Sunday, April 29, 2012

Gruesome video: Assad's forces bury a man alive

Israel Matzav: Gruesome video: Assad's forces bury a man alive take a good look at the face of islam...take a good look at the "muslim brotherhood". If anybody thinks that the West is going to get out of this cultural conflict unscathed they're evidently oblivious to the historical paradigms that created this clash of civilizations. It's also evident that this same bunch, the liberal left or secular progressives, is totally ignorant to the contemptive attitude towards Western Civilization by islam.
If the muslim brotherhood had it's way the head exposed in this hole would be that of a "james loney" type of individual.
Canada and the United States of America should immediately cease all immigration agreements with arab/muslim states including the Caribbean and Latin America/Mexico as many muslim terrorists have already infiltrated these areas looking to recruit destitute operatives who have no future at all within the confines of their socialist/communist dictatorships.
Western culture is at a cross roads and it will be interesting to see just how far the left thinks it can go before it totally annihilates itself with it's apathy towards the greatest scourge of our time, terrorism. 
Iran right now is the instigator just as hitler's Germany was 6 years leading up to WWII. WWII was a war on the Jews and so too will this next war be a war on the Jews...just ask iran's "achmadimijad", aside from diseminating retoric denying the Holocaust he wants to drive Israel into the sea.
In 1936 the Persian Empire changed it's name to "iran" which in "farsi" means "ARIAN". iran honoured Charlie Chaplins retarded little brother "adolf hitler". It was iran that encouraged the nazi party (national socialist worker's party) to implement the "FINAL SOLLUTION" then marched the huns...throughout Europe and N. Africa and left 57million people dead in ten years.

The Great Sage 

Friday, April 27, 2012

[High Quality] Blue Angels - censored, no Van Halen Dreams - YouTube

[High Quality] Blue Angels - censored, no Van Halen Dreams - YouTube The joy of afterburners.
Hats off to thses guys.


Firms not prepared for climate change: report

Firms not prepared for climate change: report Who in their right mind would prepare for a hoax?...only an idiot.

I am ETC.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Scientist reverses himself about climate change, Al Gore! is the problem.

Alert: 'Gaia' scientist James Lovelock reverses himself: I was 'alarmist' about climate change & so was Gore! 'The problem is we don't know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago' | Climate Depot The Great Sage has always maintained the intellectual strata required to stand firm against idiocy and self destructive idealism. Unlike the many liberal progressives who get caught up in an  emotional wave about the evils of humanity a humanity misled by the Conservative Right, I have chosen to to stand with my Conservative Right Wing Counterparts. I, The Great Sage, have always considered Global Warming to be a hoax. Any "open eyed" citizen would see that this is a phony agenda meant to modify the instinctive behaviour of weak willed individuals. This is the "new religion" of the left..."gaia"??? The left wants     B I G  G O V E R N M E N T!!!!!!!it is totally dependent on a "collective" on the power of "US" not I. This is the "anti establishment crowd" of the New Millennium. The "stop global warming"/"occupy Wall Street crowd" misguided apparatchicks screaming for an end to Industry and Big Oil. They scream for an end to war and military even if it means implementing violence to get their point across...or leave a tub filled with excrement on the doors step of a bank.
The left is so infantile Oh and before I forget, anybody who finds entertainment in Jimmy Falon or Bill Maher for that matter is devoid of thinking total idiots these audiences laugh at anything and the same goes for President obama's brain dead sheep, they laugh at the most idiotic statements, obama thinks their jokes but to an educated individual these statements are nothing other than mindless drivol. And can somebody please explain this STUPID FUCKING COMMENT by falon, the comment re. the "prezzeee of the united steezzeee"...and his audience broke up over it???!!!!!!!!! This  BRAIN DEAD affliction is prevelant throughout the progressive left...the same left wing bunch that wants us to believe that "the earth has a temperature"(algore... pronounced like Igor).
Our economy is on life support...our cultural existence is due for it's "last rites" and China and India are blasting ahead. There is almost nothing left in respect to our traditional way of 1st world life. What is really perplexing is that this crowd actually thinks that once we've sunk into the abyss of 3rd world there will finally be a "green earth" and perpetual peace because the evil West has now imploded. FUCKING STUPID IDIOTS, THE ENTIRE LOT OF THEM. My questions to these idiots is this, do you expect China and India to clean up and shut down their industrial advance???Do you think BIG OIL is wiped out???Does the pollution generated by Western Civilization in the past 150years far exceed that of 3weeks of volcanic eruptions any where on the planet??

The Great Sage

Monday, April 23, 2012

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time Glad to see islam is the "religion of peace". Muslims wouldn't do that here....would they? It starts with a turbine in the RCMP and now they're in the House of Commons. Just wait until they out number us, they'll be our worst nightmare and only a fool thinks otherwise.

The Great Sage

ZUBRIN: Earth Day's dark side - Washington Times

ZUBRIN: Earth Day's dark side - Washington Times This says it all. Earth Day hypocrites.

I am ETC.

American Professors Gather in Tehran for Occupy Wall Street Conference | The Weekly Standard

American Professors Gather in Tehran for Occupy Wall Street Conference | The Weekly Standard This is fucking trash. Somebody please behead these idiots as there's nothing inside their hollow shell anyways.
Why didn't they protest Iran's sponsorship of terrorism while they were there???
ASSHOLES...and this shit teaches today's youth?

The Great Sage

North hurt by Harper's experimental farm cuts - Hughes

North hurt by Harper's experimental farm cuts - Hughes I'll just make this short and sweet...somebody please stuff a rag into this bitch's mouth. She's about as intelligent as a bag of all "new desperate proletariat's".

T H E   G R E A T    S A G E.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Black Hatred of Whites

Farrakhan Praises Pat Buchanan as a ‘Great Man’ & Warns Whites: ‘Unless You Change, Your End Has Come’ | Video | To quote many black "rap artists" "shut you mouth you dissn nigga".
Hey Calypso Louie why is it that all countries with black leaders, islamic, voodoo or otherwise, are classified as 3rd world? The United States of America is not a 3rd world country yet but obama sure did his best to bring it down. Canada was headed there but then Harper got rid of the liberal socialists and chained the ndp communists.
Farra"con" is an idiot and does nothing to help the image of blacks. Racism is alive and well thanks to non-Whites.

The Great Sage

Outrage against U.S. troops?

U.S. troops posed with body parts of Afghan bombers - I can't believe the liberal outrage regarding this non-issue. First off the taliban and al qaida have no compunction about hanging dead service men from a bridge or a rafter, they have no regard for the sanctity of life what fool would believe that they don't desecrate the bodies of real soldiers. This is war and war is not pretty. War is about killing the enemy and breaking things. It's about instilling fear into an enemy that is totally oblivious to the extent of the devastating power that could be unleashed by the Free World. It's about not about subjugation it's about submission. The West does not know how to fight a war anymore and it's frightening as our security has now diminished. The "rules of engagement" have handcuffed our troops and made targets out of them. Only Obama would come up with a medal for "courageous restraint"...a reward for not killing the enemy until he sneaks up on you in your sleep and even then you should permit the terrorist(s) to fire first or draw blood with his blade. Today's military is a joke and Canada has it's prize moments too. Look at what a french foreign national named cretian did with our Airborne in Somalia, disbanded it. These soldiers did nothing other than suffer from battle fatigue because an inadequate officer failed to recognize stressed out most government public sector workers there was a lack of work ethic and no commitment to the position they held; like most public sector workers they just want the pay and a pension.
What has society become? sex changes, same sex marriage, preaching queer lifestyles to our children, educational curriculum instructs school kids that being queer is normal, rewarding unproductive people with social entitlements, prey on the naive by scarring them into firmly believing that man is destroying the planet with SUV's, snowmobiles and chainsaws all of which are users of fossil fuel. The politically correct have transformed young boys into clueless totally lost little girls. Fighting in school or on the front lawn is strictly forbidden, the liberal left thinks that violence should not be the solution to violence, there is always a way to negotiate a peaceful ending...yes death is quite peaceful. Traditionally if their was a disagreement 2 guys duked it out one on one fair and square and when the loser got a broken nose it was over (or whatever). If there was ever a problem with a bully, and everybody everywhere has experienced a big mouth bully, you stood your ground and pounded him to a pulp until he said "uncle" or "I lose" and that was the end of Mr. Bully. Most often than not the bully also learned a very valuable lesson...the lesson being that maybe I better change my ways or one day I might end up dead. Today feuds are settled with weapons and/or gangs, it's total chaos.
The same mentality that is shooting off their lips about the horrific reality of war is the same mentality that has brought our culture to it's knees since the Conservative Right gave them equal rights. This is a perfect example of a reckless ideology negatively impacting Western society. It's time to take the keys away and send them back to their room. The left cannot be trusted to make a rational decision so why do we allow it. Prime example of left wing lunacy in the press was when NATO Soldiers were accused of "flushing korans down toilets"...I don't what kind of toilets these were because most toilets won't even flush 3squares of toilet paper, and people sucked it up.
Maybe if our soldiers put some heads on pikes or lined both sides of a highway with crucified corpses , some still screaming, then maybe the stupid islamic terrorists will see that the West isn't joking around anymore. We want our boys back home and this shit hole war to be over. The only way to win the war on islamic terror is to instill "TERROR" into the terrorists.
Send a queer to negotiate a peace deal with the caliphs, send jim loney.

The Great Sage

Funny Frank Sinatra Song - Strangers on my flight

Funny Frank Sinatra Song - Strangers on my flight This tune brings tears to my brown eye especially. God how I miss the "Chairman of the Board"

The Great Sage

Farewell to an Icon of our time

Farewell to the eternal teenager Dick Clark. Thanks for all the memories Dick your name will live forever. Many a weekend came to an end with "Band Stand". You always had a special place here as you were a Kodak image of my Uncle Archie from Edmonton Alberta.
All good things do come to an end...but...those good things are never forgotten.

Much regards and respect Dick


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Arab Spring an Islamic Ice Age

Why the Arab Spring Will Descend Into an Islamic Ice Age A year after the overthrow of  U.S. and Israeli ally Hosne Mubarak things have descended into hell. The arab spring, highly praised by that clueless idiot Obama, is a celebration of pig spawn. And if the reading public cares to do some research into the archives of the "Great Sage" they will find that the arab spring also drew support from a few clueless idiots, of the same caliber as Obama, who have contributed reckless psychobabble to this sacred and hallowed site. They made the standard rhetorical reference to the corrupt war mongering Conservative movement in the U.S. with respect to this coup being long overdue. The left praised the arab spring and the Right loathed it...the arab spring is the new face of radical islam, the arab spring is the "muslim brotherhood" they want to overthrow al qaida as to control muslims around the world...including Canada and America.
Canada must ensure that firearms are not permitted in the hands of muslim immigrants...ever. These tribal factions know nothing other than life with the trigger. The key to successful vigilance in the West is to never allow a muslim finger inside a trigger guard.

The Great Sage

Sault Ste. Marie News, Sports and Entertainment at

Sault Ste. Marie News, Sports and Entertainment at This news outlet is the most unprofessional tabloid in this part of the country. Not only does it butcher the English language but it also has a reputation for twisting the facts to a point where the reader is completely confused as to what the story is actually about.
Nothing but Conservative bias and disdain for the Right, which is typical of 95% of Canada's socialist media. Coverage of the "Hate Business", "Eat the Rich" occupy crowd was the final hork into the spittoon.
Why doesn't somebody develop some intellect at this "junk news" site and inform the readers with the report and we'll decide. Leave your interpretations out of the news please.
The next time you report on anything pertaining to the Indian tribes in this country maybe you can begin with a reminder to everybody that billions upon billions of $$$$ have been dished out to help these people only to have the funds mis-allocated (euphemism for stolen).

The Great |Sage

Monday, April 16, 2012

Unions have gone too far.

Rio Tinto workers challenge company in London This is the primary reason as to why unions have finally out lived their purpose. These sanctioned extortionists think they have rights to the companies management. Unions, like politicians and public sector workers, have no clue whatsoever in what it takes to manage and grow a company. Heed our advice and avoid matters that don't concern you. You have no business being in our business and just because the executive board whines out "boycott" don't think that the Private Sector will buckle. Left wing activist pressure is a template and it's behaviour is easily predicted...we already know that any response by the left is purely emotional and devoid of reason, logic and wit. So maybe in this case Rio-Tinto should have refused to "DONATE" the medals to the Olympics?
It's time the unions accept their fate and back off and respect the "Right to Work".

The Great Sage

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Israel nabs fly-in activists at airport

Israel nabs fly-in activists at airport This is typical of left wing activist welfare cases. They have no respect for themselves, the country they live in nor a country that willingly opens it's doors to friendly visitors. Who do these punks think they are that they can just walk into a country, Israel, and protest in support of an ISLAMIC TERRORIST STATE? Get the F _ _ K  OUT  NOW.
Why does this trash not go to Iran or Syria or Yemen to protest the enslavement of women and children. Why does the sanctimonious left not condemn the CHILD RAPE that is common practice with the "Religion of Peace", islam?... may the prophet lay with swine and multiply...maybe if these professional activists stamp their feet hard enough they'll convince the caliphs to permit I-Pods and Walkman head sets.
It perplexes me as to how people can be this fucking retarded and still be given the right to vote. This is the age of disrespect and total uselessness.

The Great Sage

Friday, April 13, 2012

Stay tuned

Coming soon will be an article with respect to the genetic defects that plague the liberal left. I know many of you faithful worshipers are wondering how I'm going to present the truth in such a manner that has only a slight impact on the self esteem of liberal misfits. I plan on using a number of euphemisms for example, rather than come right out and say that the corporate tax should be lowered I'll suggest an increase in "allowances" afterall the majority of left wing socialists rely on some type of allowance whether it be from stressed out parents, welfare or disability, from mental stress due to hard work. And to avoid using the term mandatory military conscription I'll say something like "everybody gets involved in group think and exercise, the fifteen mile run will be a daily fund raising marathon to stop the "KILLING" of baby seals and to supply more condoms to queer needle junkies...or...the terms of your conscription may require one to take arms against an establishment that thinks queers should be killed, beheaded or both. So you see my loyal subjects, through wit and savvy and maybe a little bit of a ruse the Great Sage is prepared to calm the emotional masses, either way political correctness has to be buried along with the media in this country. We must start over and be guided by instinct not emotions. The problem is many serfs have lost their instincts and are dependant on big government.
There will be much to communicate and the truth stings because many have been living the lie that was propagated by liberal elitists.
Why is it that a higher number of successful people and with a higher aptitude are Conservative Right as compared to social dependants being left wing liberals with a low aptitude? I'm just curious...maybe somebody has an answer?

The Great Sage

Five survivors of Doolittle Tokyo Raiders recall daring sortie - Washington Times

Five survivors of Doolittle Tokyo Raiders recall daring sortie - Washington Times Ahh yes, the "good ol days", when men were real men...they were the role models of the future...they were "The Greatest Generation that ever lived" and the men of the "Great War(s) Era" are the reason why China is what it is today. China has also spit in our face by supporting N. Korea, Iran and Syria. No doubt the chi-comms were assisting the rogue state of N. Korea in the failed attempt at intimidating the world with the launch of that oversize firecracker they thought was a missile. When the Doolittle Raiders hit Japan the world new that it was just a matter of time before the psychological impact of forcefull austerity was going to wear down a major component in the Axis of Evil. Now the Japs were within range and the protection provided by their isolation was breached. When the Doolittle Raiders left the deck of the USS Hornet it was the first time ever that B25 Bombers were launched in such a manner. Every one of these "MEN" contemplated their destiny as they stared at their own mortality...right from the takeoff to the crash landings in foreign land. They new that they were going to crash but committed themselves anyway. Theirs was a purpose, the purpose being the preservation of freedom. "Never was so much owed to so few by so many" (Winston Churchill).
And now look at where we are today. Socialists, Communists and social misfits from the left. Many good men gave everything to protect and preserve Western Civilization and now today we are at the stage where we are going to be destroyed from within...destroyed by the very system that so many had died for. Look what too much compassion has done. Within the next ten years 40% of Western population will be muslim.

The Great Sage

North Korea Fires Test Missile...Obama plays with water gun

North Korea Fires Test Missile Into Ocean – White House Tweets a Water Fight | The Gateway Pundit Please please November hurry up so this over grown infant can get thrown out of the White House.
This charlatan is the poster child of the left. There isn't a bunch more useless than left wing liberals. If voting was restricted to those who are employed in the Private Sector then things would be different. If you don't support the country you live in then you shouldn't have the right to elect a leader. It's a disgrace how parasites are permitted to's only obvious they're going to vote for the party that doles out the most welfare. This should sit well with the welfare socialists who like to condemn the Great Sage for his wisdom and logic.

The Great Sage

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Chicago homicides soar

Chicago homicides soar in first quarter of 2012 compared with a year earlier - chicagotribune.comWhat isn't mentioned is the fact that the overwhelming majority of these shootings are "black on black", "black on Latino" or "Latino on Latino".  Toronto has the same problem with black Jamaican gangs. As the gang leaders themselves say "you gonna die nigga". Ahhh what the hell blame the White Man.

The Great Sage

Shocking Audio: New Black Panthers Chairman Shabazz Building an Army Of Blacks 'To Kill'

Shocking Audio: New Black Panthers Chairman Shabazz Building an Army Of Blacks 'To Kill'This is the true face of the criminal Black race. Let's see how many idiots take this out of context?
If this was the White community all hell would break lose but seeing how this is the radical black community it's quite acceptable and within the boundary of leftist group think protocol...regardless of what side of the border they're on.
As far as I'm concerned chairman "sheep buzz" can sit in front of my sights any day.

The Great Sage

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Media Matters' Un-American Assault on Limbaugh

Media Matters' Un-American Assault on Limbaugh Media Matters (MM)is as insignificant as the CBC or CTV. This is an intellectually deprived organization with financial backing from the likes of the NAZI supporter George Sorros. MM also enjoys financial aid from liberal treasonists affiliated with hollywood and the lunatic elite that is so far left that dyslexia is a prevelant affliction throughout the ideological tribes. Some of these tribes are very well known like the NAACP, ACORN, SIU, 97% of the Democratic Party, the entire Obama Administration including Michelle "My Bell" Obama, the Teamster Union, United Steelworkers Union, Black Panthers, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. Absolute lunatics and enemies of not only America but of humanity in general are "Calypso" Louie Farakhan and Chris Rock. And these are the freaks that want to run the world's most powerful country? YA RIGHT.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is here to stay regardless of what  left wing lunatics want to say.

The Great Sage is honored and pleased to publicize his support for the Great El Rushbo..."dittos" Rush.

The Great Sage 

James Cameron: The Titanic is Like Climate Change or Something | Jammie Wearing Fools

James Cameron: The Titanic is Like Climate Change or Something | Jammie Wearing FoolsJames Cameron is, like David Suzuki, a complete FOOL!!!! How these idiots gets away with speaking as they do is beyond reason. Controlling arrogance and some people are sucked right in. And the left wonders why they're not taken seriously other than by others on the left...after all communist/socialists do stick together, a giant quagmire of stupidity if you will.

The Great Sage


#/video/crime/2012/04/09/tsr-sylvester-man-beaten-baltimore.cnn Guaranteed this doesn't qualify as a "HATE" crime...the victim is White therefore hatred is permitted. Imagine the shit if the guy was smart enough to have been armed with a 40cal. semi-auto handgun. It will be very interesting to see what the Zimmerman/Martin case reveals and then, hopefully, black hatred will subside, I doubt that it will ever cease. Given the substantial number of Blacks that are totally reliant on government handouts (which includes public sector employment) there will always be a hateful envy towards Whites...which by the way has led to some pretty nifty terms such as, Pink Scum, White Slime, Cracker, Shaved Pig, Whitey and whatever else they can come up with.
In a world of equal treatment the White Man is excluded...only because we allow it...right now.

The Great Sage 

Monday, April 09, 2012

École Polytechnique massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

École Polytechnique massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Just a little something else that the left wing liberal media has left out...Lepine originated from the loins of a muslim algerian, whose social climate was adverse to women...and Lepine himself had a hatred (inherent) towards women thus leading to absolutely asinine firearm legislation. Rather than regulate the firearms we should be regulating muslims.
Scrap the gun law...ban muslims from owning guns.

T H E   G R E A T    S A G E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


 Given the anniversary of Vimy Ridge and Canada's role in one of the most important victories of an ugly world war it is only fitting that a tribute to the battered heros of that war be aired for the world to see. The Military Channel, broadcast on U.S. satellite providers, put together an excellent 6part documentary, in colour I must add, compiled from researching world wide archives for never before seen film footage of a profoundly historic event in human history. This was a war where "over the top boys" meant prepare to die. The interviews with the remaining soldiers some born in 1898 was entriguing and humbling.
Enough cannot be said about the forgotten hereos of the First World War...The First "Great War" for anything I could say would be inadequate...anything not said would be criminal disrespect therefore I say to the soldiers and their families as well as the collateral population that suffered from war itself...I salute you...and God Speed.

The Great Sage

Murder falsely touted as "hate crime"

Police looking at daughter in Shaima Alawadi murder falsely touted as "hate crime" - Jihad Watch Well this is quite simple...heed your own words and get the F _ _ K out of America....well your family anyways as I guess by the looks of things you're paying for the murder of your mother, you know, the same mother that you said was killed by "TERRORISTS", something you claim not to be but all indicator's point to the contrary.
A lot of good White Christians took heat because of this violent episode and these subjects should be forced to pay the price.
Just as a note to my worthy and faithful followers...due to a very heavy work load The Great Sage has been very restricted for time, however, it is my promise that your sufferage will soon be at an end.

The Great Sage

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Rocket fired on Israel...again.

PM on Eilat rocket: We can never ... JPost - Diplomacy & PoliticsRetaliation by Israel is justified. They must respond with overwhelming and decisive force. They are completely within the parameters of  all ethical boundaries. Public outcry and inevitable condemnation by the world community is nothing other than repeated rhetoric or sanctimonious gibberish. Where is the media in this one??? It is guaranteed that sympathy for the muslim terrorists will be broadcast on every network when Israel strikes back though, and they'll paint Israel as an Ogre with a sledge hammer hitting a mouse. This is the same left wing liberal  media that the public trusts for their information...instead they get fed a dogmatic  ideology. The world is at a cross roads with islam. A vile ideology that promotes violence towards women and children and's a belief that justifies the slitting of one's throat in public...islam calls for the stoning of women for any form of indiscretion, yet the media will not inform the masses. The media sympathizes with muslim terrorists. Why doesn't the media inform the public as to islam's position on queers and what would've happened to james "fake" loney from Sault Ste. Marie Canada had he informed his loving islamic captor's (shot by Coalition Forces to free loney and his fellow queers)of his abnormality...that he was queer.
The media is dangerous and people are becoming very complacent and definitely more ignorant. Canada and the entire West must cut off all non-traditional immigrants or else we are soon to be overrun. We'll be fighting for OUR homeland. History proves that arab muslims do not get along. Canada WILL one day be faced with internal factions whose intention it is to generate civil unrest by committing horrendous acts of TERROR....does anybody remember the FLQ?
The Great Sage