somebody please inform them as to their whereabouts. Let them know that they're on planet earth where only liberal communists dream so vividly almost as if they're on a bad LSD trip. Multiculturalism is a trudeau crack pipe.F O O L S...entir lot.

The Great Sage is even greater.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Muslim street cleric wants to protect Canadian women from sex assault by forcing them to cover up | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun

Muslim street cleric wants to protect Canadian women from sex assault by forcing them to cover up | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun Only in Canada "eh"? To all the doubters that thought this was paranoid proaganda. This is just the beginning.

The Great Sage

Friday, July 20, 2012

Kenney blasted for 'foreign gangsters' comment

Kenney blasted for 'foreign gangsters' comment Stupid liberals say very stupid things. Stupid liberals.
Start deporting these non-white trigger happy duds NOW...and send the STUPID LIBERALS WITH THEM.

The Great Sage

Monday, July 16, 2012

Obama...dumb as a stump

Obama is absolutely stupid and "dumb as a stump". Get this idiot out of office, he's a disgrace.
America if this charlatan gets back in I will have no respect for you anymore. Get another Bush in office.

The Great Sage

Low water hearing a 'sham,' area chief charges

Low water hearing a 'sham,' area chief charges Please Please shut the fuck up...P L E A S E!!!!!!!!!

The Great Sage

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Now refugees expect us to give them health care.

Teen gets removed from Tory barbecue Short and sweet...will somebody please deport this burden right now. This is the shit that is driving us broke and this is the shit that makes me super pissed.


Articles: Obama, the Pierre Trudeau of America

Articles: Obama, the Pierre Trudeau of America Trudeau was the biggest failure in Canadian politics...he even admitteed that he knew nothing of economics and it showed as he almost bankrupted the country. Remember when the dollar was worth half the Greenback??? Thanks trudeau.

The Great Sage

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Governor meets family of death row Canadian

Governor meets family of death row Canadian The guy admitted to killing innocent people and now he may be a "different Man"? Tell your story to your God bud...if it was my family member that you killed I would request that I throw the switch myself or at least plug in the intravenous for the sodium pentathol (or whatever the sollution).

The Great Sage...the only sense is common sense.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

And before I forget



And one more thing



"Adulteress" Slaughtered in Afghanistan -

Robert Spencer: "Adulteress" Slaughtered in Afghanistan - Jihad Watch These are the countries of the United Nations. Death to all of these swine kissers and death to the United Nations.
FYI the rogue band of thieves, murders and rapists known as the United Nations is now drawing up plans for a treaty that disarms every citizen in the FREE WESTERN WORLD...that is provided a stupid liberal government goes for it. Hey U.N. and this includes you too you fucking idiot Kofi Anan, Mr. Irrelevant, go take your brain dead ideas and have lunch with achmadimijad or chavez. You and your fellow pig fuckers are pathetic. You are the ruin of mankind and there is no room for you and your ilk on this planet. My guns stay with me and when I've moved on far away from this secular shit hole my kids will be armed and so on. This is a freedom that is worth fighting for. Do you dope heads expect people to go back to clubs and stones...I understand the fact that you idiots are still primitive but I do not care about you, your families or quite frankly the poor...the poor are now our enemy, and all we wanted to do was help people and for that we get kicked in the nuts.

The Great Sage

Sunday, July 08, 2012

B.C. First Nation opposes oil pipelines

B.C. First Nation opposes oil pipelines These hypocrites have no problem leaching a percentage of the profits though. This bunch is the enemy of Canada and are no friends of ours. If the White Man through in the towel and let the red man not only fend for himself but manage and maintain the country it wouldn't be long before it sinks into abysmal poverty. Tell these treasonists to sit down and shut up and just wait for the handouts.  I am really sick and tired of these people.

It is because of a major event two weeks ago that I, the Great Sage,  has been absent from the scene. Fate and Destiny are mechanically mysterious benchmarks in our existence. Without warning the future slams it's way into the everyday mundane schedule of events that make up our lives and then suddenly we're at a crossroad in we go straight through or do we turn(away). The die is soon cast and commitment now becomes honour or failure. Everything one is taught, or has learned or has payed attention too in life now becomes an integral component in the equations that has so many paralyzed in disbelief and fear. Will the right call be made? At a frozen moment in time it seems as though all of  humanity is not only watching but relying on you to make the right call..."will I fail them"? only drifts through your mind for a moment. Failure is not an option. In the end it is Government that has failed the people and not I.

So close to saving a life and the system yells "stop". STOP???

Soon the truth will be told but first the dead must be put to rest for they are owed a peaceful exit. There will be plenty of time for battle...but not yet....not yet.
My thoughts are with you Elliot Lake and I want you to know that we were very close to saving a soul that was clutching to a thread of life buried beneath rubble and debris...we were ordered to stop.
