SF teens learn lessons in love, tolerance at festI am profoundly perplexed. Yes my gracious worshipers for once in a blessed lifetime The Great Sage is devoid of comprehension. Elaboration would be impossible. If this was the "Roman Empire" it would collapse right now.
This is the twisted, morally bankrupt, ethically corrupt FUCKING STUPID PROGRESSIVE LEFT.
San Fran FAGGOTS. The rise of Sodom....Gomorrah is U. of C. Berkley. It's genetically inevitable, this culture will terminate it self.
The world, including this trash, feeds off Capitalism...the system they so much despise but yet so much depend upon...and they're oblivious to it. "EAT THE RICH" they cry and scream. "It's not fair". "I want what he has and just because I can't afford it doesn't mean I shouldn't be entitled to it". "I want a job but I don't want to work hard because I have a bad back". "I'd like to start work right away but I have 6 appointments in the next two weeks with my psychiatrist". "I can't start work right away because my girl friend needs help moving into her apartment but I can probably be ready in 2 weeks....call me back in two weeks"...(ummm, OK...do you know what work is kid?) These are just some of the excuses I've heard. The terminal future. It doesn't want to work it only cares about installing a fucking rubber when drunk.
Tolerance fest??????Just get these social pariah's wound up with cuts in entitlement funds. Yah then you'll see the height of tolerance. This is the same culture that sexually rapes it's female comrades while holed up in their disease ridden tent camps within the heart of cities world wide. The Rise of the Dummies..final act...where common sense could never prevail.
The Great Sage