A what the hell, with all the serious and mildly suicidal events transpiring throughout the world, now would be a good time to lighten up and have a good well deserved laugh at some of the politicians, their actions and failed intentions, in today's political arena.
We'll begin with TTTTTony Martin. Here's a guy that thinks communism is the best thing since the Berlin Wall. His mandate is to steal as much money from the Private Sector as possible. His position is that the Conservatives are doing nothing to help the unfortunate. There's way too many people living in poverty and he wants something done about it...when asked about his position on the "War on Poverty" Martin replied "ddduhh I think the War on Poverty is a disgrace. This is proof that the conservative government, under Stephan Harper, and his Private Sector cronies, are ruthless. The War on Poverty must end as the POOR have enough problems of their own". OK Mr. T thank you for that very very intelligent comment.
Now let's hear from a Socialist Liberal who, if he doesn't get a hold of a good plastic surgeon is going to need a splint for his jowls and eye brows. Here's a phony but well intentioned (as that is all that matters with liberals regardless of the failure rates and %'s of good intentions) liberal socialist-fascist that can't think for himself...he needs an New Desperate Proletariat (NDP) to flick his switch. His big deal is the moment the BLOC (treasonist)or NDP want to force an election due to fiscal cuts and much needed monetary responsibility and measures of austerity, he puts his face into the camera and before he spits all over the place with his uncontrollable salivating over obtaining power in a land of which he isn't even a patron calls Harper and the Conservatives bad and divisive for the country and it's time for an election. Mr Ignatieff, I think is a "Flat Earther". Jesus Murphy I'm trying to be funny but the truth gets in the way. "Streng Verbotten" anyone? This guy is evil and if he gets a majority government Canada is finished. You cannot confiscate hard earned money and redistribute it to those who are worthless and unproductive. You can not keep imposing useless regulation and increasing taxes on the Private Sector and continue thinking that employment will sustain or increase thus maintaining a healthy economy.
The guy is a nut and anybody that votes Liberal is suffering from a "mental disorder".
Let's see what else...oh yeh, to the south of us in the Land of the free...and phony liberals, Obama's teleprompters are demanding collective bargaining rights.
A remnant of the Japanese Tsunami hit Hawaii and washed away Obama's birth certificate cooling that heated argument...or is his birth certificate still in Kenya?
Michael Moore AKA the Hamburgler, stuck his fat disposition into the Wisconsin Union battle and said that as long as there is someone with money there will always be somebody to shakedown...shit this guy learned from Tony Martin.
Oh yeh here's a different one...Libya's Mommar Ghadaffy(duck)called Canadian socialism a model system worthy of emulating as it connotes Islamic traditions...yeh that's because we have completely messed up idiots pushing for Sharia Law here in the "True North Strong and Free". Canistan anyone???
Rumour has it that the Taliban and Al Qaida are becoming a somewhat of a phylanthropical organization. They have approached Tony Martin and Gilles Duceppe with the idea of an "off with their heads scholarship" program for aspiring young extremists mostly located in Toronto and Winnipeg...well isn't that "touching" so to speak (with a blade).
Finally we have this...totally wacked out liberals around the world are confused as to why Wiki Leaks hasn't implicated one of America's greatest presidents, George W Bush, for stealing Iraqi oil.
Well that's it for now but in closing I would like to inform the good readers as to how to frustrate a liberal; tell him or her that 2 comes before three but...it also comes after 1.
The Grated Sage