We are designed to survive. Our creator, through an ongoing "value added" refining process...or evolution, has hard-wired us (his servants) with a complex, personal protection system; it's with us wherever we go. The entire function of this system depends upon an individuals perception of
a given set of circumstances at an immediate point of time.
When we feel threatened we instinctively respond or at least we should...put it this way...at one time it was normal and appropriate to act instinctively now it's illegal, bullyish and barbaric. Why? Because liberal influence dictates that we don't implement our instinct but rather call the government for help. OK, the police are minutes away but you have seconds to lose your life...makes sense...to a liberal. Fear has never been so prevalent as it is in today's society mainly because the human species is almost no longer capable of physically defending him/herself. Physical confrontation is frowned upon beginning in school, yet bullies have no problem acting barbaric. Kids get bullied and then they develop a complex and if they don't counter the issue of the bully (kick the shit out him/her) that complex becomes a stigma which, as we all know could lead to devastating results...I won't even elaborate from here.
Today's liberal, politically progressive system has all but destroyed the future of the "warrior male". Every living being experiences fear, it's how a being deals with that fear that will determine the survival/preservation of that being. Take for example the animal kingdom. Animals have an inherent response system that, if threatened will cause that animal to claw, swipe or chew it's way out of that threatening situation. Humans are no different except for the fact that in today's "educated" world we're slowly being programmed to disconnect from our "instinct to survive".
For one to be afraid one must first understand fear and the interpretation of life threatening situations. Fear is a "neural circuit" Fear stimuli is absorbed through our sensory organs...eyes, ears, nose which in turn feeds information to a part of the brain known as the "Thalamus". Time permitting that information is processed by the brain as a threatening image in our minds i.e. swinging axe lose head.....information is now routed to the "Cortex", that portion of the brain responsible for delegating actions. This allows the "most developed" part of the brain to remain engaged and rational thought will prevail, thankfully...thus the term "the high road". A secondary instinct or neuro-pathway also exists. In a threatening spontaneous scenario, if the brain detects a sense of urgency the threat is immediately forwarded to a portion of the brain known as the "Amygdala"which then sends a signal to the body's reflex system resulting in the muscles to respond and engage...this is referred to as the "startle/flinch" response, or, "the low road". FYI "the high road and the Low Road" are also moral expressions. The "Low Road" over rides cognitive control only in surprise situations. This reflex sacrifices detail and accuracy for the sake of the fastest possible reaction time. An immediate threat requires immediate action, if a bully wants to fight the die is cast and there's no way out of it...a shit kicking will be the first order of the day but the humility and stigma that emanates from the inability to deal with a fearful situation such as a shit kicking are there for a very long time unless the instinct to survive is applied in an overwhelmingly aggressive manner. Every living species in the animal kingdom is eternally vigilant and willing to die to survive. Animals are wary of everything, they trust nothing...everything is considered a threat until proven otherwise. According to acclaimed scholars "one is better to mistake a stick for a snake than a snake for a stick.
When the brain detects a threat there is a total chemical transaction that takes place. We fill with adrenaline and cortisol, our vision narrows in order to reduce distraction and intensifies to scan our environment for potential threat. Sex drive and digestion are temporarily shut off and blood is diverted from our extremities and transferred to the larger muscle groups to allow for the ultimate decision...fight or flight.
In the United States of America carrying a concealed sidearm is a privilege but beyond that it's even mandated in some areas. In fact, in the mid 80's the Miami Florida police mandated that citizens arm themselves (pack heat) for protection against dangerous Cuban migrants who were car jacking innocent people at gun point.
In contrast, thanks to three decades of politically correct liberalism, Canadians don't have the constitutional right or RITE to defend life or property as freely as we should. For the most part in this country good citizens must first become victims before they can legally defend themselves or their property because bleeding heart pacifists don't like the violent approach to violence. Using the grade school scenario again some poor kid gets a daily dose of bullying because fighting to protect one's self is not permitted. Fighting is barbaric and is unbecoming of a civilized culture therefore liberal society programs it's people to be weak and unable from the time kids start school, this is where instilled weakness is learned. Kids are taught that maybe all the bully needs is a hug and a little understanding...or...maybe all the bully needs is his/her extortion money first thing in the morning and everything will be fine without the violent, primitive approach such as our cave dwelling ancestor's . Liberals are under the impression that if violence is countered with violence it will send the wrong message to a young mind full of mush. Kicking the shit out of a bully leads to the future development of violent tendencies. According to liberal social experts we as an advanced culture are supposed to "progress", not regress back into the barbaric warlike culture of our ancestors, the culture that Conservatives would prefer. (ya right)
We assume that our ancestor's were violent primitive cave dwellers but the reality of human nature is that the majority of humans do not crave to harm their own kind. Historical evidence of our species proves that barbarism has been misinterpreted through our own assumptions and prejudice, the ugly reality here is the progressive leftists have designed a system of modern conditioning and behavioral modification to erode and undo our inherent means of preservation.
That system is MASS MEDIA. A left wing socialist-communist dictatorship propagates through MASS MEDIA...and the rewards are fruitful for both entities. While our culture slowly regresses into a useless flock left wing lunacy thrives and total control over the masses becomes inevitable. Soon that culture finds that now they are the weak little kid being bullied...they are dealing with another culture that harbors a war based ideology but because their instincts have been eroded by their do-good approach to social development they're too fucking stupid and mentally ill equipped to counter a culture that considers war as an "antidote" for social ills, a sick twisted culture that even considers war to be an ecological balance through "population control".
Humanity is forged in an unforgiving landscape of adversity and there's no denying it so why preach otherwise? The West won two Great Wars, three including Korea which was probably just as critical, maybe even more critical as WWI and II. The West held off the infestation of communism through out the free world in fact we drove the Russian empire into bankruptcy during the Cold War...but...not bankrupt enough. 35 years ago it was said that the Canadian soldier was the toughest in hand to hand combat and the most competent at long range shooting. Look at where we are now. Anti gun freaks, your typical left wing lunatics, don't even want kids to stand up to bullies instead their remedy is to RUN to the nearest house and seek help (the house of a diddler possibly)instead of defending his or her pride and honour by standing ground and deliver a shit kicking...at least try to deliver a shit kicking.
Liberalism weakens society to the point where pride no longer exists and cowardice now governs because the "Instinct to Survive" is dead.
The Great Sage