Saturday, May 28, 2011

To set the Record Straight.

In accordance with journalistic etiquette, which is widely lacking today among 95% of the Media outlets, I feel that it's once again time to clarify my pragmatic perspective and political Ideology...both of which have not changed since I gave up being a liberal 19 years ago. First off let me state that there is ZERO TOLERANCE for incendiary hatred towards any culture, race or religion. Never will my entries contain any critical defamation towards any of the aforementioned. The Great Sage does not disseminate any racial or cultural prejudice so therefore I will not permit it in the rebuttals. There is no room for intolerance. Those who refuse to tolerate assimilation should return to their home land. Hatred must be done away with. Canada's (as well as USA) immigrants must learn that hatred of another sect or religion (such as Jewish)was/is a disease that must stay in their land of origin and not brought over here. All new immigrants must realize that their law's and adherence's differ from ours and that Canadian (or U.S.) law will not change without procedure.And to anybody, immigrant or citizen, if we can't see your face then no driver's license.As for my position on firearms. I believe in an armed citizenry. In an armed society the only people who end up shot and killed are those who deserve it. Any recent immigrant, until here for 15years with no criminal record, will be permitted to own a firearm. Everybody knows what the Middle East is like we don't need those people coming over here and then owning weapons. If any person has committed an offence with a firearm it will be 15years min. prison time with no parole. Murder with a weapon including a firearm will be capital punishment.Any murder while in the commission of a robbery or rape will warrant death penalty Treason or serious act of betrayal will warrant death penalty but only in a Military Court.In the event of a crime that leaves victims behind it will be the duty of those victims, if they wish the death penalty upon perpetrator of murder, to pull the lever or trigger. In any death penalty case that leaves personal victims behind it should be the duty of the victims and not an executioner. Nobody should have to take another man's life...granted there are times when individuals truly deserve it and maybe it wouldn't be that hard of a job to do.
My political agenda also includes absolutely no funding for media outlets, CBC,CTV radio and TV are on their own.
Privatization of infrastructure. Everything is contracted out from garbage pick-up and disposal to city works projects. Even our snow plowing is going private.
Mandatory 2years Military service for those fresh out of school. If one chooses to quit school at 16YoA then they will automatically do 4years of service, if one quits at 17YoA then 3years of service will be required.
Social entitlements are available only after weekly public service is performed. If one is short of a trade or diploma mandatory schooling applies.

This is just the short of it. Overall my agenda and platform have remained consistent with not so much as even a slight deviation. The Great Sage remains firm and resolute and committed to perspective excellence. Never will this site be stained with the filthy grime of Hate and Prejudice. People deserve only the TRUTH and this is the "RIGHT" place as this site is for the TRUTH only.

The Great Sage

Friday, May 27, 2011

Facebook page calls for beating Saudi women drivers

Facebook page calls for beating Saudi women drivers
Now this is what I call a progressive society. Just wait for the "Arab Spring" to prove itself for what it really is. These women wont be beat with a
3ft head band they'll be going to the soccer stadiums and used as AK47 target 2ft away. Have any of the faithful readers here noticed how they "dispatch" the women in these arena''s actually quite unique. The manly muslim, in the name of allah, points the barrel of his weapon, from about a foot away,12inches for all you liberals, from the head of the burquarized female abomination and gently squeezes the trigger. Lead is later recovered from dirt as to be used in suicide vests.

This is the culture that the West is supposed to accept and tolerate? Are we supposed to learn something maybe on how to treat our women? If that's the case let's get the women off the road right now and get them back into the kitchen...once they learn how to cook. Oh and when do we start with the beatings or should I say "life" lessons? I guess while were at it we may as well look for a few more wives or concubines. Shit I guess that neighborhood pig roast is off. Anyhow here's another good "cut and paste" for the idiots who don't realize news comes from sources other than one's own eyes.

I am ETC.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Allahu Akbar Again

Allahu AkbarThe Left Wing media spins this to make it appear as though "the poor fellow must have been looking for the bathroom". This is beginning to be quite repetitious yet it still hasn't penetrated the minds of Liberal sheep. One day...One day. Hey Canada's already had a beheading on a Greyhound Bus and when it was requested of the media as to why they would not inform the public of the fact that this guy was or was not a "MUSLIM" and just to clarify the bewilderment they avoided the subject all together...why? If the guy wasn't an Islamic fanatic the media would have made that very clear. Their avoidance of this issue is "clarification" enough. The door to this country is wide open to the "non traditional immigrant"...usually from a somewhat primitive culture that is foreign to progress and technology other than adapting cell phones to a stash of explosives...I.E.D. . This terrorist shit is 100% Muslim. That's not to say that 100% of Muslims are terrorists but rather 100% of terrorists ARE MUSLIM.
Nobody can deny what's happening here...or worldwide.I am ETC.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just another Alluha Akbar moment

Mohammad is God's apostle. "Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another". Quran 48:29. I would just like some clarification here. I, The Great Sage... am, the odd time, perplexed with some issues and at time do seek clarification before I structure my pragmatic comment. Now I am totally lost as to what this phrase implies or infers'. Does it call for a sect or faction to actually do harm unto another person(s) outside of that sect or faction? Does the Author of this blessed comment realize that stupid or mentally deficient persons could be influenced and/or inspired just by virtue of the fact that it's a holy precept? Or should this integral component of culture be tolerated and understood? Or maybe I'm reading it wrong. Are the devotees of Islam really referring to themselves as RUTHLESS...or are they subliminally implying that they are peace loving phylanthropists looking to lend any Rabbi a helping hand?...mind you ...that isn't gripping the detonation trigger of an IED. And this is a quote directly out of "their" holy book. Should people who have had their behaviour modified through violent means be permitted to enter and later immigrate or seek refuge in our country? Would a person be justified in being suspicious of anybody who believed that they are obligated to such tenets? And what's this "merciful to one another"? Lend a hand to those who are in "YOUR" image only? The Great Sage has the answer, I'm going as far to say that the answer to the world wide scourge of TERRORISM is a group hug with a kum-by-ya moment. This will PROVE!!!to the TERRORISTS that they are loved and that we consider them superior...then, and only then will there be world wide peace...and women with covered faces, no toilet paper...only dog bones with rags, no stereo or t.v. . and everything else that a regressive primitive tribal society has to offer.
Can somebody please pick out the racial slurs and allusions along with all the lies that I've managed to slide in.? Can sombody please tell me where I am wrong? Or should I just be like the Left, turn my head and disregard the Alluha Akbar moment
and keep pluggin away?

The Great Sage

Monday, May 09, 2011

Naming Your Baby the Muslim Way

Naming Your Baby the Muslim WayI see nothing wrong with labeling our new born with names like Katusha, Ballistic or hows about Hellfire...after all these are great missile names.Leave it to the "Religion or Peace" to come with such great names as is illustrated here. Ya right this is what we let into our country? The only reason nobody in Canada hears about this "pig slime" filth is because of the CRTC and liberalism. Hopefully that is going to change real quick. Oh but don't worry we'll keep you informed "RIGHT" here.Now where the hell did my "dog" 50 Caliber go this time. Oh I know he's probably over at "Our Lady of Mount Shrapnel Church" relieving himself on the genuflection rugs. I hope Mustafa and Said' don't mind. Hey Muhammad you wouldn't happen to have a spare ammo belt would you? You see it's "Death to the Infidel" week and we're going to be firing a lot of rounds into the air and I don't want to run out...praise be to Allah..."Taliban" Jack Layton and Dalton McGuinty for helping with the application to hold our pubic er excuse me public demon..stration. The next mission, praise be to allah, is to have toilet paper banned from all pubic, shit there I go again, public latrines. As stipulated by the great prophet himself and the Ayatolla, Allah's servents must not touch themselves after expelling internal contents unless it is with a bone of no less than one quarter cubit or with water hose. Hey how about a hose filled with gasoline? Hey have any of you desert dwellers tried to light your Cuban's with "NAPALM" yet? In closing I think it is only appropriate that we end with an "Ode to UBL".
Usama Usama your jihad is now lost, your multi million $ cave was invaded at great cost. The world knows you're a hero for real could you not have thrown two wives in front of the SEAL's? You were brave and somber and had a way with suicide bombers, you inspired the poor to give up their life, if only Usama you could have thrown in front another wife. It took ten years after 9/11 but there you are now with 72 virgins in heaven. Far from Mecca did you bleed you are now in the sea for the fish to feed. Next!!!!

The Great Sage

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Let's have serious look at this.

As Japanese workers stuff news papers into damaged nuclear reactor to stop toxic leakage, questions arise if stuffing nuclear reactor into Canada's Globe and Mail might bring similar beneficial results. (Check out front page of "The Telegraph". It's dated May 5th 2011 as Japan is one day ahead of EDST).
This would be a definite way to rid the country of corrosive, propagated anti-matter. This liberal rag that refers to itself as a media source had people believing the New Desperate Proletariat (NDP)was the next ruling wave, blessed by Lenin and Marx themselves, and that Harper was on his way out due to his political malfeasance.

The Great Sage

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Advice for the Left Wing

Now that Canada has finally got what it so desperately needed, a functioning government, it's time for the Liberal and New Desperate Proletariat (NDP) to sit back, shut up and maybe contemplate the following: realize that the May Day celebration was only a dream. Your pseudo-Russian revolution will have to wait. It's time you began to deal with reality. You'll have to prepare yourself for the harsh words of working friends and relatives that you only see around your birthday.
Save your drunken rantings about the failure of Capitalism for your out of work artist buddies or university "trained" socio-philosopher grads that couldn't change a flat tire. Create a simple budget. Most post-election blues suffered by socialists are the result of the fact that there won't be a government funding program to pay for debts incurred leading to major depression. 95% of left wing agitators depend on their family for handouts, failing that they look towards a government job otherwise known as welfare. But just to mitigate the withdrawal of the fall of socialism you can always go down to the local book store and drum up enough material to create some meaningless agitprop's for your futile "Support Communism Demonstration"...given that a permit is needed for a public gathering I think you should be OK given that the criteria is a group of 6 or more to meet that requirement. Maybe try wearing something other than Red or Orange. Occasionally, put on a Blue's OK...millions of people all around the world, where socio-communism has failed, or fascism was beat into the ground, do it every day. If Post Election Depression is taking it's toll maybe you should hunt down a Capitalist doctor to suggest a remedy so as to not interfere with daily activities like sleeping or binge drinking.
Drop the holier than thou attitude. Not everyone you meet is going to agree with your socialist communist backwards ideology. That only worked when you were sucking up to your university professor or Toni Martin. Your snide "collectivist" remarks generate hope and change only with those who hope there is more change in the public welfare coffers.
I hope this little offering transforms your (May) day into somewhat of a more tolerable day. You'll get over it if you wear a BLUE SWEATER to bed at night for the next 4 months. Hey look at it this way at least our GUNS ARE SAFE.


The Great Sage.

Monday, May 02, 2011

One dead terrorist...GERONIMO

What will Taliban Jack Layton do now that his soul brother has a severe headache.
I must admit even I the Great Sage am humbled by the manner in which a talented member of the U.S. Navy SEAL Team dispatched Usama bin Laden into paradise with a precision eye shot. Hey UbL how many virgins do you have around you? Forget paradise may you rot in hell along with Hitler.

Job well done United States Military.
P.S. thanks to George W. Bush for implementing the groundwork for this strategy...and thanks to the operatives at GITMO (Guantanamo) for water boarding the shit out of the terrorist who finally gave up the info. leading to the hit on bin Laden. And thanks to Barack Obama for leaving the Bush strategy in place.

The GReat Sage