U.S. troops posed with body parts of Afghan bombers - latimes.com I can't believe the liberal outrage regarding this non-issue. First off the taliban and al qaida have no compunction about hanging dead service men from a bridge or a rafter, they have no regard for the sanctity of life what fool would believe that they don't desecrate the bodies of real soldiers. This is war and war is not pretty. War is about killing the enemy and breaking things. It's about instilling fear into an enemy that is totally oblivious to the extent of the devastating power that could be unleashed by the Free World. It's about not about subjugation it's about submission. The West does not know how to fight a war anymore and it's frightening as our security has now diminished. The "rules of engagement" have handcuffed our troops and made targets out of them. Only Obama would come up with a medal for "courageous restraint"...a reward for not killing the enemy until he sneaks up on you in your sleep and even then you should permit the terrorist(s) to fire first or draw blood with his blade. Today's military is a joke and Canada has it's prize moments too. Look at what a french foreign national named cretian did with our Airborne in Somalia, disbanded it. These soldiers did nothing other than suffer from battle fatigue because an inadequate officer failed to recognize stressed out soldiers...like most government public sector workers there was a lack of work ethic and no commitment to the position they held; like most public sector workers they just want the pay and a pension.
What has society become? sex changes, same sex marriage, preaching queer lifestyles to our children, educational curriculum instructs school kids that being queer is normal, rewarding unproductive people with social entitlements, prey on the naive by scarring them into firmly believing that man is destroying the planet with SUV's, snowmobiles and chainsaws all of which are users of fossil fuel. The politically correct have transformed young boys into clueless totally lost little girls. Fighting in school or on the front lawn is strictly forbidden, the liberal left thinks that violence should not be the solution to violence, there is always a way to negotiate a peaceful ending...yes death is quite peaceful. Traditionally if their was a disagreement 2 guys duked it out one on one fair and square and when the loser got a broken nose it was over (or whatever). If there was ever a problem with a bully, and everybody everywhere has experienced a big mouth bully, you stood your ground and pounded him to a pulp until he said "uncle" or "I lose" and that was the end of Mr. Bully. Most often than not the bully also learned a very valuable lesson...the lesson being that maybe I better change my ways or one day I might end up dead. Today feuds are settled with weapons and/or gangs, it's total chaos.
The same mentality that is shooting off their lips about the horrific reality of war is the same mentality that has brought our culture to it's knees since the Conservative Right gave them equal rights. This is a perfect example of a reckless ideology negatively impacting Western society. It's time to take the keys away and send them back to their room. The left cannot be trusted to make a rational decision so why do we allow it. Prime example of left wing lunacy in the press was when NATO Soldiers were accused of "flushing korans down toilets"...I don't what kind of toilets these were because most toilets won't even flush 3squares of toilet paper, and people sucked it up.
Maybe if our soldiers put some heads on pikes or lined both sides of a highway with crucified corpses , some still screaming, then maybe the stupid islamic terrorists will see that the West isn't joking around anymore. We want our boys back home and this shit hole war to be over. The only way to win the war on islamic terror is to instill "TERROR" into the terrorists.
Send a queer to negotiate a peace deal with the caliphs, send jim loney.
The Great Sage