Let's see if this one sinks in. I realize the pathetic Left is without the ability to understand facts and logic but maybe, just maybe somebody will finally understand the defective mechanics of SOCIALISM.
First off let me state that I have no use for Fascism, Communism or Socialism. Nor do I wish to form a relationship with those who think in line of these demented ideologies. In Canada, at least since the "comrade" Trudeau days, we have witnessed the decay of a once great society all in the name of multiculturalism, fairness, political correctness and socio-communism. This frozen rock has become a haven for everything anti-freedom...which is exactly what socialism is. Here we have liberal socialists and ndp fascists. Oh and there's the freakish clan of "greenies" who think that by cripling all progress and plunging the country back into the "Dark Ages" we'll clean up the planet...excuse me while I empty out my stomach contents. Hey have any of you green freaks ever heard of an active volcano??? Pardon me I digress.
Socialism took true root in Germany after the collapse of the Wiemar Republic, which at the time was nothing more than a big party after the Armistice in 1918 using money borrowed from the United States.
The National Socialist German Worker's Party may not ring a bell but when referred to by it's proper name, The NAZI party, there is an air of evil familiarity that even left wing lunatics cannot cover up. For those who have been paying attention to Canada's history (which really isn't much) there was once an inadequate hippy type of french nationale who wanted Quebec to have it's rightful place in controlling this country...this nationale was known to Canadians as Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Inspired by France's Charles De Gaul, who was himself driven from France by Hitler, the hippy Prime Minister, who self admittedly was ignorant in economics, clandestinely supported separatism which was only to show an alliance to Charles De Gaul and the "mother land" France. Again socialism. The problem with Trudeau's Marxist ideology was it caused the FLQ to go over board in their demands for separation.
Socialism is a flawed means of governance. The main problem with socialism is at some point in time the government runs out of everyone else's money. Other problems include neutral growth, zero incentive and eventually negative impact on the environment with the collapse of infrastructure. Socialism operates on the ostensible premise of benevolence...fairness. It's time everybody got clued in here...nowhere is it written in the Bible, Koran, Tora, The Pagan manifesto, Greek Mythology or the Geek pan handlers manual that LIFE IS GOING TO BE FAIR. Fair means one thing, somebody wants half of what you or I have but do not wish to work for it. When a politician constantly uses the word "FAIR" I tune out as it only means the guy talking knows absolutely fuck all about how he/she is going to fix a situation..usally an economic situation. It's not FAIR that the Rich and Wealthy have whatever they busted their asses for; all assetts should be FAIRLY dissected and redistributed to those who didn't wish to make anything of themselves, save and except those who are/were disadvantaged due to a disability or cultural background from whence they originated such as refugees from elsewhere in the world where all things were evil...even the farming conditions.
It's time to separate ourselves from this destructive anomaly known as S O S I A L I S M.
Why do we insist on perpetuating hitler's philosophy of life by maintaining a socialist system? During the days of Germany's mad-man multiple sects of people were persecuted because of their religion, party and fraternal affiliation's, sexual orientation (queers) and cultural back ground, shit, men were summarily punished just because of the fact they were circumcised...just as a point of interest the gestapo would, upon raiding small town or big city neighborhoods at 3:00am, order the men to drop their underwear in order to reveal their nether region, I'm sure you can figure the rest out from here. And officers were under strict orders to not use more than one bullet per innocent victim. Like it or not this is S O C I A L I S M.
On the day of March 18 1938 Adolf Hitler, fascist leader in chief of the National German Worker's Socialist Party...or NAZI party, claimed that finally a civilized nation has set a precedent for the rest of the world to follow that precedent being Gun Control. Confiscation of all privately owned firearms beginning with registration of the gun owner's and then the guns in the possession of those owners...sound familiar. A country where "unarmed" people were dictated to by an "armed" madman somewhat similar to Jean Cretian and Alan Rock, both Trudeau protege. How anybody can devote themselves to this ideology is beyond me there is only one word to describe this mentality...SICK.
The Great Sage