To set the Record Straight.
In accordance with journalistic etiquette, which is widely lacking today among 95% of the Media outlets, I feel that it's once again time to clarify my pragmatic perspective and political Ideology...both of which have not changed since I gave up being a liberal 19 years ago. First off let me state that there is ZERO TOLERANCE for incendiary hatred towards any culture, race or religion. Never will my entries contain any critical defamation towards any of the aforementioned. The Great Sage does not disseminate any racial or cultural prejudice so therefore I will not permit it in the rebuttals. There is no room for intolerance. Those who refuse to tolerate assimilation should return to their home land. Hatred must be done away with. Canada's (as well as USA) immigrants must learn that hatred of another sect or religion (such as Jewish)was/is a disease that must stay in their land of origin and not brought over here. All new immigrants must realize that their law's and adherence's differ from ours and that Canadian (or U.S.) law will not change without procedure.And to anybody, immigrant or citizen, if we can't see your face then no driver's license.As for my position on firearms. I believe in an armed citizenry. In an armed society the only people who end up shot and killed are those who deserve it. Any recent immigrant, until here for 15years with no criminal record, will be permitted to own a firearm. Everybody knows what the Middle East is like we don't need those people coming over here and then owning weapons. If any person has committed an offence with a firearm it will be 15years min. prison time with no parole. Murder with a weapon including a firearm will be capital punishment.Any murder while in the commission of a robbery or rape will warrant death penalty Treason or serious act of betrayal will warrant death penalty but only in a Military Court.In the event of a crime that leaves victims behind it will be the duty of those victims, if they wish the death penalty upon perpetrator of murder, to pull the lever or trigger. In any death penalty case that leaves personal victims behind it should be the duty of the victims and not an executioner. Nobody should have to take another man's life...granted there are times when individuals truly deserve it and maybe it wouldn't be that hard of a job to do.
My political agenda also includes absolutely no funding for media outlets, CBC,CTV radio and TV are on their own.
Privatization of infrastructure. Everything is contracted out from garbage pick-up and disposal to city works projects. Even our snow plowing is going private.
Mandatory 2years Military service for those fresh out of school. If one chooses to quit school at 16YoA then they will automatically do 4years of service, if one quits at 17YoA then 3years of service will be required.
Social entitlements are available only after weekly public service is performed. If one is short of a trade or diploma mandatory schooling applies.
This is just the short of it. Overall my agenda and platform have remained consistent with not so much as even a slight deviation. The Great Sage remains firm and resolute and committed to perspective excellence. Never will this site be stained with the filthy grime of Hate and Prejudice. People deserve only the TRUTH and this is the "RIGHT" place as this site is for the TRUTH only.
The Great Sage
My political agenda also includes absolutely no funding for media outlets, CBC,CTV radio and TV are on their own.
Privatization of infrastructure. Everything is contracted out from garbage pick-up and disposal to city works projects. Even our snow plowing is going private.
Mandatory 2years Military service for those fresh out of school. If one chooses to quit school at 16YoA then they will automatically do 4years of service, if one quits at 17YoA then 3years of service will be required.
Social entitlements are available only after weekly public service is performed. If one is short of a trade or diploma mandatory schooling applies.
This is just the short of it. Overall my agenda and platform have remained consistent with not so much as even a slight deviation. The Great Sage remains firm and resolute and committed to perspective excellence. Never will this site be stained with the filthy grime of Hate and Prejudice. People deserve only the TRUTH and this is the "RIGHT" place as this site is for the TRUTH only.
The Great Sage