I've read some of the letters both advocating and denouncing the "bear episode" in the P-Patch here in Sault Ste. Marie Canada, and, from someone who is somewhat of an "expert" with wild black bears, I'm expectantly dismayed with the mentality and the LACK of "the instinct to survive". Man's ability to live and cope with nature is now at a fragile point in his existence...rather than work this situation out (on an individual basis) many people needed the GOVERNMENT to solve a simple problem. Now before everybody flies off the handle with pre-conceived condemnation for lack of abilities allow Me to finish. Why was the bear in the neighborhood? Was garbage left out? Bird feeders? Apple or wild berry trees? These animals are only following the food and 95% of the time these bears are eating greens and coloured fruit with fish and meat as a last resort. Humans are not on the menu at all. Was it human encroachment or "GREEN ENERGY PROJECT's" that dislocated them? Was the bear driven from his natural habitat by another bear who was protecting territory...because maybe the bear population has exploded with the cancellation of the Spring hunt? One gentleman informs us of the numerous encounters (7) that had him fearing for his safety. If that bear was any threat chummy he wouldn't need to attack you 7times.
Somebody had made a comment in reference to "body bag", first let me say that there are more "self inflicted" tragedy's/incidents in this town than there are bear attacks. Elderly ladies as young as 82years pushing walkers on Gore St. have been mugged for their purses by useless, trash punks but never a bear. For many, the younger years consisted of growing up on the out skirts of town and this meant walking over a mile to school from Kindergarten to grade 4 (Green Wood Public School) and bears, wolves, lynx and fox would cross our paths every day usually during the morning walk. Our parents weren't concerned about it so neither were we...my brother and sister and kids from other families just looked out for each other. The guys would arm with big sticks and stones and the girls walked behind us. In all of those years as a kid we've never been attacked by anything. What has changed today? I'll tell you what has changed...People have been programmed by liberal progressives for the last 40years. They've never been so dependant on "big-government". What's really pathetic is the fact that much of the humanspecies has lost it's instinct to survive. Left wing society has a mandate to feminize it's men because a patriotic character trait is barbaric and socially regressive. This bear went down because limited small minded people lacked the instinct to deal with nature. Emotions and exagerated rhetoric put an end to the spring bear hunt causing the population to explode and led to the migration of the overspill...right into populated areas. Logical remedy, re-instate the spring bear hunt and cut the population; Left Wing remedy, gun control.
If you don't want a spring bear hunt keep your filthy garbage locked in the garage or house especially garbage with diapers, number one target for bears is garbage with diapers. If you have apple or berry trees in the yard clean them up after they've ripened; if you have an apple or berry tree a couple hundred feet from your property then don't worry about it because the bear will stay right there. If apple or blueberry or strawberry rhubarb pies are leftoutside to cool after coming out of the oven then I guarantee the bear will sniff it out...but he's of no danger. You can pull food from a bear and he won't do a thing but look at you but try doing that with a canine or wild cat. Black bears hate leaf rakes, my bears have yet to explain to me as to why this is. I think the rake, not the handle, looks like a big paw. I have one bear that loves back scratches with the stone rake but once the leaf rake comes out he bails into the safety of his bush patch and waits for me to put that rake away. To keep the bears (11 of them) in line I'll chase them with the rake, "INSTINCT" informs me that as a human I must maintain that deterring factor. Cohabitating with animals especially of this strength requires only that one possess the ability to be smarter than the animal...or at least temporarily out smart the animal. Don't watch an animal feed in your back yard for 6months and then call the government to shoot it because you were unable to out smart it.
I am not an "animal rights nutbar activist" or Sergent of Arms for the humane society I'm jsut a guy who has lived with wild animals all his life. I raised a MOUNTAIN LION for a good period of time giving me the bragging "rites" to be one of the very few White Hetro, Christian MEN that has ever wrestled a mountain lion. I have spent my entire life with bears. My first close encounter was at age twelve...that bear was so vicious that it totally devoured 2loaves of bread smeared with honey right out of my hands, I thought that was the end of me and then as the bear turned to leave it crapped on the lawn...I was praying by then I was so petrified. I thought of the "body bags" that I saw at a shock film in school days before where the cops came in and gave a presentation re. the danger's of alcohol mixed with automobiles....and marriages. The killing of anything or anyone must be morally justified and the killing of that bear was not .
Man's natural instinct's have eroded to the point where he is now incapable of looking after himself thus being completely dependant upon big government...and...dumber than a fruit fly.
I have shared my days and seasons, right into the middle of December, with bears. Some with 2 or 3 cubs and even one with 4cubs. I've had baby cubs left with me while the sow would go to another area to feed and the cubs would hold my legs while I would pull them around; conventional thinking has many believing that a mother with cubs is dangerous. I even had a huge blind male(boar) that was as simple and docile as a stuffed potato sack. I had an even larger sow, (female) at least 700lbs, that couldn't wander more than 50ft at a time without huffing and hyperventilating and in fact, strangely, this old bruin even had a younger bear at it's side presumably for care giving assistance...which was interesting to watch on a daily basis. The bears were quite comfortable around adults but they didn't like the agitating company of kids. Kids were rough on the bears to the point where they wouldn't come to feed unless the kids were behind me or not out at all.
Leave the animals alone and they won't bother you.
To all of those ignorantly preaching "green energy" are you aware of the land that is required to accommodate a "green energy" facility? Wind turbines and solar panel farms use up more fucking land than a co-generation plant...land that is already scarce....for animals.
The Great Sage apologizes for the length of this article but it was necessary in order to enlighten and educate the ignorant public.
The Great Sage