Friday, September 28, 2012

Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube

Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube I feel sorry for all of us is if the charlatan manchild gets back into office. Obama breeds losers

The Great Sage

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time This sums it all up..."The religion of piece"...take a tank filled with pig blood and drop it on islamabad...then damascus, and then all of iran.
I am sick of queers and muslims as both of those ideologies are destroying the West.

The Great Sage is getting greater.

A word to rioting Muslims - YouTube

A word to rioting Muslims - YouTube No buddy does it like Pat Condell.

I am ETC.

The Globe and Mail Muslim child murderers

Allegedly abused Alberta girl dies after bid to keep her on life support rejected - The Globe and Mail I am absolutely sick and tired of the muslim swine that permeates our culture. Cut the refugee payments and cut off welfare to these barbarians. The only thing the Canadian tax payer should be paying for is the boat ride back to pakistan, iran, syria or any other stan country. And the now deceased "Taliban" Jack Layton was pushing for sharia law for muslims in Canada. It was bad enough that some idiot at the cbc, in maintaining the spirit of multiculuralism, superimposed the program " a little musk" on the prairie, onto  television screens all across the country...puke.
Please, would all queers and muslims report to the dock in Nova Scotia, and after the slaughter load yourselves onto the first life raft heading for Africa.

The Great Sage

Friday, September 21, 2012

If stupidity could be flushed into a sceptic tank this planet would have less idiots...pretty much the entire left wing gaggle of wingless geese, but not all at once due to blockage of the system.
If that idiot in the White House gets reelected the United States of America is finished. I am almost certain now that obama is out to destroy his own country. al qaida is ramping up and the taliban has yet to be defeated and what does this idiot do??? military cuts and no economy. And 47% of the population dependant on government for an income.
Anybody who supports a brain dead liberal is themselves brain dead.

The Great Sage

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Obama...a failed presidency

With the recent 9/11 attacks on the U.S. embassy in Lybia it is evident that Obama and his administration are more than fact they are the example of a failed office of the U.S. presidency.
Obama, the manchild messiah, convinced the simple minded that not only would he part the waters and cool the climate but he was also going to make peace with islamic pigs intent on killing Westerners. He's a joke and only the wise are aware and in tune to his inadequacy.
Mitt Romney was absolutely correct when he stated that 47% of the population are dependant on government and that he won't get their vote. It's not that he implied that he doesn't care for those same people rather he doesn't care about the fact that they will not vote for a successful business man.
I will keep this short as I must return to my duties as an employer however, I do wish to state that the media coverage by the left is farcical at best and a joke at least...and this goes for the people that follow the left wing lunatic media....NBC/LSD, CNN, BBC, CBC, CBS, ABC...PATHETIC.

The Great Sage

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Muslim barbarism

Mitt Romney had every right to condemn the killing of U.S. envoy Christopher Stevens in Libya this week and with that the condemnation of a useless president. Obama is a muslim sympathizer who is bent on destroying his own country...and the left wing media is right along side with him.
This killing, an attack on the anniversary date of 9/11, was well planned and the argument that some fictitious anti-islamic movie sparked this atrocity is a joke.
FUCK islam, FUCK the prophet and FUCK the caliphate. islam is comprised of barbaric pig fuckers with no contribution to humanity.
Obama you are useless. To the left wing phony media, you are the enemy collaborating with muslim terrorists. And Hillary Clinton you are also a flake.
The Great Sage

Get out of the middle east with the support of Israel the exception and leave with a bang...nuclear bang.