'Give me a break' - Tarantino tires of defending ultra-violent films after Sandy Hook massacre - News - Films - The Independent
Tarantino is three steps away from the real world. Hollywood and Micro-soft (thanks Bill Gates) have done more to demonize the image of firearms and bastardize (Conservative) firearms owners.
And then there's MTV. This cesspool of filthy, amoral misfits have learned well from the Third World Jamaican ("Cross/Angry") tribes. As a well seasoned individual I have spent much time in Jamaica, 23years in fact. I've witnessed the transformation of lay ed back Reggae to violent "gangsta rap", this enemy of mankind can't even spell correctly but what's even worse is the fact that this verbal diarrhea has become en grained into the Western vernacular and adopted by Western 1st world youth...now en corporate this hideous behaviour with a video game and there you have it...CHAOS.
Zombie Apocalypse, Alien Invasion (in 3D), slice and dice and last but not least guns, guns, guns and more guns. And at minimum the equivalent of a small nation's GDP in the cost of ammunition recklessly fired at a "virtual" enemy or opponent (no real blood/guts and brains). I've been professionally shooting handguns and extremely high power weapons including a 50caliber M1 with all ammunition being re-loaded in my highly secured facility for 30 years now and I have yet to match the discharge of probably 5% of this fictional depiction. Since the silicon boom a new generation has been programmed by an over exposure to violence. Hitler proved in 1933 the effects of evil influence on a country's youth (hitler youth). Innocent children bred to be cold hearted killers. Ironically on the other side of the world another generation influenced by the rule of God and law were no strangers to the use of a firearm and it was the ability to shoot dead the enemy that led to the defeat of the axis powers. Enter the "upper echelon liberal artsy crowd". They are more refined and cultured and exemplify the very principles of civility. It's OK to abort a life for the convenience of the living. It's OK to have the children that you do choose to let live be raised and nurtured by a system rather than two parents, children are either in daycare, in a queer family setting, raised by one parent or in a drug/alcohol setting...either/or none of the aforementioned are conducive to a healthy society. The self destructive component to all of this is the media...they support it, they don't condemn it.
The entertainment crowd consists of "nigga rappas"..."dirty hoes"... and disconnected pariah's totally devoid of moral precepts or ethical concept. Young minds full of mush are saturated with blood and violence via a medium either Internet, computer game(s) or television but it is not without consequence. Glamorizing a firearm pointed at a fictional character's head gets the adrenalin flowing...then the bang....blood, guts and brains all over the screen. HOW MUCH DOES ONE THINK THAT THESE KIDS ARE CAPABLE OF HANDLING BEFORE SOMETHING SNAPS!!!!!!!????????
Hollywood and the social left have brought humanity to the brink of destruction. What happened in New Town CT. is a crying shame with the reward of infinite heartbreak.
I am lost for any words.
I can't even say "God is with you" because I can not warrant his absence that fateful day last week when so many innocent kids had their lives taken by a sick misfit who in retrospect had no place on the face of this earth...just as food for thought, what scenario would have played out if by some strange twist of fate this sick distorted punk was killed by a stray bullet fired from a gun range...we'll never know. "New Town Connecticut" you are not in this alone...we grieve with you.
It's time we as a civilized society took a step backwards and look very hard at where we've been...see where our tacks have taken us. Technology has made us a great civilization but it has also introduced a great evil. The ancient Romans and Greeks had the coliseums, the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas had a death ritual where blood flowed daily, Persia and Asia had daily stoning and decapitations in the name of progress and pleasure. Since the beginning of recorded history man has had an infatuation and fascination with suffering....as long as the spectator(s) were watching and not being watched things were alright and fun. Nothing has changed. We're just as sick now as they were back in the days of antiquity.
This is not a firearms issue this is a "sadistic nurturing" issue. This is a totally "desensitized society" issue. This is about humanity gone bad. We have become morally bankrupt and devoid of the capability to reason. Political Correctness has now fulfilled it's mandate...our children are now capable of killing not only their parents but also other children.
Where do we, as a society, as a (Western) culture go from here? Let's encourage hollywood and microsoft to give us more blood and gore. Let's continue to feed our children a steady diet of warped ideology where they won't know whether they're straight, bi, tri, queer, male, female or a "transgender freak of nature". They'll have no clue as to what a father or mother is because the educational system will have programmed them to ignore discipline... in fact the system has now empowered the children who are traditionally taught to obey their parents with the ability to legally charge their parents for being "unfair". And then we're told to erase the term "retarded" from our lexicon. Maybe if this term was implemented where it belongs then somebody would take notice.
You figure it out people I'm going to do things my way from here on in and I will ensure that my "lineage" follows the same path as I. I have no use for today's passive educational system. I have no use for any "self-loathing" White people and want no part of being indoctrinated into any other twisted culture. I am sick and tired of placating the implacable. I am sick and tired of the Left Wing lunacy that plagues our daily lives. I am disgusted with Canadian Media as it has the same agenda as CNN, NBC(LSD), CBS and the BBC. And how ugly is the fact that President obama was hurled back into office by the left????????
The Great Sage