Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sodomy "For the Sake of Islam"

Sodomy "For the Sake of Islam" :: Gatestone InstituteI can't stop laughing at these pig kissing day they're preaching love of jihad and the next day "widening the anus in the name of allah" ha ha ha gut is sore.
Hey "abdul" bend over and pick that C-4 uh I mean soap.

The Great Sage

Gaza Terrorists Killed Gaza Boy

HRW Confirms Gaza Terrorists Killed Gaza Boy Shown in Iconic Photo of Egypt's PM and Hamas's Haniyeh | Jewish & Israel News Let's see the lame dilapidated press retract and apologize for their sickeningly bias condemnation of Israel. Israel has every right to blast the shit out of hamas,hizzbola and the plo. ...may well throw in the ndp also seeing how they're such a staunch supporter...particularly ideologically.
The Great Sage stood firm in his argument that this act of murder was committed by the very evil that Israel faces everyday. These radical islamists don't care who they kill because they know the media will stand with them. The press is just as evil as the islamic swine.

The Great Sage

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Fort Hood shooter still awaits trial 3 years later

Why Fort Hood shooter still awaits trial 3 years later This scum should face the firing squad right now...muslim pig kisser.

I am ETC.

Harper muddles past first full majority year???

Harper muddles past first full majority year Hey all of you brain dead pseudo-media least Canada is still prospering...unlike the nightmare that looms on the horizon with the socialist/communist liberals and ndp. Give your stupid head a shake and wake up. We as a component to the Human Race cannot afford the social entitlements and's a fact. The human race is subject to the same "rules of life" that govern all living inhabitants on the face of this earth. It's a nice warm and fuzzy feeling to help the disadvantaged but not when it's bankrupting "healthy" elements of our existence. I am not being cold hearted I'm just stating the facts.

The Great Sage

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Impressive Bartending Skills Only in Ukraine

Impressive Bartending Skills on Well one thing we Ukrainians are good at is impressing people. This is taking Vodka to a hole new level

The Great Sage

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Reflect and weep

The 1970 JuKeBoX A little bit of nostalgia and a little bit of contemplation. Choose the year you were born and look at how many years have gone bye. And then there's John, Paul, Ringo, and George...wish I had side burns like John.

Where have all the years gone???

I am ETC.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Sandy Hook mass murderer Adam Lanza, 20, 'deeply disturbed kid' - NY Daily News

Sandy Hook mass murderer Adam Lanza, 20, 'deeply disturbed kid' - NY Daily News This is the "neo-youth" of today.
This punk was a weirdo and displayed all the visible signs of an individual who should have been dealt with first and foremost by the parents and failing that the authorities. It's to bad this drivel of vomit didn't encounter the "Grim Reaper" at an earlier point in time.

The Geat Sage

Hollywood breeds evil

'Give me a break' - Tarantino tires of defending ultra-violent films after Sandy Hook massacre - News - Films - The Independent
Tarantino is three steps away from the real world. Hollywood and Micro-soft (thanks Bill Gates) have done more to demonize the image of firearms and bastardize (Conservative) firearms owners.
And then there's MTV. This cesspool of filthy, amoral misfits have learned well from the Third World  Jamaican ("Cross/Angry") tribes. As a well seasoned individual I have spent much time in Jamaica, 23years in fact. I've witnessed the transformation of lay ed back Reggae to violent "gangsta rap", this enemy of mankind can't even spell correctly but what's even worse is the fact that this verbal diarrhea has become en grained into the Western vernacular and adopted by Western 1st world en corporate this hideous behaviour with a video game and there you have it...CHAOS.
Zombie Apocalypse, Alien Invasion (in 3D), slice and dice and last but not least guns, guns, guns and more guns. And at minimum the equivalent of a small nation's GDP in the cost of ammunition recklessly fired at a "virtual" enemy or opponent (no real blood/guts and brains). I've been professionally shooting handguns and extremely high power weapons including a 50caliber M1 with all ammunition being re-loaded in my highly secured facility for 30 years now and I have yet to match the discharge of probably 5% of this fictional depiction. Since the silicon boom a new generation has been programmed by an over exposure to violence. Hitler proved in 1933 the effects of evil influence on a country's youth (hitler youth). Innocent children bred to be cold hearted killers. Ironically on the other side of the world another generation influenced by the rule of God and law were no strangers to the use of a firearm and it was the ability to shoot dead the enemy that led to the defeat of the axis powers. Enter the "upper echelon liberal artsy crowd". They are more refined and cultured and exemplify the very principles of civility. It's OK to abort a life for the convenience of the living. It's OK to have the children that you do choose to let live be raised and nurtured by a system rather than two parents, children are either in daycare, in a queer family setting, raised by one parent or in a drug/alcohol setting...either/or none of  the aforementioned are conducive to a healthy society. The self destructive component to all of this is the media...they support it, they don't condemn it.
The entertainment crowd consists of "nigga rappas"..."dirty hoes"... and disconnected pariah's totally devoid of  moral precepts or ethical concept. Young minds full of mush are saturated with blood and violence via a medium either Internet, computer game(s) or television but it is not without consequence. Glamorizing a firearm pointed at a fictional character's head gets the adrenalin flowing...then the bang....blood, guts and brains all over the screen. HOW MUCH DOES ONE THINK THAT THESE KIDS ARE CAPABLE OF HANDLING BEFORE SOMETHING SNAPS!!!!!!!????????
Hollywood  and the social left have brought humanity to the brink of destruction. What happened in New Town CT. is a crying shame with the reward of infinite heartbreak.
                                                       I am lost for any words.
I can't even say "God is with you" because I can not warrant his absence that fateful day last week when so many innocent kids had their lives taken by a sick misfit who in retrospect had no place on the face of this earth...just as food for thought, what scenario would have played out if by some strange twist of fate this sick distorted punk was killed by a stray bullet fired from a gun range...we'll never know. "New Town Connecticut" you are not in this alone...we grieve with you.

It's time we as a civilized society took a step backwards and look very hard at where we've been...see where our tacks have taken us. Technology has made us a great civilization but it has also introduced a great evil. The ancient Romans and Greeks had the coliseums, the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas had a death ritual where blood flowed daily, Persia and Asia had daily stoning and decapitations in the name of progress and pleasure. Since the beginning of recorded history man has had an infatuation and fascination with long as the spectator(s) were watching and not being watched things were alright and fun. Nothing has changed. We're just as sick now as they were back in the days of antiquity.

This is not a firearms issue this is a "sadistic nurturing" issue. This is a totally "desensitized society" issue. This is about humanity gone bad. We have become morally bankrupt and devoid of the capability to reason. Political Correctness has now fulfilled it's mandate...our children are now capable of killing not only their parents but also other children.

Where do we, as a society, as a (Western) culture go from here? Let's encourage hollywood and microsoft to give us more blood and gore. Let's continue to feed our children a steady diet of warped ideology where they won't know whether they're straight, bi, tri, queer, male, female or a "transgender freak of nature". They'll have no clue as to what a father or mother is because the educational system will have programmed them to ignore discipline... in fact the system has now empowered the children who are traditionally taught to obey their parents with the ability to legally charge their parents for being "unfair". And then we're told to erase the term "retarded" from our lexicon. Maybe if this term was implemented where it belongs then somebody would take notice.

You figure it out people I'm going to do things my way from here on in and I will ensure that my "lineage" follows the same path as I. I have no use for today's passive educational system. I have no use for any "self-loathing" White people and want no part of being indoctrinated into any other twisted culture. I am sick and tired of placating the implacable. I am sick and tired of the Left Wing lunacy that plagues our daily lives. I am disgusted with Canadian Media as it has the same agenda as CNN, NBC(LSD), CBS and the BBC. And how ugly is the fact that President obama was hurled back into office by the left????????

The Great Sage

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hoffa predicts ‘civil war’ in Michigan – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Hoffa predicts ‘civil war’ in Michigan – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs



These are the ambassadors to the left wing culture. Uncivilized and violent.....and stupid too.

The Great Sage

Iranian agents and North Korea prepare to test launch rocket | The Times of Israel

Iranian agents reportedly on hand as North Korea prepares to test launch rocket | The Times of Israel Clinton was the one that ignored N. Korea. He's a typical left wing appeaser that initiates a "wait and see" approach to everything out there. He was driven by public opinion and polls and not once did he have a concrete philosophy to apply to his agenda. Whatever the public demanded he caved and hoped for the best unfortunately his appeasement strategy left the country vulnerable. Less than half of the people (the minority) expected it's government to not bother anybody in hopes of them not bothering us. That's exactly the approach obama, the phony president, took with radical islam and the entire jihadi menace. Radical islam hates Americans first and Brits and Canucks second.
As per the N.Korean dilemma this has been in the making ever since the cessation of hostilities back in 53 and obama either intentionally ignores this threat or he's that stupid to recognize the threat, either way he's a failure...and the press loves him as their darling child. 
Soon people will long for the days of Bush and Cheney.

The Great Sage

Fee cell phones & service, thanks obama

23ABC News - Program to give homeless & poor people may soon be getting free cell phones & service - Bakersfield News, Bakersfield, California News & Bakersfield News Local Headlines - KERO TurnTo23 This is incredible...has obama not learned anything from the "Cell Phone Lady/PARASITE"? Everything this idiot does flies in the face of "Fiscal Logic". To all of the people who worship this infantile CHARLATAN I ask you this...who would be the preferred person to head your company...Romney or obama??? To hire obama as a corporate administrator is sure death.
Now if you never voted for Romney but feel he's more capable and qualified to run your business/corporation then you should not be're dangerous not only to yourself but to your fellow countrymen. You're totally oblivious to your ignorance and base your vote purely on an emotional (false) foundation. A country is a business and must adhere to the same ethical and regulated codes and unwritten rules as does the business' operating in that country...obama has none of these ethics. Never in the history of modern Western politics has one person been such a promoted failure. The media proved just how gullible half of the population really is. This guy is a JOKE. Yet he cannot do anything wrong. This guy is Chancy (the) Gardener, he is the "EMPEROR WITH NO FUCKING CLOTHES. Total criminal maleficence plagues this impotent sheep herder and one needs not look any futher than Bengazi where 3 good Navy SEALs and a high ranking U.S. envoy were tortured and killed. They heroically fought for 6hours in a chaotic gun battle against the "arab spring" all the while screaming for military back-up. obama chose to ignore it. He didn't want his feckless weakness' to be exposed so close to election. Still the media kept slobbering over him and the clueless Joe Public followed. The guy is a FUCKING JOKE and I really do pray that the United States of America will survive this reckless period of regression...America is now in a "Dark Age".
The world is on it's own now.

Soon  the day will come when the masses will realize that George W Bush was correct about many things...all of which are meant to hurt Western Civilization. obama is looking to deliver us all into the hands of the extremists. 

The Great Sage

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


UNIONS ASSAULT ON CAMERA!! - YouTubeThis is the true face of today's union(s). These pathetic thugs have descended into the depths of the uncivilized. There is no place for unions in today's world. Union members are P.U.S.S. Pathetic Unionized Screaming Socialists. They use the term "SCAB", which isn't an acronym for anything, whenever they don't get their way; just like a little suck would call somebody a name  because they didn't get their way in the sandbox.
The only one's that profit with unions are the executive's. The worker's will only get poorer as corporations move out of country.

The Great Sage

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I can't believe we made it

I can't believe we made it - YouTubePolitical correctness has made so many people so stupid. It's degraded masculinity into a trash heap of panzies. Men are now women, transgenders or faggot queers or simple sissies. Women think they're men or just as capable as men, ask Laura Logan about being a woman (reporter) in Egypt. Boys aren't permitted to release tension and frustration by duking it out with bare fists anymore so it builds into an anger that is released with terrible consequences (school shootings, knifing or clubbing). Liberal progressives have turned our culture upside down. We don't even have a capable military anymore...worse of all....the United States of America has a loser for a President that no man could ever look to as a roll model. Imagine how confused our kids are today.
On a side note totally unrelated...obama is a JOKE. America I can not take you seriously any more, at least not for the next 4years.

The Great Sage

Monday, December 03, 2012

Islamists rally to support Egypt's president

My Way News - Islamists rally to support Egypt's president and if islam has it's way it will overthrow the West as soon as we allow it. Study the history of the Roman Empire and the fall of the Chi Dynasty...they forgot how to fight thus forgetting how to defend themselves and their culture. The swollen cesspool of islam is about to overflow into our streets and unfortunately our aquaducts will be sabatoged to the point where we can't flush the shit out of our lives.

The Great Sage

These students deserve an A+ my ass

These students deserve an A+! (12 photos) Keep your culture to yourselves and adopt the Western culture. We are in the midst of losing Canada thanks to the tenets of multiculturalism.
MERRY  CHRISTMAS and may all muslims get their fill of pork.

The Great Sage

Removal of trash from Canada

Hayes weighs in on bad guys from elsewhere And the stupid ndp/liberal progressives vote against it?? Only because this is the trash that votes for these regressive parties. Check out the origin of most of our gun crimes and domestic violence or asian.
And I do not believe that a black student from Algoma University was the victim of any racial attack. I think it was all made up as no witnesses have corroborated his story...but again this is typical of White haters.
Bring our country back. Proud to be White and an equal opportunity employer.

The Great Sage