Sunday, November 28, 2010

Saving the planet the Liberal way.

Due to the seriousness of global warming and climate change drastic and immediate measures must be implemented to ensure that planet earth and all of it's inhabitants are protected...even species that have yet to be discovered.
To expedite this mandate it is imperative that as of today all industry in Western culture will cease operations. Emissions created by fossil fuel's are to blame for at least .25% of all air borne pollution. These measures will have a dual impact on the reduction of pollutants created by industry. Because the majority of people rely on their automobile to commute to and from work there are hydra-carbon emissions created by the combustible engine but now that there is no work there will be no need to commute. In fact there will be positive ripple effects all the way throughout this process which will ensure a very clean and green planet.
Now that there is no need for the automobile, except for the military and police who will have their hands full with the agitated masses, many of our lakes and streams will become pure again because there is no air borne pollutants expelled from tailpipes to contaminate them. The most positive effect of this genocidal maneuver however will be the fact that there is no need for rubber anymore because tires will not be needed unless you are looking to riot and you need a few to light on fire.
Global warming and climate change is taken very serious by your Liberal Progressive leaders and as such we will ensure that the public endures whatever hardships required. There is no need to worry about your Liberal officials as they will be well taken care of...but thanks anyways.
Coal, that evil black material that has brought civilization to the advanced stage that is now coming to an end, will no longer be required to manufacture steel because steel mills are now shut down nor will it be used to power our turbines in generating electricity.
Given the fact that electricity will be produced by state of the art green tech. wind turbines and solar panels the cost of electricity will sky rocket so much that most of the population will be unable to afford it which will eventually lead to that segment of society freeze to death in the winter months...especially in Canada and the northern states.
Just because a volcanic eruption lasting 2 weeks spews 1,000 times more pollutants into the air than man can produce in 150years doesn't mean we can't clean up our own mess. Anybody who has been paying attention to Hollywood and Al Gore, Green Peace and the environmental whack jobs should know that if we don't act now the polar bears will drown, New York will be flooded due to the rise in sea levels brought about by melted glaciers and the entire planet will burn from heat produced by global warming.
China, Mexico, South America, Africa, India and the Soviet Union however will be exempt from this FUCKING STUPID LIBERAL AGENDA because they would just tell us to go FUCK OURSELVES anyway because as far as they are concerned global warming is not only a hoax it's a religion...imagine what their future holds for them...who in the hell needs an economy anyways?
Also as an energy conserving measure the light at the end of the tunnel will be shut off indefinitely.
This is the L I B E R A L WAY.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Shakedown Socialism

So many things have been said about Socialism but to date the only thing(s) that make sense about this "Dark Age" state of control or "Stateism" is the fact that misery is shared equally and what little profit there is goes to the State.
If some people had wings and others didn't,and the government wanted to enforce "fairness", (fuck I hate that term...please pardon the expletive)soon nobody would have wings. Because wings cannot be redistributed, they can only be broken, likewise, a government edict cannot make people smarter or more capable, but it can impede the growth of those with the potential. Wouldn't it be fair if,in the name of equality, we scar the beautiful, cripple the athletes, lobotomize the scientists,blind the artists and sever the hands of our musicians??? Why not??? At least we can say that we are a nation of people who stress the importance of every body being equal. Because a segment of society cannot perform to required standards we will just have to lower ours regardless of the future ramifications.
Socialism failed in the it's moved to Canada and headed for the United States of America.
To understand this infectious blight we must first understand the supporter's of Socialism. They are the brain dead. They are inadequate. They have no means in which to contribute to the progress of a nation...and they are ignorant of the history of devil's spawn such as Hitler, Stalin, Chairman Mao and Castro, incidentally Castro now admits that socialism does not work.
Socialism is progress to nowhere. It's a truck load of roses covering bundles of barbed wire.
Socialism weakens a country. With no incentive to progress it deteriorates motivation. Every body is equal in only one way and that is the government handout that they receive once a month.
Just think of it, all the money that you and I have put into this country via a heavy tax burden and supposed pension remittance's will go to funding the next generation of dead beats and jihadists whilst we, True Canadians, who are not ashamed of our colour, watch helplessly as our country slowly goes broke...all in the name of fairness.
This week's recommended reading comes from the web site...
The world is catching on to the evils of socialism how come Canada is regressing in the opposite direction?

The Great Sage

Friday, November 26, 2010

Facts Arabs Would Rather Not Admit

Facts Arabs Would Rather Not Admit

For those of you who side with the Terrorists, and that includes Canada's Liberal and NDP parties, here is a bit of history and factual information that justifies Israel's existence as a Nation.
The Sage has completely exhausted his patience with respect to people who do not understand history and live with the myth that Israel stole land that does not belong to them which is the reason for the perpetual conflict that the Middle East has been mired in 1200 years "Before the Common Era" or B.C.E. or do you prefer B.C. Before Christ?
As far as I'm concerned this entire "Middle East Crisis" is perpetuated by people who just love war...oh yea, and slitting throats...that really get's the attention of the whimpy West as well as makes for great News paper articles. Shit, one slit throat from ear to ear goes a long way with the retarded left media.

The Great Sage

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Check this out just for the heck of it

The Great Sage

Thursday, November 18, 2010

RubinReports: Exclusive: Is Iran's Regime Officially Running--Or Merely Helping--a Pro-Nazi Site?

RubinReports: Exclusive: Is Iran's Regime Officially Running--Or Merely Helping--a Pro-Nazi Site?The term "ARIAN" is German for IRAN. Hitler declared that only good quality Germans are fit to rule the world.....for a 1,000 years. Good quality Germans were referred to as "ARIANS". The Arian Nation were considered to be a pure breed of Germans.To this day Iran stands firm on it's hatred for Israel just as the Nazi's did and still do. Whether the LIberal Progressives like it not Western culture is currently in the fore stages of WWIII; Afghanistan was the first battle and Iraq the second. Both of those rogues are financed and equipped by Iran...if ever there was a safe haven for Al-Qaida and the Taliban I would think that Iran would be a better place to hide than Pakistan just because Pakistan has a lot of very hot and active attention focused on it right now. Iran has called for the extermination of Israel ever since Germany was defeated in WWII and to this day is the only nation to publicly declare that the Holocaust never happened. Right now we are faced with another major concern and that is the fact that terrorists crossing the border from Mexico are setting up "Arms" caches in places where they are retrievable. Many of the munitions and explosive devices are labled as manufactured in Iran. And this is in our back yard.If the Globe and Mail or any other Liberal progressive contaminated segment of the media were to comment on Iran it would be nothing but praise for barbarism and condemnation of Right Wing Conservatism and the United States of America.The Great Sage

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Muslim Slavery Resurgent as Sudan Arabs Kidnapping Black Africans

Muslim Slavery Resurgent as Sudan Arabs Kidnapping Black Africans

I'm sure the Whiteman is involved here somewhere...after all, slavery is a Whiteman's crime...according to those who are not White.

The Great Sage

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Want to see some astounding facts?

To better educate yourself another site to visit is



Take a look at what is going on around the world and what the "mainstream liberal media" doesn't tell you...and why is that? Only because if the people knew what was really going on they would refuse the cesspool of multicultural brainwashing that spews out of the mouths of arrogant left wing socialist leaders.There is no room within my empire for "the little mosque on the prairie". I'll take Bonanza or Gunsmoke any day of the week...I will not waste my time with Canadian programming and news other than The National Post...The Sun or on-line at the "Canadian Free Press".The hoard of unwashed masses possessed by a corrosive liberal ideology don't understand Conservatism. It is Conservatism that will produce a society and a culture of people that are acutely aware of the role that morals and ethics, virtue and justice have in a sane society governed by "the people" and "for the people". It is this culture of people that are the only people that will VOLUNTEER TO DIE to protect the aforementioned God given inalienable rights. The only protective barrier between Western civilization and a ruthless barbaric culture, that maniacally scream out "Allah Akbar" (God is great)before slitting a throat from ear to ear, is a well disciplined Military that is governed and guided by Conservative principles.I am absolutely terrified of inaction. I do not want my family's life at the mercy of an ineptly weak is not the time for a "gutless leader", in any country but more so Great Britain, Canada, United States of America, Australia and France. Western Civilization and primitive Islam (just look at the way they dress and live) do not mix. It began with the Moores at the Straights of Gibraltar into Spain and Portugal. Had it not been for a strong moral Christian culture, although there was still room for adjustments, Islam would rule world wide, which today, is still their priority objective. What Canada's multicultural debacle created was an un-receding tide of non-traditional immigrants who brought their convoluted, 3rd world standard of life including an ideology that governs them through religion...everything that happens in life is by the grace or furry of Allah. Dying and/or causing death is the will of Allah and followers must not hesitate to perform which ever act they are brain washed to do in the name of Allah.Is it too late? I do not to be governed by a culture that stones it's women for "alleged improprieties" or for wanting something as simple as equality, I do not want to be governed by a culture that insists that the world must wake up and accept and "tolerate" a Terrorist religion that "wants to drive the Jews into the sea" wants us to believe that the holocaust is a myth.
I want a want a government that will cease selling out what's left of our tradition and culture and denounce the atrocities committed by Mohamed, Saladin, Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden not side with them.
If you think I'm demented in my perspective, hey maybe I am but at least I proved that even someone with dementia sees what's going on here, why does the Communist(and proud of it) New Democratic party and the Fascist Liberal party want Muslims to be self-governed by SHARIA LAW...their religious law? They actually think the population is that apathetic to care or too stupid to know the evil within that twisted ideology. This how fucking stupid liberals are, and I do apologize for the expletives but through my frustrated aggravation with liberalism the term is suitable, they want legally sanctioned gay marriage while at the same time they want to open the flood gates to an ideology that decapitates gays.
The flood gates were opened by Trudeau and his Liberal herd not as a benevolent outreach of refuge but for the VOTES.
If it wasn't for Steven Harper and the Conservative party this country would be an oversize asylum. But...there is room for improvement and it needs to start the moment "non-traditional" immigrants arrive. It begins with speaking ENGLISH and also an education as to the purpose of toilet paper...and it isn't packing for a catalyst that's saturated with flammables in an "IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE" or I.E.D.
Or is it too late? If this country gets another dose of Fascism we are doomed. WWIII commenced on the date of 9/11/2001 and what does our FUCKING STUPID PRIME MINISTER do???(Cretian)...blames the United States of America. What made the Liberals so powerful was because they financed the shit out the CBC otherwise known as the "Canadian Bullshit Correspondance" network. Do not believe the mainstream media...CBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS or Bloomeberg. A funny but fitting predicate to any of these "station call letters" is LSD-NBC or LSD-CBS or even METH-NBC etc. Either of these terms adds spark and colour to a good political conversation. The only NEWS cast that is pretty much factual is FOX NEWS.
Can somebody please prove me wrong with anything I've said? Does my perspective allow anyone to lable me prejudice?
It's the truth, I know that for many people the truth has been estranged from them which is why we need a majority Conservative's either soon or doom.

The Great Sage