Sun News : 'Canada will burn; Praise Allah' defaces war memorial Until proven as to who or what committed such a sacrilege one cannot, in good moral conscience, condemn the cowardly elements of swine involved...BUT!!!...this is the "shot over the bow", in our own waters. For while now The Great Sage has expounded upon the greatest threat since hitler, a threat that is amplifying it's hatred all around the world. Canada's liberal orchestrated immigration nightmare is about to begin. What the liberal party had planned with firearms registration was to disarm the country's citizens and avoid revealing it's prejudices. The liberal party new all to well that the muslim immigrants coming into Canada were too accustomed to living by the rule of the gun. This is a fanatical totally uncivilized tribal society that we've allowed into our developing infant culture. True Canadians have had to surrender their identity and unwillingly conform to a self destructing politically correct nightmare. Now the enemy is within. They knew that if they restricted firearm ownership to TRUE Canadians then it would look prejudice and feelings would get hurt. Those are the same feelings that they dare not have back home. So the phony liberals stress in great liberal condescending fashion that in the interest of public safety we must rid society of all firearms...right after registration. And these immigrants know all to well as to how to play our pathetic feminized society.
Canadians have been financing their own demise and are totally stupid to the facts because this threat is only in the mind(s) of a delusional paranoid minority worthless of attention.
Canada has played a major role in supporting wars on tyranny and lost it's share of good men, to have their memory desecrated in this manner is an "Act of War".
The Great Sage